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Created July 12, 2017 09:39
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marsenal1990 commented Aug 3, 2017

Hello Adam,

1- I want to learn React js / Polymer with a java ee backend , can you show me a good sample project to start with .
2- What do you think about performance of streams api in Java 8 ? and do you think that oracle team will fix the gab of performance between streams and loops ?


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Hi Adam,
I am testing HA in glassfish/payara (no hazelcast). I would like to make web session replication working. Do you have any suggestions?
It seems that sessionid is always refreshed and never shared.

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JukicD commented Aug 7, 2017

Hi Adam,

I am very interested and excited about the concept of a fat-jar. Therefore my question: Is WildFly Swarm Production ready? Especially when it comes to future support etc ...


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Me again :) You often recommend Kubernetes to use for JavaEE Microservices. Is it possible to make a (maybe seperate) Youtube Coding Session which covers Autoscaling, Service Discovery, Fault Tolerance and Load Balancing with Kubernetes? Maybe Openshift is also an Option? This would be great.

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AdamBien commented Aug 7, 2017

One more, is there any way to set Timeout in JAX-RS using only JEE or something that works in Jersey and Resteasy?
Thank you!

— Wesley Egberto (@wesleyegberto) August 7, 2017

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AdamBien commented Aug 7, 2017

One more, is there any way to set Timeout in JAX-RS using only JEE or something that works in Jersey and Resteasy?
Thank you!

— Wesley Egberto (@wesleyegberto) August 7, 2017

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chamisf commented Aug 7, 2017

Hi adam,
How do you see java based frontend like jsp and jsf compared to javascript based ones with javaEE backend? How do you see the future of each and what do you recommend to dive in?
Thank you.

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