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Last active July 20, 2023 19:28
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  • Save Alexander671/d1c7d193435ce0490268e2c0ea42a5e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# This Python file module is responsible for compose and request to a GraphQL API using the "requests" library.
# The main function, "post_generator" takes in a URL, a query function, and optional parameters for "skip" and "block_number".
# This script requests ens domain subgraph. It can be changed by the use of another subgraph and query data.
# Recommended to use Graph Explorer with "API_KEY" and "SUBGRAPH_ID". For more information, visit
# In some situations, you can use "Hosted Service". But this option is not recommended due to
# the fact that this method will soon become deprecated
# The "post_generator" function in the provided code is a generator that retrieves data from the GraphQL API
# in a continuous manner. It uses the "yield" keyword to generate a sequence of API responses.
# This allows for data to be fetched in batches or pages, making it useful for handling large datasets.
# To launch the script, it is necessary to install the requests library and the python-dotenv library
# pip install python-dotenv
# pip install requests
import requests
import time
import json
from settings import API_KEY, SUBGRAPH_ID
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
API_KEY = os.environ.get('API_KEY')
SUBGRAPH_ID = os.environ.get('SUBGRAPH_ID')
def post_generator(url, query, interval = 0, interval_increase = 60, skip=0, block_number=0):
# # get last block from db
# domain = SomeModel.objects.order_by('block_number').last()
# if domain is not None:
# block_number = domain.block_number
# else:
# block_number = 0
while True:
response =, json = query(block_number, skip))
# decode byte -> json
json_response = response.content.decode('utf-8')
# load json -> dict
dict_response = json.loads(json_response)
# Проверяем, что поле "nameRegistereds" является пустым списком
if not dict_response['data']['nameRegistereds']:
interval = interval_increase # increase the interval between requests
interval = 0 # reset the interval in case of receiving a non-empty response
skip += 1
yield dict_response
print('Data response:', dict_response)
except (KeyError, TypeError):
print(f"Error response:", dict_response)
url = f"{API_KEY}/subgraphs/id/{SUBGRAPH_ID}"
data = lambda block_number, skip : { "query": f'''
{{ nameRegistereds(where: {{blockNumber_gt: {block_number}}},
first: 1000, skip: {1000 * skip}) {{
registration {{
registrant {{
domain {{
owner {{
resolver {{
}} }}
for response in post_generator(url, data, block_number=0):
# now we can batch save this data,
# perform additional queries, and so on
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