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#Switch between PHP 7.4 and 8.0 and Drush Version 8 and 11
# To use this script download this file and name it
# and give it the correct permissions
# You can then run ./switch-php
# with the argument 7.4 or just ./switch-php
# For example ./switch-php 7.4
## First need to download PHP Versions
## brew tap shivammathur/php
## brew install shivammathur/php/php@8.1
## brew install shivammathur/php/php@7.4
## confirm PHP 7.4 is not in the bash_profile path
#Switch to PHP 7.4 and Drush 8.x
if [[ $1 == "7.4" ]];
echo "------------------ PHP 7.4 ------------------------"
brew unlink PHP
brew link --force --overwrite php@7.4
# Remove the current version of drush.
composer global remove drush/drush
# Install drush version 8
composer global require drush/drush:8.x
# Switch to PHP 8.1 and Drush 11.
echo "------------------ PHP 8.1 ------------------------"
brew unlink PHP
brew link --force --overwrite php@8.1
# Remove the current version of drush.
composer global remove drush/drush
# Install drush version 11
composer global require drush/drush
# Show Me
echo "------------------------------------"
drush status
php --version
Copy link

Sadly this no longer works. Drush 8.x now depends on PHP 8.1 and above.
Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0"

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