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Last active April 30, 2019 19:20
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  • Save 4sskick/cebdcd6a6209f90a3dd7c1f1163efee1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This gonna be usefull when U have some pattern actvities to done continously wo/ doing it manually
1. Problem: need to execute `arp -d` continously, the command to delete host on arp table to reset it to first time connect to wifi or other connection gateway. This could even be prevent the user in same connection's gateway which use `internet cut` software (might be myth). Every time the command execute, your computer delete the inet_addr that already chaced to your computer then re-request to gateway point to give you new chace. This usually used when your computer have problem to connect to internet, so your computer need to refresh the chace inet_addr. (I might be wrong sorry, I'm not expert)
echo 'Running command'
set -x #echo on everything the command executed
while true;
arp -d
sleep 0.5
#saved with <filename>.sh & execute it with your own way
2. start stop get status mongodb in linux 16.04, but make sure you already install mongodb
echo 'starting mongo db service'
sudo systemctl start mongodb.service
echo 'done!'
echo 'stoping mongo db service'
sudo systemctl stop mongodb.service
echo 'done!'
mongo --eval "db.stats()" # do a simple harmless command of some sort
RESULT=$? # returns 0 if mongo eval succeeds
if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then
echo "mongodb not running"
exit 1
echo "mongodb running!"
FOR WINDOWS user can use this one
*Note: make sure you already make your MongoDb as a service, to make it as easily install MongoDB compass software,
it would automatically make it as service or you see here:
echo 'Trying to START service MongoDB'
set -x #for echo on
net start MongoDB
echo 'Done START service MongoDB'
sleep 3 #3 secs
echo 'Trying to STOP service MongoDB'
set -x #for echo on
net stop MongoDB
echo 'Done STOP service MongoDB'
sleep 3 #3 secs
for this one you can use script above
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