Save 0beqz/e69378b278e5c336afe0c7ae9b4ed86c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// original implementation is from https://github.com/pmndrs/drei | |
import { | |
DepthFormat, DepthTexture, LinearFilter, Matrix4, MeshStandardMaterial, | |
PerspectiveCamera, Plane, UnsignedShortType, Vector3, Vector4, WebGLRenderTarget | |
} from "three" | |
import * as POSTPROCESSING from "postprocessing"; | |
export default class MeshReflectorMaterial extends MeshStandardMaterial { | |
constructor(renderer, camera, scene, object, { | |
mixBlur = 0, | |
mixStrength = 1, | |
resolution = 256, | |
blur = [0, 0], | |
minDepthThreshold = 0.9, | |
maxDepthThreshold = 1, | |
depthScale = 0, | |
depthToBlurRatioBias = 0.25, | |
mirror = 0, | |
distortion = 1, | |
mixContrast = 1, | |
distortionMap, | |
reflectorOffset = 0, | |
bufferSamples = 8, | |
planeNormal = new Vector3(0, 0, 1) | |
} = {}) { | |
super(); | |
this.gl = renderer | |
this.camera = camera | |
this.scene = scene | |
this.parent = object | |
this.hasBlur = blur[0] + blur[1] > 0 | |
this.reflectorPlane = new Plane() | |
this.normal = new Vector3() | |
this.reflectorWorldPosition = new Vector3() | |
this.cameraWorldPosition = new Vector3() | |
this.rotationMatrix = new Matrix4() | |
this.lookAtPosition = new Vector3(0, -1, 0) | |
this.clipPlane = new Vector4() | |
this.view = new Vector3() | |
this.target = new Vector3() | |
this.q = new Vector4() | |
this.textureMatrix = new Matrix4() | |
this.virtualCamera = new PerspectiveCamera() | |
this.reflectorOffset = reflectorOffset; | |
this.planeNormal = planeNormal | |
this.setupBuffers(resolution, blur, bufferSamples); | |
this.reflectorProps = { | |
mirror, | |
textureMatrix: this.textureMatrix, | |
mixBlur, | |
tDiffuse: this.fbo1.texture, | |
tDepth: this.fbo1.depthTexture, | |
tDiffuseBlur: this.fbo2.texture, | |
hasBlur: this.hasBlur, | |
mixStrength, | |
minDepthThreshold, | |
maxDepthThreshold, | |
depthScale, | |
depthToBlurRatioBias, | |
distortion, | |
distortionMap, | |
mixContrast, | |
'defines-USE_BLUR': this.hasBlur ? '' : undefined, | |
'defines-USE_DEPTH': depthScale > 0 ? '' : undefined, | |
'defines-USE_DISTORTION': distortionMap ? '' : undefined, | |
} | |
} | |
setupBuffers(resolution, blur, bufferSamples) { | |
const parameters = { | |
minFilter: LinearFilter, | |
magFilter: LinearFilter, | |
encoding: this.gl.outputEncoding, | |
} | |
const fbo1 = new WebGLRenderTarget(resolution, resolution, parameters) | |
fbo1.depthBuffer = true | |
fbo1.depthTexture = new DepthTexture(resolution, resolution) | |
fbo1.depthTexture.format = DepthFormat | |
fbo1.depthTexture.type = UnsignedShortType | |
const fbo2 = new WebGLRenderTarget(resolution, resolution, parameters) | |
if (this.gl.capabilities.isWebGL2) { | |
fbo1.samples = bufferSamples | |
} | |
this.fbo1 = fbo1; | |
this.fbo2 = fbo2; | |
this.kawaseBlurPass = new POSTPROCESSING.KawaseBlurPass() | |
this.kawaseBlurPass.setSize(blur[0], blur[1]) | |
} | |
beforeRender() { | |
if (!this.parent) return | |
this.reflectorWorldPosition.setFromMatrixPosition(this.parent.matrixWorld) | |
this.cameraWorldPosition.setFromMatrixPosition(this.camera.matrixWorld) | |
this.rotationMatrix.extractRotation(this.parent.matrixWorld) | |
// was changed from this.normal.set(0, 0, 1) | |
this.normal.copy(this.planeNormal) | |
this.normal.applyMatrix4(this.rotationMatrix) | |
this.reflectorWorldPosition.addScaledVector(this.normal, this.reflectorOffset) | |
this.view.subVectors(this.reflectorWorldPosition, this.cameraWorldPosition) | |
// Avoid rendering when reflector is facing away | |
if (this.view.dot(this.normal) > 0) return | |
this.view.reflect(this.normal).negate() | |
this.view.add(this.reflectorWorldPosition) | |
this.rotationMatrix.extractRotation(this.camera.matrixWorld) | |
this.lookAtPosition.set(0, 0, -1) | |
this.lookAtPosition.applyMatrix4(this.rotationMatrix) | |
this.lookAtPosition.add(this.cameraWorldPosition) | |
this.target.subVectors(this.reflectorWorldPosition, this.lookAtPosition) | |
this.target.reflect(this.normal).negate() | |
this.target.add(this.reflectorWorldPosition) | |
this.virtualCamera.position.copy(this.view) | |
this.virtualCamera.up.set(0, 1, 0) | |
this.virtualCamera.up.applyMatrix4(this.rotationMatrix) | |
this.virtualCamera.up.reflect(this.normal) | |
this.virtualCamera.lookAt(this.target) | |
this.virtualCamera.far = this.camera.far // Used in WebGLBackground | |
this.virtualCamera.updateMatrixWorld() | |
this.virtualCamera.projectionMatrix.copy(this.camera.projectionMatrix) | |
// Update the texture matrix | |
this.textureMatrix.set(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) | |
this.textureMatrix.multiply(this.virtualCamera.projectionMatrix) | |
this.textureMatrix.multiply(this.virtualCamera.matrixWorldInverse) | |
this.textureMatrix.multiply(this.parent.matrixWorld) | |
// Now update projection matrix with new clip plane, implementing code from: http://www.terathon.com/code/oblique.html | |
// Paper explaining this technique: http://www.terathon.com/lengyel/Lengyel-Oblique.pdf | |
this.reflectorPlane.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint(this.normal, this.reflectorWorldPosition) | |
this.reflectorPlane.applyMatrix4(this.virtualCamera.matrixWorldInverse) | |
this.clipPlane.set(this.reflectorPlane.normal.x, this.reflectorPlane.normal.y, this.reflectorPlane.normal.z, this.reflectorPlane.constant) | |
const projectionMatrix = this.virtualCamera.projectionMatrix | |
this.q.x = (Math.sign(this.clipPlane.x) + projectionMatrix.elements[8]) / projectionMatrix.elements[0] | |
this.q.y = (Math.sign(this.clipPlane.y) + projectionMatrix.elements[9]) / projectionMatrix.elements[5] | |
this.q.z = -1.0 | |
this.q.w = (1.0 + projectionMatrix.elements[10]) / projectionMatrix.elements[14] | |
// Calculate the scaled plane vector | |
this.clipPlane.multiplyScalar(2.0 / this.clipPlane.dot(this.q)) | |
// Replacing the third row of the projection matrix | |
projectionMatrix.elements[2] = this.clipPlane.x | |
projectionMatrix.elements[6] = this.clipPlane.y | |
projectionMatrix.elements[10] = this.clipPlane.z + 1.0 | |
projectionMatrix.elements[14] = this.clipPlane.w | |
} | |
update() { | |
if (this.parent.material !== this) return; | |
this.parent.visible = false | |
const currentXrEnabled = this.gl.xr.enabled | |
const currentShadowAutoUpdate = this.gl.shadowMap.autoUpdate | |
this.beforeRender() | |
this.gl.xr.enabled = false | |
this.gl.shadowMap.autoUpdate = false | |
this.gl.setRenderTarget(this.fbo1) | |
this.gl.state.buffers.depth.setMask(true) | |
if (!this.gl.autoClear) this.gl.clear() | |
this.gl.render(this.scene, this.virtualCamera) | |
if (this.hasBlur) { | |
this.kawaseBlurPass.render(this.gl, this.fbo1, this.fbo2); | |
} | |
this.gl.xr.enabled = currentXrEnabled | |
this.gl.shadowMap.autoUpdate = currentShadowAutoUpdate | |
this.parent.visible = true | |
this.gl.setRenderTarget(null) | |
} | |
onBeforeCompile(shader, ...args) { | |
super.onBeforeCompile(shader, ...args); | |
if (this.defines === undefined) this.defines = {} | |
if (!this.defines.USE_UV) { | |
this.defines.USE_UV = '' | |
} | |
if (this.reflectorProps["defines-USE_BLUR"] !== undefined) this.defines.USE_BLUR = "" | |
if (this.reflectorProps["defines-USE_DEPTH"] !== undefined) this.defines.USE_DEPTH = "" | |
if (this.reflectorProps["defines-USE_DISTORTION"] !== undefined) this.defines.USE_DISTORTION = "" | |
let props = this.reflectorProps; | |
for (let prop in props) { | |
shader.uniforms[prop] = { | |
get value() { | |
return props[prop] | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
shader.vertexShader = ` | |
uniform mat4 textureMatrix; | |
varying vec4 my_vUv; | |
${shader.vertexShader}` | |
shader.vertexShader = shader.vertexShader.replace( | |
'#include <project_vertex>', | |
/* glsl */` | |
#include <project_vertex> | |
my_vUv = textureMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); | |
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); | |
` | |
) | |
shader.fragmentShader = /* glsl */` | |
uniform sampler2D tDiffuse; | |
uniform sampler2D tDiffuseBlur; | |
uniform sampler2D tDepth; | |
uniform sampler2D distortionMap; | |
uniform float distortion; | |
uniform float cameraNear; | |
uniform float cameraFar; | |
uniform bool hasBlur; | |
uniform float mixBlur; | |
uniform float mirror; | |
uniform float mixStrength; | |
uniform float minDepthThreshold; | |
uniform float maxDepthThreshold; | |
uniform float mixContrast; | |
uniform float depthScale; | |
uniform float depthToBlurRatioBias; | |
varying vec4 my_vUv; | |
${shader.fragmentShader}` | |
shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( | |
'#include <emissivemap_fragment>', | |
/* glsl */` | |
#include <emissivemap_fragment> | |
float distortionFactor = 0.0; | |
distortionFactor = texture2D(distortionMap, vUv).r * distortion; | |
#endif | |
vec4 new_vUv = my_vUv; | |
new_vUv.x += distortionFactor; | |
new_vUv.y += distortionFactor; | |
vec4 base = texture2DProj(tDiffuse, new_vUv); | |
vec4 blur = texture2DProj(tDiffuseBlur, new_vUv); | |
vec4 merge = base; | |
#ifdef USE_NORMALMAP | |
vec2 normal_uv = vec2(0.0); | |
vec4 normalColor = texture2D(normalMap, vUv); | |
vec3 my_normal = normalize( vec3( normalColor.r * 2.0 - 1.0, normalColor.b, normalColor.g * 2.0 - 1.0 ) ); | |
vec3 coord = new_vUv.xyz / new_vUv.w; | |
normal_uv = coord.xy + coord.z * my_normal.xz * 0.05 * normalScale; | |
vec4 base_normal = texture2D(tDiffuse, normal_uv); | |
vec4 blur_normal = texture2D(tDiffuseBlur, normal_uv); | |
merge = base_normal; | |
blur = blur_normal; | |
#endif | |
float depthFactor = 0.0001; | |
float blurFactor = 0.0; | |
#ifdef USE_DEPTH | |
vec4 depth = texture2DProj(tDepth, new_vUv); | |
depthFactor = smoothstep(minDepthThreshold, maxDepthThreshold, 1.0-(depth.r * depth.a)); | |
depthFactor *= depthScale; | |
depthFactor = max(0.0001, min(1.0, depthFactor)); | |
#ifdef USE_BLUR | |
blur = blur * min(1.0, depthFactor + depthToBlurRatioBias); | |
merge = merge * min(1.0, depthFactor + 0.5); | |
#else | |
merge = merge * depthFactor; | |
#endif | |
#endif | |
float reflectorRoughnessFactor = roughness; | |
vec4 reflectorTexelRoughness = texture2D( roughnessMap, vUv ); | |
reflectorRoughnessFactor *= reflectorTexelRoughness.g; | |
#endif | |
#ifdef USE_BLUR | |
blurFactor = min(1.0, mixBlur * reflectorRoughnessFactor); | |
merge = mix(merge, blur, blurFactor); | |
#endif | |
vec4 newMerge = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); | |
newMerge.r = (merge.r - 0.5) * mixContrast + 0.5; | |
newMerge.g = (merge.g - 0.5) * mixContrast + 0.5; | |
newMerge.b = (merge.b - 0.5) * mixContrast + 0.5; | |
diffuseColor.rgb = diffuseColor.rgb * ((1.0 - min(1.0, mirror)) + newMerge.rgb * mixStrength); | |
` | |
); | |
} | |
} |
Can you advise on which version of POSTPROCESSING you are using here?
I took your snippet and converted it into something which doesn't use import statements here:
The reflection generally works, but the blur does not, and produces the following error in the browser when blur is turned on:
[.WebGL-0x1dea00371c00] GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: Draw framebuffer is incomplete
I noticed it uses the KawaseBlurPass method from POSTPROCESSING. I tried a few different versions of this library, including the current main branch, v6.24.1, and v6.22.5. None of these work, and even v6.22.5 doesn't have KawaseBlurPass (must be a newish feature).
Do you know where I made a mistake.
It doesn't work on Three.js r168 now. It shows GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Depth/stencil buffer format combination not allowed for blit.
warning on browser console. Any update on it?
For the options see MeshReflectorMaterial's constructor.
You need to update the material to get updated reflections so call the update() function like this in the render loop: