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Created August 22, 2019 02:04
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Infix evaluation in scheme...?
#lang r5rs
(#%require schemeunit)
(define ** expt)
(define (!= x y) (not (= x y)))
(define (^^ a b) (or (and a (not b))
(and b (not a))))
; can you believe they made && and || special forms???
(define (&& a b) (and a b))
(define (|| a b) (or a b))
(define :: cons)
; a list of lists of operators. lists are evaluated in order, so this also
; determines operator precedence
(define infix-operators
(list modulo quotient remainder gcd lcm)
(list **)
(list * /)
(list + -)
(list memq memv member assq assv assoc)
(list ::)
; now this is interesting: because scheme is dynamically typed, we aren't
; limited to any one type of function
(list < > = != <= >=)
(list &&)
(list || ^^)
;;; evaluates `terms` as a basic infix expression
(define (! . terms)
; evaluate one group of operators in the list of terms
(define (!** terms stack operators odd?)
; why `odd?`? because scheme's list-iteration is forwards-only and
; list-construction is prepend-only, every other group of operators is
; actually evaluated backwards which, for operators like / and -, can be a
; big deal! therefore, we keep this flipped `odd?` counter to track if we
; should flip our arguments or not
(define (calc op a b)
(if odd? (op a b) (op b a)))
(cond ((null? terms) stack) ; base case
; operator we can evaluate -- pop operator and operand, then recurse
((and (> (length stack) 1) (memq (car stack) operators))
(let ((op (car stack))
(fst (car terms))
(snd (cadr stack)))
(!** (cdr terms)
(cons (calc op fst snd) (cddr stack))
(not odd?))))
; otherwise just keep building the stack
(else (!** (cdr terms)
(cons (car terms) stack)
(not odd?)))))
; evaluate a list of groups of operators in the list of terms
(define (!* terms operator-groups odd?)
(if (or (null? operator-groups) ; done evaluating all operators
(null? (cdr terms))) ; only one term left
terms ; finished processing operator groups
; evaluate another group -- separating operators into groups allows
; operator precedence
(!* (!** terms '() (car operator-groups) odd?)
(cdr operator-groups)
(not odd?))))
(car (!* terms infix-operators #f)))
(check = (! 5 - 6) -1)
(check = (! 2 * 3) 6)
(check = (! 2 * 3 + 2) 8)
(check = (! 2 * 3 + 4 * 5) 26)
(check = (! 0 - 4) -4)
(check = (! 4 + 3 * 2 - 19) -9)
; also works for inequalities!
(check eq? (! 4 + 3 * 2 - 19 < 0 - 4) #t)
(check eq? (! -2 * 2 = 0 - 4) #t)
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i find a solution. Removed all odd? ,i understand you used that to save time as then you do not need to reverse the list but i prefer to reverse, code is more understandable.

I just parse exponential from right to left usind a reversed list and do like with odd? ,swapping both arguments.

Note code works with 'quoted (example: 'expt) symbols or syntax object (example : #'expt).

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