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A lot of it is waiting around for the answer to come
So maybe you do the React tutorial for 3 hours - then you get sick of it. What happens then is you switch to to something that looks easier cause you're gonna be tired.
But then you're switching too much and getting MORE tired and nothing is getting done.
Switch to another task BEFORE you get burnt out on any one task. Then take a break. Then come back to the same task.
This is a marathon, not a race. Don't switch so much.
Cookies - A small piece of data that is generated with a unique ID that tracks your session on a website. Cookies can be passed from website to website. They remember things like your login details and can be used to authenticate you to servers.
Authentication - A way of proving you are who you say you are to a website or server.
Authorization - A way to segment what data a user can access on a website.
Protocol - A standardized way of communicating over networks (HTTP/HTTPS)
JWT - a way to authenticate a user to a website without using cookies.
AkiraBrand /
Created November 13, 2020 15:51 — forked from Geoff-Ford/
Eric Elliott's Master the JavaScript Interview Series


-distributed items in space -what order they go in -space between boxes/how tall they are, etc

justify content: this is for the row

justify-content: flex-start; puts all boxes toward the beginning (left to right)

AkiraBrand /
Created July 30, 2020 20:07
JS array methods

push: takes a predefined array, w/ an argument of what you want to put at the end of it, and returns the arrays new length. returns => new length mutates original? = true

pop: takes the last element from the array and returns that element. it changes the original array. returns => last element. mutates original? = true

unshift: adds one (or more) elements to an array, and returns the new length of the array. returns => new length of array

AkiraBrand / github-user-tracker.markdown
Last active June 22, 2020 21:17
Github User Tracker

Github User Tracker

A Pen by Akira on [CodePen]. The Ultimate Goal of this project is to average a person's GitHub contributions over the past 31 days and award them a fire rating based on the amount of contributions made. I will make heavy use of KaDw's API here: I made this as part of a Mintbean Hackathon on Jun 22, 2020.



AkiraBrand / css-playground.markdown
Created February 25, 2020 07:46
CSS Playground
1. Included but shouldn't
Absolutely do NOT include the sentence "Not everyone who starts Turing, finishes Turing." You touch on that later and it flows much better.
2. didn't include but should mention
The #6 assignement should be broken into two parts.
Part one: suggested exercises to build and strenghten an outside support structure (ask the turing therapists for their input on this, they will have some good
exercises I'm sure)
AkiraBrand / gist:70deeda7382f975ae05445c8035a839f
Created January 22, 2019 14:52
Questions for mod 2 start and CFU Answers
Task manager:
Please unpack this section of the tutorial:
"One quick note about the form: you'll notice that there's a hidden field with a value of `PUT`. Normally, HTML forms only allow `GET` or `POST` requests (see more information [here](
We're going to want this form to access a route in our controller (that we'll create momentarily) using `PUT` to be consistent with conventions about the HTTP verb that is used when updating a resource (take a quick look at [this table]( if this is new information).
HTML won't allow us to use `method='put'` in our `form` tag, but passing it as a hidden value gives our controller the information it needs to route the request correctly."
Rack tutorial:
AkiraBrand / music_curation
Created November 19, 2018 16:27
Music curator apple
1. Music curation in general (spotify, pandora, apple music, itunes, etc.)
Curation: the selection, collection, organisation and/or presentation of items, typically with the use of particular expertise, to be featured in an exhibition, programme or performance.
we could deduce that music curation is about what music to select, organise and/present to evoke emotion or express something. It’s about the experience behind music, the emotion evoked the story being told, the deeper meaning behind that dope beat you head on the radio or the lyrics you can’t get out of your head.
Essentially, giving people a fucking awesome experience of music like how we used to do when we made mix tapes for each other. but you have to really know the person and have an emotional
connection with them for that mix tape to REALLY mean something.
biggest thing to START with: know your audience.
" It’s always about research. So make sure you’re using your network and thinking about people who know stuff, and test out ideas beforehan