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Forked from Fristi/Aggregate.hs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Function (on)
import Control.Applicative
data EventData e = EventData {
eventId :: Int,
body :: Event e
instance Show (EventData e) where
show = show . eventId
instance Eq (EventData e) where
(==) = (==) `on` eventId
instance Ord (EventData e) where
compare = compare `on` eventId
class Aggregate s where
data Error s :: *
data Command s :: *
data Event s :: *
execute :: s -> Command s -> Either (Error s) (Event s)
apply :: s -> Event s -> s
seed :: s
data User = User {
name :: String,
email :: String
} deriving (Show)
instance Aggregate User where
data Error User = NotAllowed
| TooShortUsername Int Int
| EmptyUsername
| EmptyEmail
deriving (Show)
data Event User = NameChanged String
| EmailChanged String
deriving (Show)
data Command User = ChangeName String
| ChangeEmail String
deriving (Show)
_ `execute` ChangeName n = NameChanged
<$> validate notEmpty EmptyUsername n
<* validate (lengthBetween 4 8) (TooShortUsername 4 8) n
_ `execute` ChangeEmail e = EmailChanged
<$> validate notEmpty EmptyEmail e
state `apply` NameChanged n = state { name = n }
state `apply` EmailChanged e = state { email = e }
seed = User "" ""
load :: (Aggregate a) => [EventData a] -> a
load = foldl folder seed
folder state = apply state . body
validate :: (a -> Bool) -> e -> a -> Either e a
validate f err x
| f x = Right x
| otherwise = Left err
notEmpty :: [a] -> Bool
notEmpty = (> 0) . length
lengthBetween :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool
lengthBetween s e str
| len >= s && len <= e = True
| otherwise = False
where len = length str
main :: IO()
main = do
print $ load $ map (EventData 1) [NameChanged "Borak", NameChanged "Fristi", EmailChanged ""]
print $ execute seed $ ChangeEmail ""
print $ execute seed $ ChangeName "Te"
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