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Last active July 21, 2020 13:00
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Save 4refr0nt/7d0ac08a5e530957b311 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IoT Manager - Second device firmare ESP8266 Arduino IDE, see and
IoT Manager mqtt device client
Based on Basic MQTT example with Authentication
PubSubClient library v 1.91.1
- connects to an MQTT server, providing userdescr and password
- publishes config to the topic "/IoTmanager/config/deviceID/"
- subscribes to the topic "/IoTmanager/hello" ("hello" messages from mobile device)
Tested with Arduino IDE 1.6.6 + ESP8266 Community Edition v 2.0.0-stable and PubSubClient library v 1.91.1
ESP8266 Community Edition v 2.0.0-stable have some HTTPS issues. Push notification temporary disabled.
sketch version : 1.5
IoT Manager : any version
toggle, range, small-badge and power-button widgets demo
// Attention for ESP-01 users!
// at line 167 change value 15 (GPIO15) to another.
// (on ESP-01 GPIO15 pin connected directly to GND and "red" PWM out may overload GPIO15 line). Repoted by grigorygn
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
const char *ssid = "IoT"; // cannot be longer than 32 characters!
const char *pass = "12345678"; // WiFi password
String prefix = "/IoTmanager"; // global prefix for all topics - must be some as mobile device
String deviceID = "dev02-bedroom"; // thing ID - unique device id in our project
WiFiClient wclient;
// config for cloud mqtt broker by DNS hostname ( for example, use: - EU, - USA )
String mqttServerName = ""; // for cloud broker - by hostname, from CloudMQTT account data
int mqttport = 10927; // default 1883, but use other, for example: 13191, 23191 (SSL), 33191 (WebSockets) - use from CloudMQTT account data
String mqttuser = "test"; // from CloudMQTT account data
String mqttpass = "test"; // from CloudMQTT account data
PubSubClient client(wclient, mqttServerName, mqttport); // for cloud broker - by hostname
// config for local mqtt broker by IP address
//IPAddress server(192, 168, 1, 100); // for local broker - by address
//int mqttport = 1883; // default 1883
//String mqttuser = ""; // from broker config
//String mqttpass = ""; // from broker config
//PubSubClient client(wclient, server, mqttport); // for local broker - by address
String val;
String ids = "";
int oldtime, newtime, pushtime;
int newValue;
const String stat1 = "{\"status\":\"1\"}";
const String stat0 = "{\"status\":\"0\"}";
const int nWidgets = 8;
String stat [nWidgets];
String sTopic [nWidgets];
String color [nWidgets];
String style [nWidgets];
String badge [nWidgets];
String widget [nWidgets];
String descr [nWidgets];
String page [nWidgets];
String thing_config[nWidgets];
String id [nWidgets];
int pin [nWidgets];
int defaultVal [nWidgets];
bool inverted [nWidgets];
// Push notifications
const char* host = "";
WiFiClientSecure httpClient;
const int httpsPort = 443;
String url = "/api/v1/notifications";
void push(String msg) {
Serial.println("PUSH: try to send push notification...");
if (ids.length() == 0) {
Serial.println("PUSH: ids not received, push failed");
if (!httpClient.connect(host, httpsPort)) {
Serial.println("PUSH: connection failed");
String data = "{\"app_id\": \"8871958c-5f52-11e5-8f7a-c36f5770ade9\",\"include_player_ids\":[\"" + ids + "\"],\"android_group\":\"IoT Manager\",\"contents\": {\"en\": \"" + msg + "\"}}";
httpClient.println("POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1");
httpClient.println("User-Agent: esp8266.Arduino.IoTmanager");
httpClient.print("Content-Length: ");
httpClient.println("Content-Type: application/json");
httpClient.println("Connection: close");
Serial.println("PUSH: done.");
String setStatus ( String s ) {
String stat = "{\"status\":\"" + s + "\"}";
return stat;
String setStatus ( int s ) {
String stat = "{\"status\":\"" + String(s) + "\"}";
return stat;
void initVar() {
id [0] = "0";
page [0] = "Bedroom";
descr [0] = "Bedroom light-0";
widget[0] = "toggle";
pin[0] = 4; // GPIO4 - toggle
defaultVal[0] = 1; // defaultVal status
inverted[0] = true;
sTopic[0] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/light0";
color[0] = "\"color\":\"red\""; // black, blue, green, orange, red, white, yellow (off - grey)
id [1] = "1";
page [1] = "Bedroom";
descr [1] = "Bedroom light-1";
widget[1] = "toggle";
pin[1] = 5; // GPIO5 - toggle
defaultVal[1] = 1; // defaultVal status
inverted[1] = true;
sTopic[1] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/light1";
color [1] = "\"color\":\"white\""; // black, blue, green, orange, red, white, yellow (off - grey)
id [2] = "2";
page [2] = "Bedroom";
descr [2] = "Bedroom light-2";
widget[2] = "toggle";
pin[2] = 0; // GPIO0 - toggle
defaultVal[2] = 1; // defaultVal status
inverted[1] = true;
sTopic[2] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/light2";
color [2] = "\"color\":\"yellow\""; // black, blue, green, orange, red, white, yellow (off - grey)
id [3] = "3";
page [3] = "Bedroom";
descr [3] = "ADC";
widget[3] = "small-badge";
pin [3] = A0; // ADC
sTopic[3] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/ADC";
badge [3] = "\"badge\":\"badge-calm\""; // see
style [3] = "\"style\":\"font-size:150%;\"";
id [4] = "4";
page [4] = "Bedroom";
descr [4] = "KEY";
widget[4] = "power-button";
pin [4] = 2; // GPIO2
inverted[4] = true;
sTopic[4] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/light4";
style [4] = "\"style\":\"font-size:150%;\"";
// RED
id [5] = "5";
page [5] = "Bedroom";
descr [5] = "Bedroom RED";
widget[5] = "range";
// ATTENTION! if you use ESP-01 module, then not use GPIO15
pin [5] = 15; // GPIO15 - range
defaultVal[5] = 0; // defaultVal 0%, not inverted
sTopic[5] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/red";
style[5] = "\"style\":\"range-assertive\""; // see
badge[5] = "\"badge\":\"badge-assertive\""; // see
id [6] = "6";
page [6] = "Bedroom";
descr [6] = "Bedroom GREEN";
widget[6] = "range";
pin[6] = 12; // GPIO12 - range
defaultVal[6] = 0; // defaultVal 0%
sTopic[6] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/green";
style[6] = "\"style\":\"range-balanced\""; // see
badge[6] = "\"badge\":\"badge-balanced\""; // see
id [7] = "7";
page [7] = "Bedroom";
descr [7] = "Bedroom BLUE";
widget[7] = "range";
pin[7] = 13; // GPIO13 - range
defaultVal[7] = 0; // defaultVal status 0%
sTopic[7] = prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/blue";
style[7] = "\"style\":\"range-calm\""; // see
badge[7] = "\"badge\":\"badge-calm\""; // see
for (int i = 0; i < nWidgets; i++) {
if (inverted[i]) {
if (defaultVal[i]>0) {
stat[i] = setStatus(0);
} else {
stat[i] = setStatus(1);
} else {
stat[i] = setStatus(defaultVal[i]);
thing_config[0] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[0] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[0]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[0] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[0] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[0] + "\"," + color[0] + "}"; // GPIO switched On/Off by mobile widget toggle
thing_config[1] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[1] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[1]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[1] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[1] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[1] + "\"," + color[1] + "}"; // GPIO switched On/Off by mobile widget toggle
thing_config[2] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[2] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[2]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[2] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[2] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[2] + "\"," + color[2] + "}"; // GPIO switched On/Off by mobile widget toggle
thing_config[3] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[3] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[3]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[3] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[3] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[3] + "\"," + badge[3] + "," + style[3] + "}"; // ADC
thing_config[4] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[4] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[4]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[4] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[4] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[4] + "\"," + style[4] + "}";
thing_config[5] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[5] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[5]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[5] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[5] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[5] + "\"," + style[5] + ","+ badge[5] + "}"; // GPIO15 R
thing_config[6] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[6] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[6]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[6] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[6] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[6] + "\"," + style[6] + ","+ badge[6] + "}"; // GPIO12 G
thing_config[7] = "{\"id\":\"" + id[7] + "\",\"page\":\"" + page[7]+"\",\"descr\":\"" + descr[7] + "\",\"widget\":\"" + widget[7] + "\",\"topic\":\"" + sTopic[7] + "\"," + style[7] + ","+ badge[7] + "}"; // GPIO13 B
// send confirmation
void pubStatus(String t, String payload) {
if (client.publish(t + "/status", payload)) {
Serial.println("Publish new status for " + t + ", value: " + payload);
} else {
Serial.println("Publish new status for " + t + " FAIL!");
void pubConfig() {
bool success;
success = client.publish(MQTT::Publish(prefix, deviceID).set_qos(1));
if (success) {
for (int i = 0; i < nWidgets; i = i + 1) {
success = client.publish(MQTT::Publish(prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/config", thing_config[i]).set_qos(1));
if (success) {
Serial.println("Publish config: Success (" + thing_config[i] + ")");
} else {
Serial.println("Publish config FAIL! (" + thing_config[i] + ")");
if (success) {
Serial.println("Publish config: Success");
} else {
Serial.println("Publish config: FAIL");
for (int i = 0; i < nWidgets; i = i + 1) {
pubStatus(sTopic[i], stat[i]);
void callback(const MQTT::Publish& sub) {
Serial.print("Get data from subscribed topic ");
Serial.print(" => ");
if (sub.topic() == sTopic[0] + "/control") {
if (sub.payload_string() == "0") {
newValue = 1; // inverted
stat[0] = stat0;
} else {
newValue = 0;
stat[0] = stat1;
pubStatus(sTopic[0], stat[0]);
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[1] + "/control") {
if (sub.payload_string() == "0") {
newValue = 1; // inverted
stat[1] = stat0;
} else {
newValue = 0; // inverted
stat[1] = stat1;
pubStatus(sTopic[1], stat[1]);
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[2] + "/control") {
if (sub.payload_string() == "0") {
newValue = 1; // inverted
stat[2] = stat0;
} else {
newValue = 0; // inverted
stat[2] = stat1;
pubStatus(sTopic[2], stat[2]);
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[3] + "/control") {
// ADC : nothing, display only
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[4] + "/control") {
// nothing, display only
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[5] + "/control") {
String x = sub.payload_string();
stat[5] = setStatus(x);
pubStatus(sTopic[5], stat[5]);
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[6] + "/control") {
String x = sub.payload_string();
stat[6] = setStatus(x);
pubStatus(sTopic[6], stat[6]);
} else if (sub.topic() == sTopic[7] + "/control") {
String x = sub.payload_string();
stat[7] = setStatus(x);
pubStatus(sTopic[7], stat[7]);
} else if (sub.topic() == prefix + "/ids") {
ids = sub.payload_string();
} else if (sub.topic() == prefix) {
if (sub.payload_string() == "HELLO") {
void setup() {
pinMode(pin[0], OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin[1], OUTPUT);
pinMode(pin[2], OUTPUT);
stat[3] = setStatus(analogRead(pin[3]));
pinMode(pin[4], INPUT);
stat[4] = setStatus(digitalRead(pin[4]));
pinMode(pin[5], OUTPUT);
analogWrite(pin[5],defaultVal[5]); // PWM
pinMode(pin[6], OUTPUT);
analogWrite(pin[6],defaultVal[6]); // PWM
pinMode(pin[7], OUTPUT);
analogWrite(pin[7],defaultVal[7]); // PWM
// Setup console
Serial.println("MQTT client started.");
Serial.print("Free heap = ");
void loop() {
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connecting via WiFi to ");
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connect: Success");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
if (!client.connected()) {
Serial.println("Connecting to MQTT server ...");
bool success;
if (mqttuser.length() > 0) {
success = client.connect( MQTT::Connect( deviceID ).set_auth(mqttuser, mqttpass) );
} else {
success = client.connect( deviceID );
if (success) {
Serial.println("Connect to MQTT server: Success");
client.subscribe(prefix); // for receiving HELLO messages
client.subscribe(prefix + "/ids"); // for receiving IDS messages
client.subscribe(sTopic[0] + "/control"); // for receiving GPIO messages
client.subscribe(sTopic[1] + "/control"); // for receiving GPIO messages
client.subscribe(sTopic[2] + "/control"); // for receiving GPIO messages
// 3 - display only, no control
client.subscribe(sTopic[4] + "/control"); // for receiving GPIO messages
client.subscribe(sTopic[5] + "/control"); // for receiving GPIO messages
client.subscribe(sTopic[6] + "/control"); // for receiving GPIO messages
client.subscribe(sTopic[7] + "/control"); // for receiving GPIO messages
Serial.println("Subscribe: Success");
} else {
Serial.println("Connect to MQTT server: FAIL");
if (client.connected()) {
newtime = millis();
if (newtime - oldtime > 10000) { // 10 sec
int x = analogRead(pin[3]);
val = "{\"status\":\"" + String(x)+ "\"}";
client.publish(sTopic[3] + "/status", val ); // widget 3
oldtime = newtime;
if ((millis()-pushtime > 10000) && (x > 100)) {
String msg = "Bedroom ADC more then 100! (" + String(x) + ")";
// ESP8266 Community Edition v 2.0.0-stable have some HTTPS issues. Push notification temporary disables. Please, uncomment next line if you use future versions.
// push(msg);
pushtime = millis();
int key;
key = digitalRead(pin[4]);
if ( stat[4] != setStatus(key) ) {
stat[4] = setStatus(key);
pubStatus(sTopic[4], stat[4] ); // widget 4
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rustamfi commented Jan 8, 2017

Hi! I can fix this erorr, can you give an advice what to do with it?


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How can i subscribe the LED status(which is connected to one of the pins of NodeMCU) to a toggle button of IoT Manager app.
[i.e., how can the toggle button of the IoT Manager be controlled by the input to one of the pins of NodeMCU].

void callback(const MQTT::Subscribe& sub) can I use this function????

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I'm getting the same error
Please help

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use other library for ESP - ! its work!

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Thank You Sir,
But I'm still getting error, Am I missing any libraries??
Please help!!
I want to use your app to enable my home automation.
Thanks once again in advance.

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