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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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[F#]簡易 XML Parser
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
let fromEntity(s: string) =
s.Replace("&lt;", "<").
Replace("&gt;", ">").
Replace("&quot;", "\"").
Replace("&nbsp;", " ").
Replace("&amp;", "&")
type XmlParser(s: TextReader) =
let mutable stream: TextReader = s
let mutable text, tag, reserved = "", "", ""
let mutable values = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>()
let mutable current = 0
member this.Stream = stream
member this.Text = text
member this.Tag = tag
new(src) = new XmlParser(new StringReader(src))
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() = this.Dispose()
member this.Dispose() =
if stream <> null then stream.Dispose()
stream <- null
member this.Item
with get(k) =
let result, r = values.TryGetValue k
if result then r else null
member this.Read() =
text <- ""
tag <- ""
if stream = null then false else
if reserved <> "" then
tag <- reserved
reserved <- ""
member this.Search(t) = this.Search(t, fun() -> true)
member this.Search(t, f: unit -> bool) =
let rec loop() =
if not <| this.Read() then false else
if tag = t && f() then true else
member this.SearchEach(t, f: unit -> bool, a: unit -> unit) =
let e = "/" + tag
while this.Read() && tag <> e do
if tag = t && f() then a()
member this.ReadChar() =
if stream = null then
current <- -1
current <- stream.Read()
if current = -1 then this.Dispose()
member this.ReadText() =
let t = new StringBuilder()
while this.ReadChar() <> -1 && current <> int '<' do
ignore <| t.Append (char current)
text <- fromEntity(t.ToString())
if current = int '<' then this.ReadTag()
member this.ReadTag() =
let t = new StringBuilder()
let rec loop() =
if this.ReadChar() = -1 then char 0 else
let ch = char current
if ch = '>' || (ch = '/' && t.Length > 0) then
elif ch > ' ' then
ignore <| t.Append ch
if t.Length = 3 && t.ToString() = "!--" then
ch else loop()
elif t.Length > 0 then ch else loop()
let mutable ch = loop()
tag <- t.ToString().ToLower()
if ch = '/' then
reserved <- "/" + tag
ch <- char(this.ReadChar())
if ch <> '>' then
if tag = "!--" then
while this.ReadAttribute() do ()
member this.ReadComment() =
let cm = new StringBuilder()
let rec loop m =
if this.ReadChar() = -1 then () else
let ch = char current
if ch = '>' && m >= 2 then
cm.Length <- cm.Length - 2
ignore <| cm.Append ch
loop (if ch = '-' then m + 1 else 0)
loop 0
values.["comment"] <- cm.ToString()
member this.ReadAttribute() =
let rec loop() =
let nm = this.ReadValue(true)
let ch = char current
if ch = '/' then
reserved <- "/" + tag
elif nm <> "" then ch, nm else loop()
let ch, nm = loop()
if nm = null then false else
values.[nm.ToLower()] <- if ch = '=' then this.ReadValue(false) else ""
current <> int '>'
member this.ReadValue(isLeft) =
let v = new StringBuilder()
let rec loop() =
if this.ReadChar() = -1 then () else
let ch = char current
if ch = '>' || (isLeft && (ch = '=' || ch = '/')) then
elif ch = '"' then
while this.ReadChar() <> -1 && current <> int '"' do
ignore <| v.Append (char current)
elif ch > ' ' then
ignore <| v.Append ch
elif v.Length > 0 then () else loop()
if v.Length = 0 then null else v.ToString()
member this.Nodes = seq {
while this.Read() do yield this }
member this.Children = seq {
let e = "/" + this.Tag
while this.Read() && this.Tag <> e do yield this }
member this.SearchIteri t = seq {
let n = ref 0
for _ in this.Children do
if this.Tag = t then
yield !n
n := !n + 1 }
let test args =
use xp = new XmlParser("<hoge>a<fuga>b<foo /><bar/></fuga>c</hoge>")
while xp.Read() do
printfn "%s, %s" xp.Text xp.Tag
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