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Last active March 11, 2025 12:18
Import DoD root certificates into linux CA store
# Imports DoD root certificates into Linux CA store
# Version 0.4.1 updated 20241216 by AfroThundr
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# For issues or updated versions of this script, browse to the following URL:
# Dependencies: curl gawk openssl unzip wget
set -euo pipefail
shopt -s extdebug nullglob
add_dod_certs() {
local bundle cert certdir file form tmpdir url update
trap '[[ -d ${tmpdir:-} ]] && rm -fr $tmpdir' EXIT INT TERM
# Location of bundle from DISA site
bundle=$(curl -s $url | awk -F '"' 'tolower($2) ~ / {print $2}')
# Set cert directory and update command based on OS
[[ -f /etc/os-release ]] && source /etc/os-release
if [[ ${ID:-} =~ (fedora|rhel|centos) ||
${ID_LIKE:-} =~ (fedora|rhel|centos) ]]; then
elif [[ ${ID:-} =~ (debian|ubuntu|mint) ||
${ID_LIKE:-} =~ (debian|ubuntu|mint) ]]; then
certdir=${1:-} && update=${2:-}
[[ ${certdir:-} && ${update:-} ]] || {
printf 'Unable to autodetect OS using /etc/os-release.\n'
printf 'Please provide CA certificate directory and update command.\n'
printf 'Example: %s /cert/store/location update-cmd\n' "${0##*/}"
exit 1
# Extract the bundle
wget -qP "${tmpdir:=$(mktemp -d)}" "$bundle"
unzip -qj "$tmpdir"/"${bundle##*/}" -d "$tmpdir"
# Check for existence of PEM or DER format p7b.
for file in "$tmpdir"/*_dod_{pem,der}.p7b; do
# Iterate over glob instead of testing directly (SC2144)
[[ -f ${file:-} ]] && form=${file%.*} && form=${form##*_} && break
[[ ${form:-} && ${file:-} ]] || { printf 'No bundles found!\n' && exit 1; }
# Convert the PKCS#7 bundle into individual PEM files
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -inform "$form" -in "$file" |
awk -v d="$tmpdir" \
'BEGIN {c=0} /subject=/ {c++} {print > d "/cert." c ".pem"}'
# Rename the files based on the CA name
for cert in "$tmpdir"/cert.*.pem; do
mv "$cert" "$certdir"/"$(
openssl x509 -noout -subject -in "$cert" |
awk -F '(=|= )' '{print gensub(/ /, "_", 1, $NF)}'
# Remove temp files and update certificate stores
rm -fr "$tmpdir" && $update
# Only execute if not being sourced
[[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} == "$0" ]] || return 0 && add_dod_certs "$@"
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Kurlee commented Dec 18, 2020

Script is broken due to a reconfiguration on DISA's part related to where the files are downloaded from. The new URL is

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ghost commented Jul 8, 2021

The updated URL from Kurlee is no longer working. Things have changed once again.

wget tmp --2021-07-08 16:17:13-- http://tmp/ Resolving tmp (tmp)... failed: Name or service not known. wget: unable to resolve host address ‘tmp’ --2021-07-08 16:17:15-- Resolving (,,, ... Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden 2021-07-08 16:17:16 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

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Fixed them changing the case of the filename.

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rac3rx commented Apr 13, 2022

Clever script; should change the awk regex expression within the url variable to a literal dot by escaping the period with a forward slash /

For some reason my escaped period doesn't show-up (unless you click edit)

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Looks like an unversioned url that is updated to point at the latest version is available here:

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emucker commented Mar 16, 2023

The format of the pem.7b file has changed with the latest PKI certificates. Update line 38 to
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in tmp/*pem.p7b | and script will execute without issue. For newer dev environments, it might be good to check for unzip as well.
Thanks for the script. Makes life nice and easy.

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Broken for Ubuntu. I had to make the following changes.


# Convert the PKCS#7 bundle into individual PEM files
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in tmp/*.pem.p7b |
    awk 'BEGIN {c=0} /subject=/ {c++} {print > "cert." c ".pem"}'


for i in tmp/*_der.p7b; do
    openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -inform DER -in $i >> certs.txt

for i in tmp/*_pem.p7b; do
    openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -inform PEM -in $i >> certs.txt

cat certs.txt | awk 'BEGIN {c=0} /subject=/ {c++} {print > "cert." c ".pem"}'

The openssl command didn't like file globbing for the -in argument, and required me to tell it what type of cert with -inform. On top of that, 5 of the 6 certificates downloaded were in DER format with the last in PEM format with a different file naming standard.

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AfroThundr3007730 commented Jul 18, 2023

@BennieCopeland The main _der.p7b bundle has the same content as the main _pem.p7b bundle, but in DER format. The ca_X_der.p7b bundles have the same content as the main DER bundle but split by issuing CA. So the only bundle needed from the zip file is the PEM format bundle. Since OpenSSL assumes PEM format by default, adding -inform X isn't necessary in this case. Your set of commands will just end up extracting the same certs several times.

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Updated the wildcard file match to account for the underscore. Since they keep renaming the zip, I don't want to use a direct URL here still.

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emucker commented Jul 19, 2023

Thanks for the update on the file name format. I'll try it out and drop a note if I run into any issues.

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emucker commented Jul 19, 2023

Script is all good now. Gave it a test run today. Thank you for updating.

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@AfroThundr3007730 Thanks for the information. I wasn't aware of all the duplication in the certificate files. The implementation makes a lot more sense now.

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senterfd-jrg commented Nov 7, 2023

I noticed that a current release, 03NOV2023, of the PKI CA Certificate Bundles: PKCS#7 for DoD PKI Only - Version 5.13 provides a CA certificate bundle that is missing the expected "tmp/*_pem.p7b" file. I have modified my version of your file with the following adjustment to support either case.

    unzip -qj tmp/${bundle##*/} -d tmp

    # Check for existence of PEM format p7b.
    if [ -f "tmp/*_dod_pem.p7b" ]; then
        echo 'Found PEM formatted file, continuing extraction...'
        echo 'Found DER formatted file, continuing extraction and conversion...'

    # Convert the PKCS#7 bundle into individual PEM files
    openssl pkcs7 -inform ${certform} -print_certs -in tmp/${certfile} |
        awk 'BEGIN {c=0} /subject=/ {c++} {print > "cert." c ".pem"}'

    # Rename the files based on the CA name

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emucker commented Nov 8, 2023

@senterfd-jrg Thanks for the update. I coincidentally came across the same issue yesterday morning. Appreciate the fix. Tested locally and successfully imported certificates.

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Added the above and retested

# Import DoD root certificates into linux CA store

main() {
  # Location of bundle from DISA site
  bundle=$(curl -s $url | awk -F '"' 'tolower($2) ~ / {print $2}')

  # Set cert directory and update command based on OS
  source /etc/os-release
  if [[ $ID =~ (fedora|rhel|centos) ||
    $ID_LIKE =~ (fedora|rhel|centos) ]]; then
  elif [[ $ID =~ (debian|ubuntu|mint) ||
    $ID_LIKE =~ (debian|ubuntu|mint) ]]; then

  [[ -n $certdir && -n $update ]] || {
    echo 'Unable to autodetect OS using /etc/os-release.'
    echo 'Please provide CA certificate directory and update command.'
    echo 'Example: /cert/store/location update-cmd'
    exit 1

  # Extract the bundle
  cd $certdir
  wget -qP tmp $bundle
  unzip -qj tmp/${bundle##*/} -d tmp

  # Check for existence of PEM format p7b.
  if [ -f "tmp/*_dod_pem.p7b" ]; then
    echo 'Found PEM formatted file, continuing extraction...'
    echo 'Found DER formatted file, continuing extraction and conversion...'

  # Convert the PKCS#7 bundle into individual PEM files
  openssl pkcs7 -inform ${certform} -print_certs -in tmp/${certfile} |
    awk 'BEGIN {c=0} /subject=/ {c++} {print > "cert." c ".pem"}'

  # Rename the files based on the CA name
  for i in *.pem; do
      openssl x509 -noout -subject -in $i |
        awk -F '(=|= )' '{gsub(/ /, "_", $NF); print $NF}'
    mv $i ${name}.crt

  # Remove temp files and update certificate stores
  rm -fr tmp

# Only execute if not being sourced
[[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} == "$0" ]] && main "$@"

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what are the args to this script supposed to be?

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It doesn’t need any I don’t think

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The script uses $1 and $2, are those not 2 arguments that get passed in?

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If I recall those reference the tokens that awk produces. I will double check.

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Amndeep7 commented Jan 5, 2024

@danielcjacobs if you look in the if/else block, you'll see that those args are supposed to be set to the certdir and whatever shellscript/binary is being used to update all the cert bundles. the gist tries to provide good defaults, but you can also overwrite if you so desire.

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Will this run on mac?

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AfroThundr3007730 commented Mar 2, 2024

@senterfd-jrg Thanks for catching that. I've updated the script to incorporate it (and fix various shellcheck warnings).

@njohbillie I haven't researched how a mac imports trusted certificates. If it works similarly to Linux certificate management, then you could adapt the script to make it work, if not then you may need to look at another tool to do it.

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For the bots that drive search, this works on WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux Ubuntu nicely. Thank you @AfroThundr3007730 for saving me a bunch of time.

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Looks like the naming convention changed again on the .p7b files. I was able to get it to work by modifying the following lines. This is written in a way that no longer depends on "dod" in the filenames.


# Check for existence of PEM or DER format p7b.
    for file in "$tmpdir"/*_dod_{pem,der}.p7b; do
        # Iterate over glob instead of testing directly (SC2144)
        [[ -f ${file:-} ]] && form=${file%.*} && form=${form##*_} && break
    [[ ${form:-} && ${file:-} ]] || { printf 'No bundles found!\n' && exit 1; }


# Check for existence of PEM or DER format p7b.
    for file in "$tmpdir"/*.p7b; do
        [[ -f ${file:-} ]] || continue
        if [[ $file =~ (_pem|\.pem)\.p7b$ ]]; then
        elif [[ $file =~ (_der|\.der)\.p7b$ ]]; then
    [[ ${form:-} && ${file:-} ]] || { printf 'No valid bundles found!\n' && exit 1; }

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senterfd-jrg commented Mar 7, 2025

@nathanhoeller - Another good catch for the change to the naming convention. Upgrading to this version with your change also revealed that this new version does not replace all the space chars within the certificate's filename with "_" (underscore). I am not a fan of spaces within filenames, so I changed the 1 to "g" in the following gensub() command.


                awk -F '(=|= )' '{print gensub(/ /, "_", 1, $NF)}'


                awk -F '(=|= )' '{print gensub(/ /, "_", "g", $NF)}'

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senterfd-jrg commented Mar 10, 2025 made another change and now the command to initialize bundle, near line 22, is having problems. The previous calls to initialize bundle would return a single value for the variable bundle. Now we are seeing two values. I have added the grep command to use only the line beginning with the phrase http in my file. See below.


    bundle=$(curl -s $url | awk -F '"' 'tolower($2) ~ / {print $2}')


    bundle=$(curl -s $url | awk -F '"' 'tolower($2) ~ / {print $2}' | grep "^http")

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@senterfd-jrg - I see the spaces in the filenames in /etc/ssl/certs/. It looks like it automatically added the underscores after running the update command, but I can understand wanting to add this to keep the file names consistent. Thanks for the catch! I'll be adding this to my code.

Also, I verified the issue you mentioned with the bundle URL. That's another helpful addition. Thanks!

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