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Created July 10, 2014 08:57
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#nowarn "9"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type Test = struct
val mutable Foo:int
val mutable Bar:uint16
val mutable Baz:uint16
let showval o =
for f in o.GetType().GetFields() do
let v = f.GetValue(o)
printfn "%s : %s = %A" f.Name (v.GetType().Name) v
let readbin<'a> (bytes:byte[]) =
let gch = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes, GCHandleType.Pinned)
let o = Marshal.PtrToStructure(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof<'a>)
unbox<'a> o
let writebin o =
let size = Marshal.SizeOf(o.GetType())
let bytes = Array.zeroCreate<byte> size
let gch = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes, GCHandleType.Pinned)
Marshal.StructureToPtr(o, gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false)
let hexstr bytes =
bytes |> (sprintf "%02x") |> String.concat " "
let rnd size =
let data = Array.zeroCreate<byte> size
let r = Random()
r.NextBytes data
let mutable t = Test(Foo = 5)
t.Bar <- 2us
showval t
printfn "%s" (hexstr(writebin t))
t <- readbin(rnd(Marshal.SizeOf t))
printfn ""
showval t
printfn "%s" (hexstr(writebin t))
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