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Created August 22, 2022 13:19
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Triptych proof of concept
#!/usr/bin/env python
help = """
A demonstration of the algorithm of
the linkable ring signature algorithm in Goodall and Noether's
To use, specify two arguments: n (integer) and m (integer), such
that N (size of ring) = n^m.
This uses the Joinmarket bitcoin backend, mostly just for its encapsulation
of the package python-bitcointx (`pip install bitcointx` or github:
(though it also uses a couple other helpful functions, so if you do
want to run it then download and run `./` from:
import os
import sys
import random
import hashlib
import jmbitcoin as btc
from jmclient.podle import getNUMS
from jmbase import bintohex
infty = "INFTY"
# probably overkill, but just to encapsulate arithmetic in the group;
# this class handles the modular arithmetic of x and +.
class Scalar(object):
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x % groupN
def to_bytes(self):
return int.to_bytes(self.x, 32, byteorder="big")
def from_bytes(cls, b):
return cls(int.from_bytes(b, byteorder="big"))
def pow(cls, base, exponent):
return cls(pow(base, exponent, groupN))
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
y = other
elif isinstance(other, Scalar):
y = other.x
return Scalar((self.x + y) % groupN)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.__add__(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
temp = other
elif isinstance(other, Scalar):
temp = other.x
return Scalar((self.x - temp) % groupN)
def __rsub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
temp = other
elif isinstance(other, Scalar):
temp = other.x
assert False
return Scalar((temp - self.x) % groupN)
def __mul__(self, other):
if other == 1:
return self
if other == 0:
return Scalar(0)
return Scalar((self.x * other.x) % groupN)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.__mul__(other)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.x)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.x)
def pointadd(points):
# NB this is not correct as it does not account for cancellation;
# not sure how a return is serialized as point at infinity in that case.
# (but it doesn't happen in the uses in this module).
pointstoadd = [x for x in points if x != infty]
if len(pointstoadd) == 1:
return pointstoadd[0]
if len(pointstoadd) == 0:
return infty
return btc.add_pubkeys(pointstoadd)
def pointmult(multiplier, point):
# given a scalar 'multiplier' as a binary string,
# and a pubkey 'point', returns multiplier*point
# as another pubkey object
if multiplier == 0:
return infty
if multiplier == 1:
return point
if int.from_bytes(multiplier, byteorder="big") == 0:
return infty
return btc.multiply(multiplier, point, return_serialized=False)
def delta(a, b):
# kronecker delta
return 1 if a==b else 0
def poly_mult_lin(coeffs, a, b):
""" Given a set of polynomial coefficients,
in *decreasing* order of exponent from len(coeffs)-1 to 0,
return the equivalent set of coeffs after multiplication
by ax+b. Note a, b and all the returned elements are type Scalar.
coeffs_new = [Scalar(0) for _ in range(len(coeffs)+1)]
coeffs_new[0] = a * coeffs[0]
for i in range(1, len(coeffs_new)-1):
coeffs_new[i] = b*coeffs[i-1] + a* coeffs[i]
coeffs_new[-1] = b*coeffs[-1]
return coeffs_new
def gen_rand(l=32):
return os.urandom(l)
# reuse NUMS points code from PoDLE
# TODO: change, this steps on the matrix commitments if it's big enough
H = getNUMS(255)
J = getNUMS(254)
# the actual secp generator
G = btc.getG(True)
def get_matrix_NUMS(n, m):
# note that get_NUMS is currently limited to i*j < 254
pts = []
for i in range(n):
inner_pts = []
for j in range(m):
inner_pts.append(getNUMS(i*m + j))
return pts
def nary_decomp(x, n, m):
""" Given an integer x, a base n and an exponent m,
return a digit representation of x in that base, padded
out with zeros up to n^m-1.
if n == 0:
return [0] * m
digits = []
while x:
digits.append(int(x % n))
x //= n
return digits + [0] * (m - len(digits))
def hash_transcript(s):
return hashlib.sha256(s).digest()
def matrix_pedersen_commit(matrix, randomness):
""" Given an array of arrays `matrix`, and a
random 32 byte scalar, return a single commitment
C = matrix_0,0 * H_0,0 + .. matrix_n-1,m-1 H_n-1,m-1 + rG
pts = []
H = get_matrix_NUMS(len(matrix), len(matrix[0]))
for i, x in enumerate(matrix):
for j, y in enumerate(x):
pts.append(pointmult(y.to_bytes(), H[i][j]))
pts.append(pointmult(randomness.to_bytes(), G))
return pointadd(pts)
def grwzsr(n, m):
""" get randoms with zero sum rows/
generates a matrix of random numbers,
where there are m rows, and each row has n columns,
and the sum of all the randoms along one row is always zero.
matrix = []
for j in range(m):
sumrow = Scalar(0)
for i in range(1, n):
q = Scalar.from_bytes(gen_rand())
sumrow += q
# not efficient but cost is negligible cf crypto
matrix[j].insert(0, Scalar(-1) * sumrow)
return matrix
def triptych_get_A(n, m):
""" returns the commitment to A and its opening.
matrix = grwzsr(n, m)
randomness = Scalar.from_bytes(gen_rand())
commitment = matrix_pedersen_commit(matrix, randomness)
return (commitment, randomness, matrix)
def triptych_get_C(matrix_a, matrix_s):
assert len(matrix_a) == len(matrix_s)
matrix_c = []
for j in range(len(matrix_a)):
for i in range(len(matrix_a[0])):
matrix_c[j].append(matrix_a[j][i] * (
Scalar(1) - Scalar(2) * matrix_s[j][i]))
randomness = Scalar.from_bytes(gen_rand())
commitment = matrix_pedersen_commit(matrix_c, randomness)
return (commitment, randomness, matrix_c)
def triptych_get_D(matrix_a):
matrix_d = []
for i in range(len(matrix_a)):
for j in range(len(matrix_a[0])):
matrix_d[i].append(Scalar(-1) * matrix_a[i][j] * matrix_a[i][j])
randomness = Scalar.from_bytes(gen_rand())
commitment = matrix_pedersen_commit(matrix_d, randomness)
return (commitment, randomness, matrix_d)
def triptych_get_sigma(n, m, l):
sigma = []
l_decomp = nary_decomp(l, n, m)
for j in range(m):
for i in range(n):
sigma[j].append(Scalar(delta(l_decomp[j], i)))
return sigma
def triptych_get_B(n, m, l):
sigma = triptych_get_sigma(n, m, l)
randomness = Scalar.from_bytes(gen_rand())
commitment = matrix_pedersen_commit(sigma, randomness)
return (commitment, randomness, sigma)
def ring_sign_triptych(seckey, message, ring, n, m):
""" Unlike GK14, here we need to actually tell the signing
algorithm how we want to decompose the size of the ring, i.e.
what exponent and base to use, hence the arguments n, m.
N = n ** m
real_pub = btc.privkey_to_pubkey(seckey + b"\x01")
assert bytes(real_pub) in ring
assert isinstance(ring, list)
assert len(ring) == N
l = ring.index(real_pub)
print("got this index for the signer: ", l)
comm_A, rand_A, matrix_A = triptych_get_A(n, m)
comm_B, rand_B, matrix_sigma = triptych_get_B(n, m, l)
comm_C, rand_C, matrix_C = triptych_get_C(matrix_A, matrix_sigma)
comm_D, rand_D, matrix_D = triptych_get_D(matrix_A)
# form the polynomials, one per ring element:
# to form the polynomial coefficients of the polynomials p_i(x),
# for each i-th element of the ring:
polys = []
for i in range(len(ring)):
idigits = nary_decomp(i, n, m)
polyi = [Scalar(1)]
for j in range(m):
mult = (matrix_sigma[j][idigits[j]], matrix_A[j][idigits[j]])
polyi = poly_mult_lin(polyi, *mult)
polys.append(polyi[::-1]) # reverse order because poly lin mult returns coeffs for x^n-1, x^n-2,...x^0
rhos = [Scalar.from_bytes(gen_rand()) for _ in range(m)]
X = triptych_get_X(polys, ring, rhos)
Y = triptych_get_Y(rhos)
# get hash challenge
x = Scalar.from_bytes(hash_transcript(b",".join([str(a).encode() for a in [
comm_A, comm_B, comm_C, comm_D, X, Y, ring]]) + b"," + message))
print("Got hash challenge: ", str(x))
f = triptych_get_f(matrix_sigma, matrix_A, x)
zA = rand_A + x * rand_B
zC = rand_C * x + rand_D
rhopowers = [Scalar.pow(x.x, j) * rhos[j] for j in range(m)]
z = Scalar.from_bytes(seckey) * Scalar.pow(x.x, m) - sum(rhopowers)
U = triptych_get_key_image(seckey)
return ((comm_A, comm_B, comm_C, comm_D, X, Y, f, zA, zC, z, U), ring)
def triptych_get_key_image(seckey):
""" In future will be expanded to include counters etc.
return pointmult(seckey, J)
def triptych_serialize_signature(sig, hexed=True):
"""serializes the sigma protocol inputs and outputs,
and then the key image separately.
comm_A, comm_B, comm_C, comm_D, X, Y, f, zA, zC, z, U = sig
ser = b""
for x in [comm_A, comm_B, comm_C, comm_D]:
ser += bytes(x)
for a in [X, Y]:
for b in a:
ser += bytes(b)
for a in f:
for b in a:
ser += b.to_bytes()
for x in [zA, zC, z]:
ser += x.to_bytes()
if hexed:
ser = bintohex(ser)
u_out = bintohex(U)
u_out = bytes(U)
return (ser, u_out)
def verify_triptych(sig, message, ring, n, m):
comm_A, comm_B, comm_C, comm_D, X, Y, f, zA, zC, z, U = sig
# get hash challenge
x = Scalar.from_bytes(hash_transcript(b",".join([str(a).encode() for a in [
comm_A, comm_B, comm_C, comm_D, X, Y, ring]]) + b"," + message))
print("Got hash challenge: ", str(x))
# first step: the verifier can reconstruct the first element in each
# row in the response matrix 'f' (this step enforces that only 1 bit
# in each row is 1, with the rest 0):
for j in range(m):
sumrow = sum(f[j])
f[j].insert(0, x - sumrow)
# check A + xB:
lhs1 = pointadd([comm_A, pointmult(x.to_bytes(), comm_B)])
rhs1 = matrix_pedersen_commit(f, zA)
assert lhs1 == rhs1
# check xC + D:
lhs2 = pointadd([pointmult(x.to_bytes(), comm_C), comm_D])
# calc f(x-f) matrix
fxf = []
for j in range(len(f)):
for i in range(len(f[0])):
fxf[j].append(f[j][i] * (x - f[j][i]))
rhs2 = matrix_pedersen_commit(fxf, zC)
assert lhs2 == rhs2
# for the final 2 checks, we are checking per ring element
sum_m_f_terms = []
sum_u_f_terms = []
for k in range(len(ring)):
prodf = Scalar(1)
for j in range(m):
prodf *= f[j][nary_decomp(k, n, m)[j]]
sum_m_f_terms.append(pointmult(prodf.to_bytes(), ring[k]))
sum_u_f_terms.append(pointmult(prodf.to_bytes(), U))
sum_m_f = pointadd(sum_m_f_terms)
sum_u_f = pointadd(sum_u_f_terms)
zG = pointmult(z.to_bytes(), G)
zJ = pointmult(z.to_bytes(), J)
xX_terms = []
xY_terms = []
for j in range(m):
xX_terms.append(pointmult(Scalar.pow(x.x, j).to_bytes(), X[j]))
xY_terms.append(pointmult(Scalar.pow(x.x, j).to_bytes(), Y[j]))
xX = pointadd(xX_terms)
xY = pointadd(xY_terms)
# check 3 for the ring itself:
rhs3 = pointadd([xX, zG])
assert sum_m_f == rhs3
# check 4 for the linking tag/image:
rhs4 = pointadd([xY, zJ])
assert sum_u_f == rhs4
return True
def triptych_get_f(matrix_s, matrix_A, x):
fs = []
for j in range(len(matrix_s)):
# we omit the first term; the verifier will enforce
# that the total for the row is 1:
for i in range(1, len(matrix_s[0])):
fs[j].append(matrix_s[j][i] * x + matrix_A[j][i])
return fs
def triptych_get_X(polys, ring, rhos):
ptsj = []
for j in range(len(rhos)):
ptsk = []
for k in range(len(ring)):
ptsk.append(pointmult(polys[k][j].to_bytes(), ring[k]))
ptsk.append(pointmult(rhos[j].to_bytes(), G))
return ptsj
def triptych_get_Y(rhos):
return [pointmult(rhos[i].to_bytes(), J) for i in range(len(rhos))]
def test_triptych(n, m):
import time
import copy
import base64
message = "hello"
ringsize = n ** m
seckey = gen_rand()
real_pub = btc.privkey_to_pubkey(seckey+b"\x01")
decoys = []
for _ in range(ringsize-1):
decoys.append(btc.privkey_to_pubkey(gen_rand() + b"\x01"))
used_keys = decoys + [real_pub]
start_sign_time = time.time()
sigdata, ring = ring_sign_triptych(seckey, message.encode(), used_keys, n, m)
orig_sigdata = copy.deepcopy(sigdata)
end_sign_time = time.time()
print("Signing took: {} seconds.".format(end_sign_time - start_sign_time))
print("got sigdata, now verifying")
start_verify_time = time.time()
verify_triptych(sigdata, message.encode(), ring, n, m)
except AssertionError:
print("it didn't verify")
end_verify_time = time.time()
print("it verified, for the message: ", message)
print("Verifying took: {} seconds.".format(end_verify_time - start_verify_time))
sigstring, key_image = triptych_serialize_signature(orig_sigdata, hexed=False)
b64string = base64.b64encode(sigstring)
print("Here is the raw signature: ")
print("It has length: ", len(sigstring))
print("Here is the base64 encoded signature:")
print("and here is the key image: ")
print("The signature's length is {} bytes, in base64, for {} keys.".format(len(b64string.decode()), ringsize))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not len(sys.argv) == 3:
n = int(sys.argv[1])
assert n >= 2
except Exception as e:
m = int(sys.argv[2])
assert m >= 2
except Exception as e:
test_triptych(n, m)
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