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Last active January 1, 2019 21:37
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  • Save AReineberg/a3996f5176407b6c1607 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AReineberg/a3996f5176407b6c1607 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Use fslmaths with -thr and -uthr options to extract
# each individual network value and save in net/value.
# Concatenate networks temporally.
# 2016-02-20
# Banich Lab
# University of Colorado Boulder
mkdir -p net
for f in 2mm/*Networks_*.nii.gz; do
b=`basename $f`
let i=1
max=`fslstats $f -R | awk '{printf("%d", $2)}'`
while [ $i -le $max ]; do
mkdir -p net/$i
fslmaths $f -thr $i -uthr $i $f2
let i=$i+1
fslmerge -t yeo2011_7_liberal_combined.nii.gz `ls net/*/*.nii.gz`
flirt -in yeo2011_7_liberal_combined.nii.gz -ref yeo2011_7_liberal_combined.nii.gz -out yeo2011_7_liberal_combined_4mm.nii.gz -applyisoxfm 4
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