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Last active July 24, 2024 06:18
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React Native Project from Scratch!
- make sure to use nvm, you can read from here (
- by the time I write this (30.04.24), react native latest version 0.74
- If you read the documentation guide (, need to use minimum version node 18
- I use version node 20, by install using `nvm install 20.12.2`
- then use the downloaded version node, `nvm use 20.12.2`
- don't forget to install yarn, if you're using it `npm install --global yarn`
- all set!!
- ready to setup and start typing `npx react-native@latest init projectName`
- or if you wanna specify the version react native to use add `--version 0.73`
- `npx react-native@latest init projectName --version 0.73`
- wait till finish to install the dependencies
- to run on emulator / device, start by `yarn start` to run metro server
- start with `yarn android` and wait till finished
- ~~~~~OR~~~~~
- if you wanna use the expo by scratch
- start with `npx create-expo-app projectName`, wait until finish
- then `yarn android` it will install the expo go as a sandbox SDK which provided by expo it self
- by the time I write this, expo version already on 50.0.17
- to run on emulator / device, start by `yarn start` to run metro server
GENERATE apk FILE Android Platform (expo)
- as we know, when develop using Android expo doesn;t provide the Android and iOS folder
- command `npx expo run:android` as savior!
- look for the existing folder on folder expo has on package.json file, already there script 'expo run:android'
- but when executed by command `yarn android` it doesn't generate the folder Android
- use the `npx expo run:android` instead will behave differently (seems like that CMIIW). It will generate the folder Android
- by having the Android folder, we are able to build locally for generating the .apk file by our custom config gradle
Option 1:
- another options could be done by `npx expo prebuild --platform android` if wanna have Android Folder to access native code
- or `npx expo prebuild --platform ios` if wanna have access native iOS folder
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