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Created March 25, 2010 07:07
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h-evc.exe: file format pei-mips
Disassembly of section .text:
00401000 <.text>:
401000: 27bdffe8 addiu $sp,$sp,-24
401004: afbf0010 sw $ra,16($sp)
401008: 3c020040 lui $v0,0x40
40100c: 24463020 addiu $a2,$v0,12320
401010: 3c020040 lui $v0,0x40
401014: 24453008 addiu $a1,$v0,12296
401018: 3c020040 lui $v0,0x40
40101c: 24423000 addiu $v0,$v0,12288
401020: 8c420000 lw $v0,0($v0)
401024: 00003825 move $a3,$zero
401028: 0040f809 jalr $v0
40102c: 00002025 move $a0,$zero
401030: 8fbf0010 lw $ra,16($sp)
401034: 03e00008 jr $ra
401038: 27bd0018 addiu $sp,$sp,24
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