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Created June 18, 2015 20:21
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- If job_metrics.xml exists, this file will define the default job metric
plugin used for all jobs. Individual job_conf.xml destinations can
disable metric collection by setting metrics="off" on that destination.
The metrics attribute on destination definition elements can also be
a path - in which case that XML metrics file will be loaded and used for
that destination. Finally, the destination element may contain a job_metrics
child element (with all options defined below) to define job metrics in an
embedded manner directly in the job_conf.xml file.
<!-- Each element in this file corresponds to a job instrumentation plugin
used to generate metrics in lib/galaxy/jobs/metrics/instrumenters. -->
<!-- Core plugin captures Galaxy slots, start and end of job (in seconds
since epoch) and computes runtime in seconds. -->
<core />
<!-- Uncomment to dump processor count for each job - linux only. -->
<cpuinfo />
<!-- Uncomment to dump information about all processors for for each
job - this is likely too much data. Linux only. -->
<!-- <cpuinfo verbose="true" /> -->
<!-- Uncomment to dump system memory information for each job - linux
only. -->
<meminfo />
<!-- Uncomment to record operating system each job is executed on - linux
only. -->
<!-- <uname /> -->
<!-- Uncomment following to enable plugin dumping complete environment
for each job, potentially useful for debuging -->
<!-- <env /> -->
<!-- env plugin can also record more targetted, obviously useful variables
as well. -->
<!-- <env variables="HOSTNAME,SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE,SLURM_JOBID" /> -->
<collectl />
<!-- Collectl ( is a powerful monitoring
utility capable of gathering numerous system and process level
statistics of running applications. The Galaxy collectl job metrics
plugin by default will grab a variety of process level metrics
aggregated across all processes corresponding to a job, this behavior
is highly customiziable - both using the attributes documented below
or simply hacking up the code in lib/galaxy/jobs/metrics.
Warning: In order to use this plugin collectl must be available on the
compute server the job runs on and on the local Galaxy server as well
(unless in this latter case summarize_process_data is set to False).
Attributes (the follow describes attributes that can be used with
the collectl job metrics element above to modify its behavior).
'summarize_process_data': Boolean indicating whether to run collectl
in playback mode after jobs complete and gather process level
statistics for the job run. These statistics can be customized
with the 'process_statistics' attribute. (defaults to True)
'saved_logs_path': If set (it is off by default), all collectl logs
will be saved to the specified path after jobs complete. These
logs can later be replayed using collectl offline to generate
full time-series data corresponding to a job run.
'subsystems': Comma separated list of collectl subystems to collect
data for. Plugin doesn't currently expose all of them or offer
summary data for any of them except 'process' but extensions
would be welcome. May seem pointless to include subsystems
beside process since they won't be processed online by Galaxy -
but if 'saved_logs_path' these files can be played back at anytime.
Available subsystems - 'process', 'cpu', 'memory', 'network',
'disk', 'network'. (Default 'process').
Warning: If you override this - be sure to include 'process'
unless 'summarize_process_data' is set to false.
'process_statistics': If 'summarize_process_data' this attribute can be
specified as a comma separated list to override the statistics
that are gathered. Each statistics is of the for X_Y where X
if one of 'min', 'max', 'count', 'avg', or 'sum' and Y is a
value from 'S', 'VmSize', 'VmLck', 'VmRSS', 'VmData', 'VmStk',
'VmExe', 'VmLib', 'CPU', 'SysT', 'UsrT', 'PCT', 'AccumT' 'WKB',
'RKBC', 'WKBC', 'RSYS', 'WSYS', 'CNCL', 'MajF', 'MinF'. Consult
lib/galaxy/jobs/metrics/collectl/ for more details
on what each of these resource types means.
Defaults to 'max_VmSize,avg_VmSize,max_VmRSS,avg_VmRSS,sum_SysT,sum_UsrT,max_PCT avg_PCT,max_AccumT,sum_RSYS,sum_WSYS'
as variety of statistics roughly describing CPU and memory
usage of the program and VERY ROUGHLY describing I/O consumption.
'procfilt_on': By default Galaxy will tell collectl to only collect
'process' level data for the current user (as identified)
by 'username' (default) - this can be disabled by settting this
to 'none' - the plugin will still only aggregate process level
statistics for the jobs process tree - but the additional
information can still be used offline with 'saved_logs_path'
if set. Obsecurely, this can also be set 'uid' to identify
the current user to filter on by UID instead of username -
this may needed on some clusters(?).
'interval': The time (in seconds) between data collection points.
Collectl uses a variety of different defaults for different
subsystems if this is not set, but process information (likely
the most pertinent for Galaxy jobs will collect data every
60 seconds).
'flush': Interval (in seconds I think) between when collectl will
flush its buffer to disk. Galaxy overrides this to disable
flushing by default if not set.
'local_collectl_path', 'remote_collectl_path', 'collectl_path':
By default, jobs will just assume collectl is on the PATH, but
it can be overridden with 'local_collectl_path' and
'remote_collectl_path' (or simply 'collectl_path' if it is not
on the path but installed in the same location both locally and
There are more and more increasingly obsecure options including -
log_collectl_program_output, interval2, and interval3. Consult
source code for more details.
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