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Forked from shigemk2/AlgebraCalculation.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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import scala.language.implicitConversions
// R is derived from Rational with some fixes.
case class R(numer: Int, denom: Int) extends Ordered[R] {
def reduce: R = {
def gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
if (x == 0) y
else if (x < 0) gcd(-x, y)
else if (y < 0) -gcd( x, -y)
else gcd(y % x, x)
val g = gcd(numer, denom)
R(numer / g, denom / g)
def +(that: R) = R(
numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom,
denom * that.denom).reduce
def -(that: R) = R(
numer * that.denom - that.numer * denom,
denom * that.denom).reduce
def *(that: R) = R(
numer * that.numer,
denom * that.denom).reduce
def /(that: R) = R(
numer * that.denom,
denom * that.numer).reduce
def compare(that: R): Int = (this - that).numer
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: R => numer == that.numer && denom == that.denom
case that: Int => numer == that && denom == 1
case _ => false
override def toString: String = denom match {
case 1 => numer.toString
case _ => numer + "/" + denom
implicit def RToInt(n: Int): R = R(n, 1)
sealed trait Expr
case class N(n: R) extends Expr
case class Var(x: String, a: R, n: R) extends Expr
case class Add(n: Expr*) extends Expr
case class Mul(n: Expr*) extends Expr
def x(a: R, n: R): Var = Var("x", a, n)
def eval(e: Expr): R = (e: @unchecked) match {
case N(x) => x
case Add(xs@_*) => + _)
case Mul(xs@_*) => * _)
def rstr(r: R, s: String): String = r.denom match {
case 1 => r.numer.toString
case _ => r + s
def str(e: Expr): String = e match {
case N(x) => x.toString
case Var(x, R( 1,1), R(1,1)) => x
case Var(x, R(-1,1), R(1,1)) => "-" + x
case Var(x, a , R(1,1)) => rstr(a, " ") + x
case Var(x, a , n ) => str(Var(x, a, 1)) + "^" + n
case Add() => ""
case Add(Add(xs@_*)) => "(" + str(Add(xs: _*)) + ")"
case Add(x) => str(x)
case Add(x, xs@_*)
if isneg(xs.head) => str(Add(x)) + str(Add(xs: _*))
case Add(x, xs@_*) => str(Add(x)) + "+" + str(Add(xs: _*))
case Mul() => ""
case Mul(Add(xs@_*)) => "(" + str(Add(xs: _*)) + ")"
case Mul(Mul(xs@_*)) => "(" + str(Mul(xs: _*)) + ")"
case Mul(x) => str(x)
case Mul(x, xs@_*) => str(Mul(x)) + "*" + str(Mul(xs: _*))
def isneg(e: Expr): Boolean = e match {
case N(n) if n < 0 => true
case Var(_, a, _) if a < 0 => true
case _ => false
def xlt(x: Expr, y: Expr): Boolean = (x, y) match {
case (Var("x", _, n1), Var("x", _, n2)) => n1 < n2
case (Var("x", _, _), _) => false
case (_, Var("x", _, _)) => true
case _ => true
def xsort(e: Expr): Expr = e match {
case Add(xs@_*) => {
def f(list: List[Expr]): List[Expr] = list match {
case List() => List()
case x::xs => {
val xs1 = for (x1 <- xs if !xlt(x1, x)) yield xsort(x1)
val xs2 = for (x2 <- xs if xlt(x2, x)) yield xsort(x2)
f(xs1) ++ List(x) ++ f(xs2)
Add(f(xs.toList): _*)
case Mul(xs@_*) => Mul( _*)
case _ => e
def flatten(list: List[Expr]): List[Expr] = list match {
case List() => List()
case Add(xs1@_*)::xs2 => flatten(xs1.toList ++ xs2)
case x::xs => x :: flatten(xs)
def add(list: List[Expr]): Expr = list match {
case List() => N(0)
case List(x) => x
case _ => Add(list: _*)
def xsimplify(e: Expr): Expr = e match {
case Add(xs@_*) => {
def getxs(e: Expr) = (e: @unchecked) match {
case Add(xs@_*) => xs
def f(list: List[Expr]): List[Expr] = list match {
case List() => List()
case N(R(0,_))::xs => f(xs)
case Var(_,R(0,_),_)::xs => f(xs)
case List(x) => List(xsimplify(x))
case N(a1)::N(a2)::zs => f(N(a1 + a2)::zs)
case Var("x",a1,n1)::Var("x",a2,n2)::zs if n1 == n2 => f(x(a1 + a2, n1)::zs)
case x::xs => xsimplify(x)::f(xs)
add(f(getxs(xsort(Add(flatten(xs.toList): _*))).toList))
case Mul(xs@_*) => Mul( _*)
case _ => e
def multiply(e1: Expr, e2: Expr): Expr = (e1, e2) match {
case (N(n1), N(n2)) => N(n1 * n2)
case (N(n1), Var(x, a2, n2)) => Var(x, n1 * a2, n2)
case (Var(x, a1, n1), N(n2)) => Var(x, a1 * n2, n1)
case (Var(x, a1, n1), Var(y, a2, n2)) if x == y => Var(x, a1 * a2, n1 + n2)
case (Var(x, a1, n1), Var(y, a2, n2)) if x != y => Mul(Var(x, a1, n1), Var(y, a2, n2))
case (Add(xs1@_*), Add(xs2@_*)) => Add((for(x1 <- xs1; x2 <- xs2) yield multiply(x1, x2)): _*)
case (Add(xs1@_*), x2) => Add((for(x1 <- xs1) yield multiply(x1, x2)): _*)
case (x1, Add(xs2@_*)) => Add((for(x2 <- xs2) yield multiply(x1, x2)): _*)
case (Mul(xs1@_*), Mul(xs2@_*)) => Mul(xs1.toList ++ xs2.toList: _*)
case (Mul(xs1@_*), x2) => Mul(xs1.toList :+ x2: _*)
case (x1, Mul(xs2@_*)) => Mul(x1 :: xs2.toList: _*)
def mul(list: List[Expr]): Expr = list match {
case List() => N(1)
case List(x) => x
case _ => Mul(list: _*)
def expand(e: Expr): Expr = e match {
case Mul(xs@_*) => {
def f(list: List[Expr]): List[Expr] = list match {
case List() => List()
case List(x) => List(expand(x))
case (x::y::xs) => multiply(x,y) :: xs
case Add(xs@_*) => {
def f(list: List[Expr]): List[Expr] = list match {
case List() => List()
case x::xs => {
val x2 = expand(x)
if (x != x2) x2::xs else x::f(xs)
case _ => e
def expandAll(x: Expr): Expr = {
val x2 = expand(x)
if (x != x2) expandAll(x2) else x
def differentiate(x: String, e: Expr): Expr = e match {
case Add(ys@_*) => Add((for(y <- ys) yield differentiate(x, y)): _*)
case Var(y, a, R(1,1)) if x == y => N(a)
case Var(y, a, n) if x == y => Var(x, a * n, n - 1)
case Var(_, _, _) => N(0)
case N(_) => N(0)
def integrate(x: String, e: Expr): Expr = e match {
case Add(ys@_*) => Add((for(y <- ys) yield integrate(x, y)) ++ List(Var("C", 1, 1)): _*)
case Var(y, a, n) if x == y => Var(x, a / (n + 1), n + 1)
case Var(y, a, n) if x != y => Mul(Var(y, a, n), Var(x, 1, 1))
case N(n) => Var(x, n, 1)
def test(tag: String, v: Any, e: Any) = {
if (v == e) {
println("[OK] " + tag)
} else {
println("[NG] " + tag)
println(" value : " + v)
println(" expected: " + e)
test("eval 1", eval(Add(N(1),N( 1))), 1+1)
test("eval 2", eval(Add(N(2),N( 3))), 2+3)
test("eval 3", eval(Add(N(5),N(-3))), 5-3)
test("eval 4", eval(Mul(N(3),N( 4))), 3*4)
test("eval 5", eval(Add(N(1),Mul(N(2),N(3)))), 1+2*3)
test("eval 6", eval(Mul(Add(N(1),N(2)),N(3))), (1+2)*3)
test("str 1", str(Add(N(1),N( 2),N( 3))), "1+2+3")
test("str 2", str(Add(N(1),N(-2),N(-3))), "1-2-3")
test("str 3", str(Mul(N(1),N( 2),N( 3))), "1*2*3")
test("str 4", str(Add(N(1),Mul(N(2),N(3)))), "1+2*3")
test("str 5", str(Add(Add(N(1),N(2)),N(3))), "(1+2)+3")
test("str 6", str(Mul(Add(N(1),N(2)),N(3))), "(1+2)*3")
test("str 7", str(Mul(Mul(N(1),N(2)),N(3))), "(1*2)*3")
test("equal", Add(N(1),N(2)), Add(N(1),N(2)))
test("x 1", str(Add(x(1,1),N(1))), "x+1")
test("x 2", str(Add(x(1,3),x(-1,2),x(-2,1),N(1))), "x^3-x^2-2x+1")
test("xlt 1", xlt(x(1,1),x(1,2)), true)
test("xlt 2", xlt(N(1),x(1,1)), true)
test("xsort 1", {
val f = Add(x(1,1),N(1),x(1,2))
(str(f), str(xsort(f)))
},("x+1+x^2", "x^2+x+1"))
test("xsort 2", {
val f = Mul(Add(N(5),x(2,1)),Add(x(1,1),N(1),x(1,2)))
(str(f), str(xsort(f)))
},("(5+2x)*(x+1+x^2)", "(2x+5)*(x^2+x+1)"))
test("xsimplify 1", {
val f = Add(x(2,1),N(3),x(4,2),x(1,1),N(1),x(1,2))
(str(f), str(xsimplify(f)))
},("2x+3+4x^2+x+1+x^2", "5x^2+3x+4"))
test("xsimplify 2", {
val f = Mul(Add(x(1,1),N(0),x(2,1)),Add(x(1,2),Add(N(1),x(2,2)),N(2)))
(str(f), str (xsimplify(f)))
},("(x+0+2x)*(x^2+(1+2x^2)+2)", "3x*(3x^2+3)"))
test("xsimplify 3", {
val f = Add(x(1,1),N(1),x(0,2),x(1,1),N(1),x(-2,1),N(-2))
(str(f), str(xsimplify(f)))
},("x+1+0x^2+x+1-2x-2", "0"))
test("multiply 1", {
val f1 = N(2)
val f2 = N(3)
(str(f1), str(f2), str(multiply(f1,f2)))
},("2", "3", "6"))
test("multiply 2", {
val f1 = N(2)
val f2 = x(3,2)
(str(f1), str(f2), str(multiply(f1,f2)))
},("2", "3x^2", "6x^2"))
test("multiply 3", {
val f1 = x(2,3)
val f2 = x(3,4)
(str(f1), str(f2), str(multiply(f1,f2)))
},("2x^3", "3x^4", "6x^7"))
test("multiply 4", {
val f1 = N(2)
val f2 = Add(x(1,1),x(2,2),N(3))
(str(f1), str(f2), str(multiply(f1,f2)))
},("2", "x+2x^2+3", "2x+4x^2+6"))
test("multiply 5", {
val f1 = Add(x(1,1),N(1))
val f2 = Add(x(2,1),N(3))
val f3 = multiply(f1,f2)
val f4 = xsimplify(f3)
(str(f1), str(f2), str(f3), str(f4))
},("x+1", "2x+3", "2x^2+3x+2x+3", "2x^2+5x+3"))
test("expand 1", {
val f = Mul(Add(x(1,1),N(1)),Add(x(1,1),N(2)),Add(x(1,1),N(3)))
(str(f), str(expand(f)))
},("(x+1)*(x+2)*(x+3)", "(x^2+2x+x+2)*(x+3)"))
test("expand 2", {
val f = Add(N(1),Mul(Add(x(1,1),N(1)),Add(x(1,1),N(2)),Add(x(1,1),N(3))))
(str(f), str(expand(f)))
},("1+(x+1)*(x+2)*(x+3)", "1+(x^2+2x+x+2)*(x+3)"))
test("expandAll", {
val f1 = Add(N(1),Mul(Add(x(1,1),N(1)),Add(x(1,1),N(2)),Add(x(1,1),N(3))))
val f2 = expandAll(f1)
val f3 = xsimplify(f2)
(str(f1), str(f2), str(f3))
test("differentiate", {
val f = Add(x(1,3),x(1,2),x(1,1),N(1))
(str(f), str(differentiate("x",f)))
},("x^3+x^2+x+1", "3x^2+2x+1+0"))
test("integrate", {
val f = Add(x(1,2),x(2,1),N(1))
(str(f), str(integrate("x",f)))
},("x^2+2x+1", "1/3 x^3+x^2+x+C"))
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