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  • Save AllieRays/f314610597f95bcca2b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AllieRays/f314610597f95bcca2b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dom manipulation for Drupal blocks based on screen size
swapper = function(arr, from, to) {
arr.splice(to, 0, arr.splice(from, 1)[0]);
return arr;
//setup our vars
var homeElements = new Array();
var mobileElements = new Array();
var previousState;
//on home page and logged out
if ($('.not-logged-in .region-home').length > 0) {
// console.log("region-home");
$(".region-home").children().each(function(index) {
//make two identical arrays to store references to each child element
homeElements[index] = $(this);
mobileElements[index] = $(this);
//reorder mobile array
mobileElements = swapper(mobileElements, 3, 0);
mobileElements = swapper(mobileElements, 1, 2);
//on homepage and logged in
else if ($('.logged-in .region-home').length > 0) {
// console.log("region-home");
$(".region-home").children().each(function(index) {
//make two identical arrays to store references to each child element
homeElements[index] = $(this);
mobileElements[index] = $(this);
//reorder mobile array
mobileElements = swapper(mobileElements, 1, 0);
mobileElements = swapper(mobileElements, 2, 1);
mobileElements = swapper(mobileElements, 4, 7);
// mobileElements = swapper(mobileElements, 5, 6);
//Debugging statements ensure that the arrays are good
// console.log('desktop array = ' + homeElements.length);
// console.log('mobile array = ' + mobileElements.length);
//Helper function for rendering our changes
function swaparoo(toScreenSize) {
//if home page
if ($('.region-home').length > 0) {
//Fade out the region so we can smooth out the transition a bit
$('.region-home').fadeOut(100, function() {
//remove all child blocks from the region without destroying them
//if we are transitioning to desktop put them back in the original order
if (toScreenSize == 'desktop') {
jQuery.each(homeElements, function(index) {
//If we are transitioning to mobile put them back in the modified mobile order
} else if (toScreenSize == 'mobile') {
jQuery.each(homeElements, function(index) {
//Bring the region back with it's new order
//On load if desktop do nothing but store a flag denoting that we are on desktop
if ($(window).width() > 480) {
previousState = 'desktop';
//onload setup desktop
// console.log('setting up desktop');
$('.view-slideshow .previous, .view-slideshow .next').fadeOut(300);
//On load if mobile re-order the elemnts and store a mobile flag
} else {
previousState = 'mobile';
//onload setup mobile
// console.log('setting up mobile');
$('.view-slideshow .previous, .view-slideshow .next').fadeIn(300);
//Function binds an event to fire whenever the window is re-sized
$(window).resize(function() {
if (this.resizeTO)
this.resizeTO = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
$(window).bind('resizeEnd', function() {
//do something, window hasn't changed size in 500ms
//// console.log('window resized');
//If we are on desktop now and re-sized from mobile (if we re-sized from desktop to desktop no changes are needed)
// console.log($(window).width());
if ($(window).width() > 480 && previousState == 'mobile') {
//alter flag
previousState = 'desktop';
// console.log('changing to desktop');
//on window change setup desktop
$('.view-slideshow .previous, .view-slideshow .next').fadeOut(300);
//If we are on mobile now and re-sized from desktop (if we re-sized from mobile to mobile no changes are needed)
} else if ($(window).width() < 480 && previousState == 'desktop') {
previousState = 'mobile';
// console.log('changing to mobile');
//on window change setup mobile
$('.view-slideshow .previous, .view-slideshow .next').fadeIn(300);
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