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7cc / powershell_functions.ps1
Last active June 19, 2020 13:12
powershell functions
# Function
function F {}
# ScriptBlock
& ({})
7cc / gist:ff780b865e2103b44d49ca308e808f95
Created June 12, 2020 23:31
ChromeのSoftware Reporter Toolを無効化
  1. グループポリシーの変更(Home不可)
  2. アクセス制御
  3. ファイル書き換え

rmdir /s /q "%LocalAppdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter\"
type nul > "%LocalAppdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter"
7cc / ScriptBlock_InvokeWithContext.ps1
Created June 11, 2020 21:33
$s = { param($a) $a+$b }
# success
[psvariable[]]@([psvariable]::new("b", 3)),
) # 5
# fail

Visual Studio なしであれがしたい



  • .NET Core SDK をインストール
  • Microsoft.Net.Compilers をダウンロード
  • Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 をインストール
変数 WindowsPowerShell Core
$PSVersionTable.PSVersion 5.1.18362.628 6.2.4
$PSVersionTable.PSEdition Desktop Core
$PSVersionTable.OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.18363
$PSVersionTable.Platform Win32NT
$Host.Version 5.1.18362.628 6.2.4
$PSEdition Desktop Core
7cc / dotnet_publish.txt
Created March 2, 2020 05:16
dotnet publish
dotnet publish
-c Release Release/Debug
-r win10-x64 特定のプラットフォームをターゲットにするか・しないか
--self-contained false 実行にランタイムのインストールがいるか・いらないか
/p:PublishSingleFile=true 実行ファイルを一つにするか・しないか
/p:PublishTrimmed=true 実行ファイルを小さくするか・しないか
/p:PublishReadyToRun=true AOTコンパイルするか, ngenほどの効果はない, サイズには関係ない
Unixで実行ファイルを小さくするために"グローバリゼーション インバリアント モード" を使用するか
7cc / amdapfxx.txt
Created February 24, 2020 07:27
amd switchable graphics, amdapfxx.exe
amdapfxx [-k] [-s filename] [-p pathname] [-v version number] [-r] -b filename
-k To sign or resign the AMD binary file
- Optionally use -o to specify binary name
-s filename of the XML content
- Can be used with -p -k and -o
- Use this parameter multiple times to merge XML Files.
- Use this parameter exactly once if -r is specified.
-b filename of the file to contain the Binary content.
- Required in all cases except system/oem binary to xml conversion.
-l filename of the progress log.
7cc / gitbash_Windows_Defender
Created February 16, 2020 07:00
gitbash Windows Defender memory increase

Windows Defender memory not released

It may be a Windows Defender problem, but this is the only app having the trouble afaik.

  1. Starting usr\bin\bash.exe increases memory usage of Windows Defender
  2. The memory will not be reduced after closing a gitbash process

This does not occur by adding an exclusion to Windows Security C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe as process.

7cc /
Last active February 20, 2020 03:21
remove a path from the $PATH in Bash
# this will leave trailing :
removeFromPath() {
PATH=$(echo -n $PATH | tr ":" "\n" | fgrep -vx "$1" | tr "\n" ":")
7cc / 管理者権限で実行.ps1
Last active November 30, 2019 02:03
powershell -command Start-Process cmd -verb runas -ArgumentList /k,cd,$PWD
# 相対パス
powershell -command Start-Process notepad -verb runas -ArgumentList (Resolve-Path .\file.txt)
powershell -command Start-Process notepad -verb runas -ArgumentList $PWD\file.txt