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Allie Ray Jones AllieRays

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echo -e "Subject: Hello\nFrom:\n\nTest" | sendmail -v
Acquia Multisite structure + migration strategy
I can not stress enough the importance of taking the time to build a solid platform architecture to build out a multisite that will be scalable and successful long term. Below are some steps and links to documentation to get started first with the Acquia Cloud Platform and to start thinking about a migration strategy.
Documentation and links
Get access to Acquia Cloud Platform
Setup a local or ide environment
get a second ide Acquia will follow up
configure your ide
pull the prod environment to your cloud ide - this will be empty
git status
git add .
git commit -m"Drupal 9 additional code"
acli push:artifact
delete a tag
git tag -d drupal9
git push --delete origin drupal9
#Switch between PHP 7.4 and 8.0 and Drush Version 8 and 11
# To use this script download this file and name it
# and give it the correct permissions
# You can then run ./switch-php
# with the argument 7.4 or just ./switch-php
# For example ./switch-php 7.4
## First need to download PHP Versions
<h2>Loan, Investment, Savings, and Mortgage Calculators</h2>
<p>Our online personal financial calculators are here to help you evaluate banking, borrowing and savings decisions.</p>
<p>The information provided by these calculators is intended for illustrative purposes only and may not be applicable to your individual situation. Contact an Arvest Bank financial professional prior to relying on the results.</p>
<p><a name="mortgage"></a></p>
machine_name: eaacsf
prefix: eaacsf
human_name: eaacsf
name: lightning
protocol: http
type: cohesion_sync_package
uuid: 1eea4b40-c808-4cb5-aa18-ecfce382c273
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
id: pack_studio_base_button_style
label: 'Studio Base Button Style'
description: 'This is an example of a Site Studio base button style example.'
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Factory Hook: post-staging-update
# factory-hooks/post-site-install/
# Run Site Studio commands after executing
## Acquia BLT with DDev for Windows with all Prerequisites as of May 8 2020
This exercises purpose is to ensure your Windows 10 machine has all of the following prerequisites required to run BLT and DDEV to create a local development environment.
Required prerequisites
* Windows 10 build 1909
* Admin permissions
At the end of this exercise the following system requirements should be setup \
() Windows 10 build 1909 with Admin permissions and Hyper V enabled\
() A windows package manager \
* SAML 2.0 remote IdP metadata for SimpleSAMLphp.
* Remember to remove the IdPs you don't use from this file.
* See:
$metadata[''] = [