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Last active July 10, 2022 14:32
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Coordinators & StateMachine - Concept
struct Coordinator {
let window: UIWindow
let navCtrl: UINavigationController?
func start() {
private func presentWelcomeScreen() {
let vc = WelcomeScreenViewController() // Instanciate from code, XIB, Storyboard, whatever your jam is
vc.navTransitions = WelcomeScreenTransitions(
showHome: self.pushHomeScreen, // see private func below
showCreateAccountScreen: self.pushCreateAccountScreen
window.rootViewController = vc // or whatever
private func pushHomeScreen(user: User?) {
let vc = HomeScreenViewController() // Instanciate from code, XIB, Storyboard, whatever your jam is
vc.user = user // or inject a ViewModel here if you're doing MVVM, you get the idea
vc.navTransitions = HomeScreenTransitions(
showUserInfoScreen: {
// From Home, we *push* the UserInfoVC
self.navigationController.pushViewController(instanciateUserInfoScreen(user), animated: true, completion: nil)
showProductDetail: self.pushProductDetail // extracted in private function below
disconnectAndShowLoginScreen: self.presentLoginScreen // same
navCtrl = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
window.rootViewController = navCtrl
private func pushProductDetail(product: Product) {
let vc = ProductDetailViewController() // Instanciate from code, XIB, Storyboard, whatever your jam is
vc.product = product // inject any object to the VC, like a ViewModel or whatever
vc.navTransitions = ProductDetailTransitions(
showUserInfoScreen: {
// But from ProductDetail VC, we *present* the UserInfoVC *modally*
self.presentViewController(instanciateUserInfoScreen(product.owner), animated: true, completion: nil)
back: { navCtrl?.popViewController(animated: true) }
navCtrl?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) { _ in }
private func pushCreateAccountScreen() {
// Create and push a CreateAccountViewController and its CreateAccountTransitions struct
private func instanciateUserInfoScreen(user: User) -> UIViewController {
// Create, configure and return an UserDetailsViewController
struct HomeScreenTransitions {
let showUserInfoScreen: Void -> Void
let showProductDetail: Product -> Void
let disconnectAndShowLoginScreen: Void -> Void
class HomeScreenViewController: UIViewController {
var navTransitions: HomeScreenTransitions!
@IBAction func profileAction(_: AnyObject) {
@IBAction func disconnectAction(_: AnyObject) {
confirm("Are you sure?") {
@objc func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath: NSIndexPath) {
let product = productsDataSource[indexPath.row]
struct Product {
let id: Int
let owner: User
struct ProductDetailTransitions {
let showUserInfoScreen: Void -> Void
let back: Void -> Void
class ProductDetailViewController: UIViewController {
var navTransitions: ProductDetailTransitions!
@IBAction func showProductOwner(_: AnyObject) {
struct WelcomeScreenTransitions {
let showHome: User? -> Void
let showCreateAccountScreen: Void -> Void
class WelcomeScreenViewController: UIViewController {
var navTransitions: WelcomeScreenTransitions!
var webService: WebServiceAPI!
@IBAction func loginAction(_: AnyObject) {
webService.login(userTextField.text, passwordTextField.text) { (user: User?) in
@IBAction func createAccountAction(_: AnyObject) {
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Main concept:

  • Each screen provides a struct listing all the possible transitions from that state. Like the struct WelcomeScreenTransitions which lists all the possible screens to go to from the WelcomeScreenViewController
    • These structs are only containers for closures. They don't carry any implementation details. (They act a bit like a wrapper around a list of completionBlock, one for each possible outcome / transition)
    • These structs don't have any dependency with the Coordinator. Separation of concerns is important.
  • Then the Coordinator is responsible for handling the transition between screens. To do so, each time it needs to present a screen, it is responsible for:
    • Instantiating the proper UIViewController
    • Create the …Transitions struct instance, providing the the implementation detail for each possible action, and pass that struct to the VC
    • Presenting the VC (push, modal, or whatever, it's the Coordinator's responsibility to decide)
  • The Coordinator is the only one knowing how to present each ViewController, and what are the presenting actions to do for this ViewController for its own next steps (the closures implementations). So all the navigation logic is handled by the Coordinator alone, and isn't responsible for anything else (except maybe passing ViewModels from VC to VC)

Other interesting links on a similar subject:

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Remember to check if Coordinator -> Window -> VC -> closure that captures coordinator that has a Window inside causes a retain cycle or not ;)

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yeah I think we may need to add [unowned window] in those closures to break the reference cycle, good point 👍

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Mmmh… In that kind of code:

    vc.navTransitions = WelcomeScreenTransitions(
      showHome: self.pushHomeScreen, // see private func below
      showCreateAccountScreen: self.pushCreateAccountScreen

I don't think we can use [unowned self] in the closure, as self here is the struct Coordinator so as a struct it's a value type and can't be marked unowned (doesn't have any sense for anything non-reference type)
But we can't either [unowned window] as the window isn't even referenced / captured in that closure (as we point the closures to private functions and not providing the implementations inline)

So I'm a bit puzzled here… is there really a reference cycle here (even with value types, though the struct Coordinator contains reference types like window: UIWindow), or is the cycle broken thanks to value types… and if it's not, how to break it as I believe we can't use unowned on a struct?

Will definitely have to try that in an actual playground at some point…

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Ok there definitely are issues with retain cycles, and a struct/value type containing reference types doesn't help making things clear on this front.

The right solution might be to make Coordinator a class instead of a struct (which actually makes sense, as we don't really want independent copies all over), and be sure then to use [unowned self] in closures when appropriate.

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that's really awesome ! Good job AliSoftware 👽 .

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How to do you handle the cas with UITabBarController with severals UIViewController ?

  1. create and instance the UITabBarController directly in the appCoordinator.
  2. group all the transitions in the UITabBarController

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@remirobert good question never had that use case until know. Since that gist using closure I've finally switched back to the delegates version of that Coordinator pattern anyway, which avoids the risk of hidden retain cycles we have with closures everywhere here

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sirvon commented May 31, 2017

@remirobert @AliSoftware any word or example code on using uitabcontroller with coordinator pattern?

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