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Created January 28, 2016 22:36
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IoT Manager mqtt device client
Based on Basic MQTT example with Authentication
PubSubClient library v 1.91.1
- connects to an MQTT server, providing userdescr and password
- subscribes to the topic "/IoTmanager" (waiting "HELLO" messages from mobile device)
- publishes config to the topic "/IoTmanager/config/deviceID/"
Tested with Arduino IDE 1.6.7 + ESP8266 Community Edition v 2.1.0-rc2
PubSubClient library v 1.91.1
ArduinoJson library 5.0.7
sketch version : 1.0
IoT Manager : 1.4.7 and above
simple-btn widget demo, for details look at Widgets Guide on IoT Manager
<div class="class1" style="style1">
<div class="class2" style="style2">
<button class="class3" style="style3">
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
const char *ssid = "IoT"; // cannot be longer than 32 characters!
const char *pass = "12345678"; // WiFi password
String prefix = "/IoTmanager"; // global prefix for all topics - must be some as mobile device
String deviceID;
WiFiClient wclient;
// config for cloud mqtt broker by DNS hostname ( for example, use: - EU )
String mqttServerName = ""; // for cloud broker - by hostname, from CloudMQTT account data
int mqttport = 13191; // default 1883, but use other, for example: 13191, 23191 (SSL), 33191 (WebSockets) - use from CloudMQTT account data
String mqttuser = "test"; // from CloudMQTT account data
String mqttpass = "test"; // from CloudMQTT account data
PubSubClient client(wclient, mqttServerName, mqttport); // for cloud broker - by hostname
// config for local mqtt broker by IP address
//IPAddress server(192, 168, 1, 100); // for local broker - by address
//int mqttport = 9001; // default 1883, but WebSockets port needed
//String mqttuser = ""; // from broker config
//String mqttpass = ""; // from broker config
//PubSubClient client(wclient, server, mqttport); // for local broker - by address
int freeheap;
const int nWidgets = 3; // number of widgets
String sTopic [nWidgets];
String stat [nWidgets];
int pin [nWidgets];
String thing_config[nWidgets];
StaticJsonBuffer<1024> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& json_status = jsonBuffer.createObject();
void FreeHEAP() {
if ( ESP.getFreeHeap() < freeheap ) {
if ( ( freeheap != 100000) ) {
Serial.print("Memory leak detected! old free heap = ");
Serial.print(", new value = ");
freeheap = ESP.getFreeHeap();
String setStatus ( String s ) {
json_status["status"] = s;
String string_status;
return string_status;
String setStatus ( int s ) {
json_status["status"] = s;
String string_status;
return string_status;
void initVar() {
deviceID = String( ESP.getChipId() ) + "-" + String( ESP.getFlashChipId() ); // IoT thing device ID - unique device id in our project
// widget0
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
sTopic[0] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/button_on";
root["id"] = 0;
root["page"] = "buttons";
root["widget"] = "simple-btn";
root["class1"] = "item no-border"; // class for 1st div
root["style1"] = ""; // style for 1st div
root["descr"] = "Button ON"; // text for description
root["class2"] = "balanced"; // class for description from Widgets Guide - Color classes
root["style2"] = "font-size:20px;float:left;padding-top:10px;font-weight:bold;"; // style for description
root["topic"] = sTopic[0];
root["class3"] = "button button-balanced icon ion-power"; // class for button
root["style3"] = "float:right;"; // style for button
// widget1
JsonObject& root1 = jsonBuffer.createObject();
sTopic[1] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/button_off";
root1["id"] = 1;
root1["page"] = "buttons";
root1["widget"] = "simple-btn";
root1["class1"] = "item no-border"; // class for 1st div
root1["style1"] = ""; // style for 1st div
root1["descr"] = "Button OFF"; // text for description
root1["class2"] = "assertive"; // class for description from Widgets Guide - Color classes
root1["style2"] = "font-size:20px;float:left;padding-top:10px;font-weight:bold;"; // style for description
root1["topic"] = sTopic[1];
root1["class3"] = "button button-assertive icon ion-power"; // class for button
root1["style3"] = "float:right;"; // style for button
// widget2
JsonObject& root2 = jsonBuffer.createObject();
pin [2] = 2; // GPIO2 - LED attached
sTopic[2] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/toggle";
stat [2] = setStatus (1); // LED off at startup
root2["id"] = 2;
root2["page"] = "buttons";
root2["descr"] = "Toggle"; // text for description
root2["widget"] = "toggle";
root2["color"] = "green"; // black, blue, green, orange, red, white, yellow (off - grey)
root2["topic"] = sTopic[2];
pinMode(pin[2], OUTPUT); // GPIO2 - LEN on ESP
void pubStatus(String t, String payload) {
if (client.publish(t + "/status", payload)) {
Serial.println("Publish new status to " + t + "/status" + ", value: " + payload);
} else {
Serial.println("Publish new status to " + t + "/status" + " FAIL!");
FreeHEAP(); // check memory leak
void pubConfig() {
bool success;
for (int i = 0; i < nWidgets; i = i + 1) {
success = client.publish(MQTT::Publish(prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/config", thing_config[i]).set_qos(1));
if (success) {
Serial.println("Publish config: Success (" + thing_config[i] + ")");
} else {
Serial.println("Publish config FAIL! (" + thing_config[i] + ")");
pubStatus(sTopic[2], stat[2]); // LED off at startup
void callback(const MQTT::Publish& sub) {
Serial.print("Get data from subscribed topic ");
Serial.print(" => ");
if ( sub.payload_string() == "HELLO" ) { // handshaking
if (sub.topic() == sTopic[0] + "/control") { // control from toggle - widget id 0 - ON
// payload from button always 1, change status only for widget toggle - id 2
stat[2] = setStatus(1); // 1-on 2-off LED on phone
digitalWrite(pin[2],0); // 0-on 1-off LED on device
pubStatus(sTopic[2], stat[2]);
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[1] + "/control") { // control from simple-btn - widget id 1 - OFF
// payload from button always 1, change status only for widget toggle - id 2
stat[2] = setStatus(0); // 1-on 2-off LED on phone
digitalWrite(pin[2],1); // 0-on 1-off LED on device
pubStatus(sTopic[2], stat[2]);
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[2] + "/control") { // control from simple-btn - widget id 2 - ON
// payload from button always 1, change status only for widget toggle - id 2
if (sub.payload_string() == "0") {
stat[2] = setStatus(0);
} else {
stat[2] = setStatus(1);
pubStatus(sTopic[2], stat[2]);
void setup() {
Serial.println("MQTT client started.");
freeheap = 100000;
void loop() {
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connecting via WiFi to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connect: Success");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
if (!client.connected()) {
Serial.println("Connecting to MQTT server ...");
bool success;
if (mqttuser.length() > 0) {
success = client.connect( MQTT::Connect( deviceID ).set_auth(mqttuser, mqttpass) );
} else {
success = client.connect( deviceID );
if (success) {
Serial.println("Connect to MQTT server: Success");
client.subscribe(prefix); // for receiving HELLO messages and handshaking
client.subscribe(prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/+/control"); // subscribe to all "control" messages for all widgets of this device
} else {
Serial.println("Connect to MQTT server: FAIL");
if (client.connected()) {
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cannot compile in any way
PubSubClient.h seems to have completely different functions parameters...

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IgrekAVR commented Jul 6, 2016

:O ... Compiled the first time !! :)
Arduino IDE 1.6.5 .
PubSubClient (lib) 2.4.0
esp8266WiFi (lib) 1.0.0

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I am getting this kind of error

no matching function for call to 'PubSubClient::PubSubClient(WiFiClient&, String&, int&)'

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My Dear

What Android APP Removed from googleplay store?

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