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Alex Yates (Personal) Alex-Yates

View GitHub Profile
Alex Yates has been helping organisations to apply DevOps principles to their data since 2010. He’s most proud of helping Skyscanner develop the ability to deploy 95 times a day. Originally for Redgate, later for DLM Consultants, Alex has worked with clients on every continent except Antarctica – so he’s keen to meet anyone who researches penguins.
A keen community member, he co-organises Data Relay, is the founder of and has been recognised as a Microsoft Data Platform MVP since 2017.
Write-Error "To do: Please either parameterise or hard code these variables"
$sourceBackup = "Uh oh! sourceBackup file not provided"
$targetServer = "Uh oh! targetServer file not provided"
$targetDatabase = "Uh oh! targetDatabase file not provided"
$workingDirectory = "Uh oh! workingDirectory file not provided"
$sqlComparePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Compare 14\sqlcompare.exe"
Write-Output "Logging variables to simplify troubleshooting while script is in development"
Write-Output "sourceBackup is $sourceBackup"
Write-Output "targetServer is $targetServer"
Database DevOps with SSDT, GitHub and Azure DevOps Services
DevOps has fundamentally changed the way we manage IT. Those
practicing DevOps well aren't just outpacing their competitors,
they are annihilating them. With DevOps comes a whole host of
new practices, tools and buzzwords. Some roles and tasks have
been made redundant, while new opportunities have been created.
DevOps Flow Series, part 2 of 4
Simple database deployments with GitHub and SSDT
For many of us, database deployments are time consuming, painful and risky.
The automated deployment of applications, and even servers, is now ubiquitous
- but most of us have not applied the same principles to our databases.
DevOps Flow Series, part 1 of 4
DevOps 101 for Data Folks
DevOps has fundamentally changed the way we manage IT. Those practicing DevOps well aren't just outpacing their competitors, they are annihilating them.
DevOps brings a whole host of new practices, tools and buzzwords. It has made some roles and tasks redundant, while new opportunities have been created.
DevOps Flow Series, part 4 of 4
Zero downtime database deployments
You understand that big bang deployments are painful, but
each deploy may disrupt users, so you are restricted to
tight deployment windows for your database. The consequences
of missing your windows aren't worth thinking about - but it
DevOps Flow Series, part 3 of 4
Solving the dev database problem with GitHub, Docker and dbaclone
DevOps promotes self-service access to usable, production-like dev/test
environments – but so many data folks are encumbered with shared
development databases which are often inconsistent with production. It’s
difficult to isolate the development of different features, so they are
# Open chrome with the standard tabs
$tabs = @("http://win2016:14145/dashboard","http://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/VoiceOfTheDBA/_build?definitionId=3")
Start-Process -FilePath Chrome -ArgumentList $tabs
# Open the VoiceOfTheDBA SCA project in VS
# Trigger a build for the VoiceOfTheDBA SCA project in Azure DevOps (Not got this working yet)
# $pat = "Bearer $env:System_AccessToken"
# $ApiCall = "http://win2016:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/VoiceOfTheDBA/_apis/build/builds?api-version=5.1"
Alex-Yates / Hello.js
Last active September 17, 2019 11:20
var name = "Alex";
console.log("hello " + name);
// A function that returns the appropriate FizzBuzz response
// for a given number:
function FizzBuzz(n){
var fb;
if (n % 5 != 0 && n % 3 != 0){
fb = n;