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3v1n0 / python.vapi
Created October 12, 2011 22:55
A simple test to use python code from Vala
[CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "Py_", cheader_filename = "Python.h")]
namespace Python
public void Initialize ();
public void Finalize ();
[CCode (lower_case_cprefix = "PyRun_")]
namespace Run
public void SimpleString (string @string);
DnaX /
Created March 9, 2012 12:13
CNS smart card PersonalData extractor (by PKCS#11 library)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Uses OpenSC pkcs11 generic library and pkcs11 python wrapper
# Print personal data from che italian CNS smart card (new health card)
from PyKCS11 import LowLevel
import sys
def getPersonalData(p11, slot):
endolith /
Created October 16, 2012 02:29
Export Google Maps starred locations
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Go to Google Bookmarks:
On the bottom left, click "Export bookmarks":
After downloading the html file, run this script on it to generate a KML.
dal /
Created December 31, 2012 01:38
Simple python script to remove unwanted discontinuities in gpx track files.
Split gpx tracks at discontinuities, that is, pairs of points in a track that
are further than a given distance threshold.
import collections
from lxml import etree
import math
import optparse
import re
KonradIT /
Last active March 15, 2023 15:15
Wifi hacking for HERO4 Black
KonradIT /
Last active March 8, 2016 23:34
GoPro HERO4 Black WIfi Hacking ep2

#GoPro HERO4 Black Wifi Hacking, ep 2

By Maelstrom Napalm, @odwdinc, Konrad Iturbe and fraannk (@ifraaannk)

###Status URL:

####Protune EV compensation: Value | URL

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Go to Google Bookmarks:
On the bottom left, click "Export bookmarks":
After downloading the html file, run this script on it to generate a KML.
Slight modification of regex to get lat/lng from web page from:

Trashing the Vodafone Station

How to replace the Vodafone Station with your very own router

Vodafone forces its customers to use their modem/router, the "Vodafone Station": using any other router is impossible because authentication is being done via a custom PPPoE setup.
In the PPPoE packet there is a field named Host-Uniq which is used to separate packets from different PPPoE sessions: Vodafone requires the Station serial number to be put in this field as authentication.

Hardware setup

A Linux router with root access is needed to replace the Station with. With an xDSL connection a modem with a custom firmware like OpenWrt has to be used, most likely one based on a Lantiq SoC.
For a FTTH internet connection then every machine with at least two gigabit ethernet interface and a decent CPU will do it.

willemolding / ImageConverter.js
Created October 8, 2017 05:19
PNG to TXI javascript image converter (from Fitbit Studio)
/* eslint no-bitwise: 0 */
import PNGReader from 'png.js';
import TZ1200RLE from './TZ1200RLE';
export function readPNG(imageBytes) {
const reader = new PNGReader(imageBytes);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reader.parse((err, data) => {