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AkiraBrand / gist:04f6c1be5fe68bb143b0c4d4ac0a0869
Created October 15, 2018 04:48
outreach and networking plan
Why you want to connect with this person and what you hope to talk about
I contacted Troy Denkinger in Brooklyn, and asked if he could talk about the music industry and tech (he works at a music distribution company),
as well as how to find a job in New York. I also asked to talk about one of his projects on github.
I already emailed him. He has yet to email me back.
What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them
I will send a LITERAL thank you card through snail mail immediately following our talk. I will also ask if we can have another conversation
The greatest loss in my life serendipitously led me to where I am now. When I was twenty I was at the peak of my academic career with a shining bright future in an operatic career ahead of me. One sunny, gorgeous afternoon, while en route to my boyfriends house, I got a phone call from my dad, in which he informed me in short, clipped tones that mom had cancer.
She died, two gruesome and horrific years later.
I watched my mom rapidly deteriorate from mathematical and academic genius into nothingness-unable to speak or move at the end, a paralyzed body lying in a hospital bed ridden with pain that she could not cry out and express, only silently shed tears down her beautiful face in hopes someone would take note of and give her a dose of morpheine.
CRUD stands for create, read, update and destroy.
We use set method_override: true to allow us to use _method in the form
the name is going into the task's parameters and pulling out whats associated title (setting it to name)
the value is calling the title method on a ruby object, task.
params is a hash. in the case of this exercise, its a hash that holds a key, and value, another hash with the title and description. It was made this way beause of how we named the input fields in the forms we made, and what we typed into them.
AkiraBrand /
Last active August 2, 2018 19:27
How I solved Caesar Cipher

Oh hello, everyone!

This is a guide to problem solving as I understand it thus far. Many thanks to my turing teachers, mentors, and classmates who, from day one, have insisted I break down problems into smaller and smaller chunks. Its from your guidance that I'm even able to write this.

My biggest issue when I first started Turing as a Mod 1 student was figuring out HOW to solve these programming problems, aka how to even get started in the first place. It was a huge point of frustration and I felt super lost a LOT, so I've created this little guide on how I have figured out how to go about working on a program. This will of course evolve over time, but I'm hoping to give new students a jumping off point. Keep in mind, everyone is different and the way your brain works is yours and yours alone.

I'm using the caesar_cipher program from Mod 1 BE's prework from the 1808 cohort, its short but not exactly simple!

To take a look at the caesar_cipher markdown, click here:

AkiraBrand /
Last active July 30, 2018 17:38
Prework PD Gist

29 behaviors of unstoppable programmers:

  1. Use Google very aggressively. Before I started Turing, I didn't see Google as a valuable tool in programming. Now I see that MOST OF MY ACTUAL JOB will be to Google things on the regular. Knowing how to phrase what I want to have answered is important, aka "Ruby ______ " as well as knowing how to read the results. (i.e. don't get lost in stack overflow and only look at code exerpts of answers.) I know there are even more specific ways to go about Googling, and I look forward to using them in my projects.

  2. Understand that “code is cheap.” I hate this concept. I hate it. I don't like the idea of slogging away at something and realizing I'm in the Einstellung effect and having to throw it ALL away and start over. But, its SO needed. Its very important to step away and re-do stuff up to an including starting over. Especially with how fast tech evolves, how could we be expected to know such an amazing time-tested process for writing such that we will

Text goes here

More text

and look! More text!

AkiraBrand / DTR Night Writer Abdulla and Ruth
Last active July 6, 2018 18:34
Night Writer DTR w/ Abdullah
Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:
What are your
learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
Abdulla: Pair at beginning to define the project/responsabilites/etc and then work independent with frequent check ins
Ruth: Similar, but read alone at beginning, pair a bit to make some things, and then continue with above process.
How do you call a funciton and store a result in the variable?
Describe the purpose of the following in Ruby classes: initialize method, new method, instance variables.
AkiraBrand / Turing Culture: Developing Empathetic Programmers Ruth Brand
Created June 13, 2018 20:47
Turing Culture: Developing Empathetic Programmers Ruth Brand
What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?
I find that, at its base level, I like people who have a natural ability to empathise with me and with whom I can empathise. It makes me want to spend more time around those people, and be more open with them.
Its helped me to build stronger relationships, especially by putting myself in a close friend's or partner's shoes. In a business setting, I am learning to see the viewpoint of my superiors and make it clear that I
understand where they are coming from, which helps us build stronger connections and expidites projects and work.
How does empathy help you build better software?
It helps me see where my end-user is coming from, especially in their context of what they will be using the software for. If the software doesn't match the context for which is will be used in, or if it strikes the end user
as antithetical to their habits, behaviours, and beliefs, then they will not use it long-term. I think its important to meet people where t
AkiraBrand / Turing Career Development Pre-Work
Last active June 13, 2018 20:10
Turing Career Development Pre-Work Ruth Brand
29 behaviors that will make you an unstoppable programmer article reflection
#8. "Say, 'I don't know'."
This one really resonated with me, because in life in general, I've started training myself to admit that I don't have the answers to a LOT of the problems that I face on a daily basis.
This allows me to get into a curiousity-based mindset, as opposed to a prideful and even somewhat desperate mindsetm (its hard to be prideful about 'knowing' what you're doing while at the same time, being totally stuck and unwilling to ask for help.
I also liked the point made that, as a software engineer, you will constantly be exposed to new tech, and if you ever think you've "made it" in terms of your knowledge base, you will be sorely outpaced by others!
So, to readily and constantly admit not knowing something, you open yourself up to growth, development, and a larger amount of satisfaction.
#9. Always analyze the clues found in error messages
I picked this one because I really like that even if you mess up, the co