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Forked from jwax/Javascript homework
Created November 10, 2011 17:15
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JavaScript Assignment 3: Jonathan Waxman</title>
<table border="1" width="100%" height="550">
<th colspan="2" bgcolor="navy" style="color:white">
<h1>JW's Electronic Post - eCommerce</h1>
<td bgcolor="navy" width='5%'>
<a href="home.html"><font color="white">Home</font></a>
<a href="pressrelease.html"><font color="white">Press Release</font></a>
<a href="products.html"><font color="white">Products</font></a>
<table border="1" width="100%" height="500">
<td height="75" cellpadding="30" align="center" style="color:navy">
<td height="75" cellpadding="30" align="center" style="color:navy">
<td height="75" cellpadding="30" align="center" style="color:navy">
<tr align="center" style="color:navy">
<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="navy">Sennheiser HD 558</font></a>
Price: $147.87
<tr align="center" style="color:navy">
<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="navy">Sennheiser HD 598</font></a>
Price: $249.95
<tr align="center" style="color:navy">
<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="navy">Sennheiser HD 600</font></a>
Price: $314.95
<tr align="center" style="color:navy">
<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="navy">Sennheiser HD 650</font></a>
Price: $359.17
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="navy" style="color:white">
<p align="center">
<a href=""><font color="white"> Email Us! </font></a>
53 Bumble Avenue
East Bumble, NJ 99813
<div id="sales-order"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Jonathan Waxman
TA: Bandhan
JavaScript 3
Due: November 4th */
var customerName
, products = {
'sennheiser hd 558': {
cost: 147.87
, quantity: 0
, 'sennheiser hd 598': {
cost: 249.95
, quantity: 0
, 'sennheiser hd 600': {
cost: 314.95
, quantity: 0
, 'sennheiser hd 650': {
cost: 359.17
, quantity: 0
function welcome() {
customerName = prompt("Welcome to JW's Electronic Post. Please enter your name","");
customerName = customerName || 'customer';
alert("Hello " + customerName + ". Please look through our available products and services before placing your order.");
function orderProduct() {
var product = prompt("What product are you ordering?","");
var quantity = prompt("How many " +product + "'s would you like to order?","");
quantity = !isNaN(quantity) ? 1*quantity : 1;
if(confirm (customerName + " you ordered "+ quantity + " " + product + ". Is this correct?")) {
if (products[product]) {
products[product].quantity += quantity;
else {
alert("Sorry, " + customerName + ". You entered an invalid product. We will not include this in your order.");
if(confirm(customerName + ", would you like to order another product?")) {
else {
function calculateOrder() {
var discount=0.10;
var runningTotal = 0;
var purchaseMessage = '<p>Thank you for placing an order with us, <b>' + customerName + '</b></p>';
for(var product in products) {
if (products.hasOwnProperty(product) && products[product].quantity) {
var productInfo = products[product]
, totalProductCost = productInfo.cost * productInfo.quantity
, savings = totalProductCost * discount
, actualProductCost = totalProductCost * (1-discount);
runningTotal += actualProductCost;
purchaseMessage += '<p>The cost of buying <b>' + productInfo.quantity + '</b> of <b>' + product + '</b> is $<b>' + Math.round(actualProductCost * 100)/100 + '</b></p>';
purchaseMessage += '<p>The discount for this purchase is $<b>' + Math.round(savings * 100)/100 + '</b></p>';
purchaseMessage += '<p>With the discount, your total of your order is $<b>' + Math.round(runningTotal * 100/100) + '</b>.</p>';
document.getElementById('sales-order').innerHTML = purchaseMessage;
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