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Alanna Burke AlannaBurke

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AlannaBurke / gist:d95b3a61899833f895e9
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
SOS Property Management: A Shitty Timeline

Please allow me to explain to you the incidents that occurred yesterday, as they are representative of my interactions with SOS Property Management and the property at N Nevada St.

##6/20/2015 11:00 AM: Lawn has finally been cleaned of sewage waste. No response yet from city or property management.

11:03 AM: Left a voicemail for Robert Shapiro, the President of SOS Property Management, to let him know how poorly his company has handled this, and how rude his employees are.
11:08 AM: Called the city to file a complaint about the sewage on the lawn.
11:18 AM: Sent an updated email to the city with pictures of the lawn and courtyard this morning.

AlannaBurke / gist:93b53b68334779837031
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Email to SOS Property Management on April 5, 2015 - Easter Sunday

Email to SOS Property Management: Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 5:11 PM
Hello all, I would really like to wish you all a very happy Easter. I am not having a happy Easter. I woke up to an overflowing toilet, a tub backed up with sewage, and a floor covered in toilet water! I called the after hours maintenance number at 10:34 AM.

This is what it looked like after I was able to mop up some of the water on the floor. The tub and toilet are both backed up with sewage. (Also, the knob broke off of the tub faucet when I went to turn it on to rinse some of the filth off of my hands.)

I received a text from Christian at 12:35 PM, a call from Drain Patrol at 12:36 PM, when they said a plumber would be dispatched within 60 minutes, and a call at 2:10 to tell me he had been dispatched. He arrived not too long afterwards. That's four hours of a holiday where I was unable to use my bathroom (our only bathroom) in any capacity. It's now 5 PM, so over seven hours. The plumber has not yet been able to repair anything. In fact, he

Setup changes

  • Uses public key instead of transparent post.
  • Call recurly.configure($publickey) instead of passing a whole mess of options.
    • Good! But leaves me figuring out what to do with those options.
    • Some can be discarded.
      • Unneeded options, settings
      • everything was json-encoded and sent to recurly, not needed
      • can discard a lot of code used to clean up field names and change them
      • ~150 lines of code less in the module file now
AlannaBurke /
Last active February 8, 2016 02:52
Girl Develop It San Diego Teachers Wanted!

We have several classes scheduled, and would love to offer a wide array of classes as we expand our teachers and membership. We don't require any teaching experience, just that you're comfortable with the subject matter. We have a variety of curriculum that have been developed by other GDI chapters here. Teachers are free to use them in their entirety, adapt, etc - we just like to give our teachers something to work from! We also welcome any other class ideas!

Our teachers receive a percentage of the proceeds from each class (We charge about $10 an hour per student each class).

If you have an idea of something you'd like to teach, or any questions, please let us know! Here's a short document on what to expect as a GDI Teacher and the GDI Code of Conduct.

Here are the classes we currently have scheduled for which we

AlannaBurke /
Last active February 9, 2016 00:26
Response to false statements in CNN article on endometriosis

Dr Sullivan,

I'd like to speak with you regarding the erroneous quotes you gave to CNN in an article about Lena Dunham and endometriosis.

You were quoted as follows:

"Most people think that when women have a period, a few of these cells travel through the fallopian tubes into the abdomen and then they end up implanting where they shouldn't be," said Dr. Scott Sullivan, associate professor at the Medical University of South Carolina.

As a patient with endometriosis, I am well-educated in the disease, and have learned from my doctors and through research that the theory of retrograde menstruation has been debunked. This is a theory from the 1920s - nearly one hundred years ago. Here is an informative article from the Center For Endometriosis Care, a leading expert in treating endometriosis.

<p>8HY - 4 Lead Bi-Polar</p>

      <th colspan="2" scope="col">Model Number</th>
      <th scope="col">Connect</th>
      <th scope="col">Rated Current</th>
t('something that would make this go over 80 characters', array(
'foo' => 'bar',
t('This is going to be way over eighty characters anyway, so there really isn't much point. Keep it readable @foo',
'foo' => 'bar',
AlannaBurke /
Last active October 31, 2017 17:00
Oct 30 Governance Meeting Notes/Takeaways

Attendees: Alanna (leading), Nikki, Tara, Fatima, Lyndsey, Heather, Rachel (7 total)

We need a clear values statement, which should include why this statement is necessary - why not having one is adversely affecting the community and what the purpose is.

Instead of worrying about getting the whole community on board, the statment should reflect how things are going forward, full stop.

We need a very clear CoC, which should include as much as we possibly can (look at examples like Geek Feminism)(most agreed to this, one did not) to be clear so there is no question what is not allowed and what the consequences will be. Use language like "includes but is not limited to"

Implementation details to be worked out later (do you agree to CoC by creating a d.o account? downloading Drupal? etc)

AlannaBurke /
Created October 30, 2017 22:03
Oct 30 Governance Meeting Transcript

Alanna Burke [5:01 PM] :zero: Welcome to this meeting to discuss Drupal Community Governance! This is one of a series of meetings we are holding in this channel to connect people who are interested in governance with each other, provide a forum for people to share their thoughts, and empower the community to determine the next steps. Additional background can be found at: Evolving Community Governance - Survey Results and a Call to Action October 23, 2017: Additional meetings have been scheduled in Slack and IRC. Please consult the schedule for more details. These results and analysis were initially presented at the DrupalCon Vienna community summit on September 25, 2017. Sep 25th at 12:19 PM

[5:01] :one: This meeting is text-only. There is no audio or video component.

AlannaBurke / gist:1bdad6aab977b0994c245834e61b6b50
Created March 18, 2020 21:52
lagoon docker-compose build response
➜ lagoon-test git:(master) docker-compose build
mariadb uses an image, skipping
redis uses an image, skipping
solr uses an image, skipping
varnish uses an image, skipping
Building cli
Step 1/6 : FROM amazeeio/php:7.2-cli-drupal
---> c5b2f866ea92
Step 2/6 : COPY composer.json composer.lock /app/
---> Using cache