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Александр Матвеев Alexander671

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# This Python file module is responsible for compose and request to a GraphQL API using the "requests" library.
# The main function, "post_generator" takes in a URL, a query function, and optional parameters for "skip" and "block_number".
# This script requests ens domain subgraph. It can be changed by the use of another subgraph and query data.
# Recommended to use Graph Explorer with "API_KEY" and "SUBGRAPH_ID". For more information, visit
# In some situations, you can use "Hosted Service". But this option is not recommended due to
# the fact that this method will soon become deprecated
# The "post_generator" function in the provided code is a generator that retrieves data from the GraphQL API
# in a continuous manner. It uses the "yield" keyword to generate a sequence of API responses.
# This allows for data to be fetched in batches or pages, making it useful for handling large datasets.
# To launch the script, it is necessary to install the requests library and the python-
# This pyth file is a module for connecting to the Ethereum network and interaction with Ethereum smart contract.
# Then he imports the necessary modules from the Web3 library,
# which allow you to connect to Ethereum and operate with smart contracts.
# To launch the script, it is necessary to install the web3 library and the python-dotenv library
# pip install python-dotenv
# pip install web3
import settings
from web3 import Web3
from pprint import pprint
import httplib2
import apiclient.discovery
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
# Файл, полученный в Google Developer Console
CREDENTIALS_FILE = 'creds.json'
# ID Google Sheets документа (можно взять из его URL)