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theevilbit /
Last active August 3, 2021 22:14
[StreamLabs OBS macOS TCC bypass]

StreamLabs OBS macOS TCC bypass

The Streamlabs macOS thick client does have hardened runtime enabled, but specifically allows DYLD environment variables and also disables library validation, which kills the purpose of hardened runtime. Having these settings on the executable enables an attacker to inject custom DYLIB libraries into the application. This would allow an attacker to access data inside the app, and possibly gain persistence on a machine, beyond that, as StreamLabs has access to the microphone and camera a user would gain access to that once exploited.

We can see the wrong permissions with running the codesign utility:

csaby@bigsur ~ % codesign -dv --entitlements :- /Applications/Streamlabs\ 
Executable=/Applications/Streamlabs OBS
Format=app bundle with Mach-O thin (x86_64)
terjanq / funny.php
Last active February 23, 2023 14:46
/* system(id) */
- Some of the characters might look like alphanumeric, but they are Unicode characters.
- 'ArrayΦ' <-> [].Φ
- 1 <-> ![]
- 'a' <-> ([].Φ)[![]+![]+![]]
gwen001 /
Last active April 24, 2024 07:25
onliner to extract endpoints from JS files of a given host
curl -L -k -s | tac | sed "s#\\\/#\/#g" | egrep -o "src['\"]?\s*[=:]\s*['\"]?[^'\"]+.js[^'\"> ]*" | awk -F '//' '{if(length($2))print "https://"$2}' | sort -fu | xargs -I '%' sh -c "curl -k -s \"%\" | sed \"s/[;}\)>]/\n/g\" | grep -Po \"(['\\\"](https?:)?[/]{1,2}[^'\\\"> ]{5,})|(\.(get|post|ajax|load)\s*\(\s*['\\\"](https?:)?[/]{1,2}[^'\\\"> ]{5,})\"" | awk -F "['\"]" '{print $2}' | sort -fu
# using linkfinder
function ejs() {
curl -Lks $URL | tac | sed "s#\\\/#\/#g" | egrep -o "src['\"]?\s*[=:]\s*['\"]?[^'\"]+.js[^'\"> ]*" | sed -r "s/^src['\"]?[=:]['\"]//g" | awk -v url=$URL '{if(length($1)) if($1 ~/^http/) print $1; else if($1 ~/^\/\//) print "https:"$1; else print url"/"$1}' | sort -fu | xargs -I '%' sh -c "echo \"\n##### %\";wget --no-check-certificate --quiet \"%\"; basename \"%\" | xargs -I \"#\" sh -c ' -o cli -i #'"
# with file download (the new best one):
# but there is a bug if you don't provide a root url
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
s1 := &FakeStruct1{}
s2 := &FakeStruct2{}
s3 := &FakeStruct3{}
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import namedtuple
import socket
import struct
usbip_user_op_common = namedtuple('usbip_user_op_common', 'version code status')
usbip_usb_device = namedtuple('usbip_usb_device', 'path busid busnum devnum speed idVendor idProduct bcdDevice bDeviceClass bDeviceSubClass bDeviceProtocol bConfigurationValue bNumConfigurations bNumInterfaces')
usbip_header_basic = namedtuple('usbip_header_basic', 'command seqnum devid direction ep')
akhil-reni / payload
Created July 26, 2019 13:23
Jenkins Metaprogramming RCE Create new user
telmotrooper /
Created July 25, 2018 21:01
Simple HTTPS Server in Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Ported to Python 3 by Telmo "Trooper" (
# Original code from:
# To generate a certificate use:
# openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes
schledererj /
Created February 19, 2018 19:09
Using boto3 and paginators to query an AWS Athena table and return the results as a list of tuples as specified by .fetchall in PEP 249
# Does NOT implement the PEP 249 spec, but the return type is suggested by the .fetchall function as specified here:
import time
import boto3
# query_string: a SQL-like query that Athena will execute
# client: an Athena client created with boto3
def fetchall_athena(query_string, client):
query_id = client.start_query_execution(