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Last active June 25, 2024 14:11
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Import DoD root certificates into linux CA store
# Import DoD root certificates into linux CA store
# Version 0.3.0 updated 20240304
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
add_dod_certs() {
local bundle cert certdir file form tmpdir url update
# Location of bundle from DISA site
bundle=$(curl -s $url | awk -F '"' 'tolower($2) ~ / {print $2}')
# Set cert directory and update command based on OS
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
source /etc/os-release
if [[ $ID =~ (fedora|rhel|centos) ||
$ID_LIKE =~ (fedora|rhel|centos) ]]; then
elif [[ $ID =~ (debian|ubuntu|mint) ||
$ID_LIKE =~ (debian|ubuntu|mint) ]]; then
if [[ -z $certdir || -z $update ]]; then
printf 'Unable to autodetect OS using /etc/os-release.\n'
printf 'Please provide CA certificate directory and update command.\n'
printf 'Example: %s /cert/store/location update-cmd\n' "${0##*/}"
exit 1
# Extract the bundle
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
wget -qP "$tmpdir" "$bundle"
unzip -qj "$tmpdir"/"${bundle##*/}" -d "$tmpdir"
# Check for existence of PEM or DER format p7b.
for file in "$tmpdir"/*_dod_{pem,der}.p7b; do
# Iterate over glob instead of testing directly (SC2144)
if [[ -f $file ]]; then form=${file%.*}; form=${form##*_}; break; fi
# Convert the PKCS#7 bundle into individual PEM files
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -inform "$form" -in "$file" |
awk -v d="$tmpdir" 'BEGIN {c=0} /subject=/ {c++} {print > d "/cert." c ".pem"}'
# Rename the files based on the CA name
for cert in "$tmpdir"/cert.*.pem; do
mv "$cert" "$certdir"/"$(openssl x509 -noout -subject -in "$cert" |
awk -F '(=|= )' '{gsub(/ /, "_", $NF); print $NF}')".crt
# Remove temp files and update certificate stores
rm -fr "$tmpdir"
# Only execute if not being sourced
[[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} == "$0" ]] && add_dod_certs "$@"
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The script uses $1 and $2, are those not 2 arguments that get passed in?

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If I recall those reference the tokens that awk produces. I will double check.

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Amndeep7 commented Jan 5, 2024

@danielcjacobs if you look in the if/else block, you'll see that those args are supposed to be set to the certdir and whatever shellscript/binary is being used to update all the cert bundles. the gist tries to provide good defaults, but you can also overwrite if you so desire.

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Will this run on mac?

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AfroThundr3007730 commented Mar 2, 2024

@senterfd-jrg Thanks for catching that. I've updated the script to incorporate it (and fix various shellcheck warnings).

@njohbillie I haven't researched how a mac imports trusted certificates. If it works similarly to Linux certificate management, then you could adapt the script to make it work, if not then you may need to look at another tool to do it.

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