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Last active August 2, 2018 05:14
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My current questions are specifically around some of the syntax in the systems verilog and vhdl, and just confirming some of my assumptions. As you know, I’ve downloaded a few open source projects, synthesized them on AWS, and run them on their F1 instances. I’ve read through their source code trying to gain a high level understanding of their project, and of SV and VHDL, along with things like overclocking, undervolting, temperature control, max power draw, different boards, etc.

General questions about FPGAs:

  • Compatibility between different boards, same FPGA chip

    • porting designs from one board to another.
      • c program changes
      • verilog and resynth
    • Footprint compatibility
    • Parts compatibility
      • this is probably not true between 2 boards of different manufacturers?
      • ex. VCU1525 from xilinx vs a 3rd party’s Board with a VU9P
    • Does this require modifying the verilog to match new IO?
    • FPGA slang:
      • the fabric, DRAM, BRAM, URAM, vccint
      • A design that “times close well” or “WNS”.
      • I’ve seen some guys raise vccint to 0.95 and “go way beyond WNS”, pushing it to 600-700 mhz
      • ex. design with 1,047,500 LUT's to pass timing at 730MHz. WNS=+0.001ns.
  • Vivado

    • I dont have a copy yet, but need to understand the basics.
  • Look over some source code with me.

    • this code isn’t a mining algorithm, it’s higher level like loops, writing data to registers, etc.
    • I just want to make sure I’m understanding the syntax correctly.
    • writing to output
    • reading from input
    • importing submodules
    • c endianess vs fpga endianess

Next time if we are out of time.

  • Drivers:
    • a friend was compiling windows drivers XDMA Windows Drivers
    • full or partial bitstream configuration over pice?
    • MCAP interface
  • drivers are different for each board / manufacturer I assume?
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796F commented Aug 2, 2018

  • load keccak into vivado.

    • go over a keccak simulation with ketan.

      • input, outputs
    • go over synthesis, clock speed, etc

    • view different reports that are helpful?

      • view the layout of the logic?
      • view timings?
    • targeting the VCU1525

    • c code - conceptually how would we talk to the FPGA.

      • fd that points to the PCI slot.
      • mmap gets us a buffer to write to the FPGA
        • addressing registers?
        • sizing?
      • swapping endianness before writing to FPGA?
    • now doing the above targeting different Board

      • Do we need to change verilog?
      • Do we need to change C and mmap?
  • Do we need drivers for different FPGA boards?

  • Or not since it’s over serial PCI?

  • partial reconfiguration of Xilinx VU9P?

  • Programming fpga’s over PCI

  • what are these when simulating?

    • ports
    • constraints.

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