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Created January 7, 2021 19:12
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Ask questions and see you at February, 8th, 8.PM. CET:

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Please keep the questions Jakarta EE-stic. Means: as short and as concise as only possible. Feel free to ask several, shorter questions. Upcoming events are also going to be announced at

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Using @Gauge and redeploying causes this exception : Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: A metric with metricID{""} already exists
Any idea of why?
The only fix i found was commenting out the @Gauge annotation

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thehpi commented Feb 1, 2021

I'm using json to send to a jaxrs endpoint which updates data in my db.
I want to be able to send partial requests (so no all attributes of an entity) so I can e.g. update only one attribute.
Currently I'm doing this by checking for null value in the DTO and not setting the related attribute in the JPA entity.
But then I cannot set an JPA entity attribute to null. Also there are a LOT of null checks as I have many entities/jaxrs endpoints.

Is there a smart way to handle this?

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vanuatoo commented Feb 1, 2021

How do you implement database schema changes in CI pipeline

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Hi Adam,

On DockerHub all the Jakarta EE servers have relative big images. For example:

jboss/wildfly:latest 714MB
open-liberty:latest 501MB
payara/server-full:latest 457MB

Is there are slimmer alternatives? One I can think of is Quarkus but I want to remain in the Jakarta EE servers world.
Is there a way to make current servers slimmer?

Note: when I say big images I compare with Spring Boot apps with custom JRE(created with jdeps and jlink) which are, based on my experience, around 250MB-300MB.


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thehpi commented Feb 3, 2021

Hi Adam,

I use jaxrs and jpa to get data in/out of the db. I however have some entities that contain calculated values that should not exposed to the outside world.

I however cannot change the entity classes to e.g. add annotations (@XmlTransient?).

Currently I have a DTO which do not contain the sensitive fields and mappers to go from entity to dto but all this is cumbersome.

Is there a way to do this without the need for a DTO?

gr. Hans

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