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Created January 28, 2016 22:54
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Save 4refr0nt/ab98ce649d1721b4eb49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Demo device emulator for "simple-btn" widget
// IoT Manager
// version : 1.0
// IoT Manager : 1.4.7 and above
// User defined section
var host = '';
var port = 10927;
var user = "test";
var pass = "test";
var mqtt = require('mqtt');
var opt = {
host : host,
port : port,
username : user,
password : pass,
clientId : 'mqttjs_' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8),
protocolId : 'MQTT',
connectTimeout: 3000
var deviceID = "uniqueId-0002";
var prefix = "/IoTmanager";
var config = [];
var widget = "simple-btn";
var id = "0"
config[0] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "item no-border no-padding-bottom",
descr : "Fab button with any colors",
class2 : "balanced padding-top",
style2 : "float:left;font-size:16px;",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-fab icon ion-bug",
style3 : "float:right;",
widgetConfig : {
fill : "#724200", // You can use any HTML colors
fillPressed : "#004333",
label : "#4990E2",
labelPressed : "#FF0000"
id = "1"
config[1] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "item no-border no-padding-bottom",
descr : "Another fab button",
class2 : "assertive padding-top",
style2 : "float:left;font-weight:bold;",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-assertive button-fab icon ion-heart",
style3 : "float:right;"
id = "2"
config[2] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "col-xs-2 text-center",
descr : "Left",
class2 : "calm",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-calm button-fab icon ion-arrow-left-a"
id = "3"
config[3] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "col-xs-3 text-center",
descr : "Right",
class2 : "calm",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-calm button-fab icon ion-arrow-right-a"
id = "4"
config[4] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "col-xs-3 text-center",
descr : "Up",
class2 : "balanced",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-balanced button-fab icon ion-arrow-up-c"
id = "5"
config[5] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "text-center padding-right",
style1 : "float:right;",
descr : "Down",
class2 : "balanced",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-balanced button-fab icon ion-arrow-down-c"
id = "6"
config[6] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "text-center padding-left padding-right",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-energized button-block icon-left ion-arrow-shrink",
style3 : "",
widgetConfig : {
title : "button-block"
id = "7"
config[7] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "col-xs-3",
style1 : "",
descr : "",
class2 : "",
style2 : "",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-royal button-small",
style3 : "",
widgetConfig : {
title : "small"
id = "8"
config[8] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "col-xs-3 col-xs-offset-1",
style1 : "",
descr : "",
class2 : "",
style2 : "",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-positive",
style3 : "",
widgetConfig : {
title : "button"
id = "9"
config[9] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "col-xs-3 col-xs-offset-1",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-large button-balanced",
style3 : "",
widgetConfig : {
title : "large"
id = "10"
config[10] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "padding-left",
style1 : "float:left;",
descr : "",
class2 : "",
style2 : "",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-calm button-outline",
style3 : "",
widgetConfig : {
title : "outline"
id = "11"
config[11] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
style1 : "float:right;",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-light button-clear icon-right ion-toggle",
style3 : "",
widgetConfig : {
title : "clear"
id = "12"
config[12] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "item no-border padding-top",
descr : "Try long-touch",
class2 : "energized padding-top",
style2 : "float:left;font-size:20px;",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-energized icon ion-alert-circled",
style3 : "float:right;",
widgetConfig : {
delay : 200
id = "13"
config[13] = {
id : id,
page : "buttons",
pageId : 1,
widget : widget,
class1 : "text-center",
topic : prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/" + widget + id,
class3 : "button button-calm button-block icon-right ion-earth",
style3 : "",
widgetConfig : {
title : "Send custom data",
data : "any usefull data"
var client = mqtt.connect(opt);
client.on('connect', function () {
console.log('Broker connected');
client.subscribe(prefix, { qos : 1 }); // only HELLO expected
client.on('error', function () {
client.on('offline', function () {
client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
if (topic.toString() === prefix && message.toString() == "HELLO" ){
console.log('HELLO detected');
} else {
console.log("msg: " + topic.toString() + " => " + message.toString());
function pubConfig() {
client.publish( prefix, deviceID );
config.forEach(function(item, i, arr) {
client.publish(prefix + "/" + deviceID + "/config", JSON.stringify(item),{ qos : 1 });
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