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Forked from sp0oks/data_structures.h
Last active July 1, 2017 05:14
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Abstract data types library for C++
/*My personal project of a library that includes different types of template container structures.
Basically a rework of C++'s STL.
It is an open source project and so if you feel like contributing to it(testing, fixing and/or adding new stuff) just send me an
email with the subject "data structures gist contribution" listing what you did or want to do and I'll have it added with due
credit (just check my profile for the email address).
Biblioteca criada para o uso de diferentes tipos abstratos de dados dinâmicos,
partindo do conceito de listas encadeadas para posterior reuso em projetos.
Classes implementadas e testadas até a última revisão:
Classes ainda não testadas:
Classes a implementar:
Gabriel Alves,
São Carlos - SP, 2017.
template<class T>
class Node {
T value;
Node* next;
Node* previous;
Node():next(this), previous(this) {}
Node(const T val):value(val), next(this), previous(next) {}
~Node() { next = nullptr; previous = nullptr; }
template<class T>
class Stack {
Node<T> header;
int size;
Stack() :size(0) {};
~Stack() { this->clear(); };
void push(const T);
bool pop(T&);
bool isEmpty() const { return this-> == &this->header; };
int getSize() const { return this->size; };
Node<T>* peek() const { return this->; };
void clear();
template<class T>
void Stack<T>::push(const T element) {
Node<T> *aux = new Node<T>;
aux->value = element;
aux->next = &this->header;
aux->previous = this->header.previous;
this->header.previous->next = aux;
this->header.previous = aux;
template<class T>
bool Stack<T>::pop(T& element) {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
element = this->header.previous->value;
Node<T> *aux = this->header.previous;
this->header.previous = aux->previous;
aux->previous = &this->header;
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
inline void Stack<T>::clear() {
T temp;
while (this->pop(temp));
template<class T>
class Queue {
Node<T> header;
int size;
Queue():size(0) {};
~Queue() { this->clear(); };
void enqueue(const T, bool&);
bool dequeue(T&);
bool isEmpty() const { return this-> == &this->header; };
int getSize() const { return this->size; };
Node<T>* getFront() const { return this->; };
Node<T>* getBack() const { return this->header.previous; };
T operator[](int);
void clear();
template<class T>
void Queue<T>::enqueue(const T element) {
Node<T> *aux = new Node<T>;
aux->value = element;
aux->next = &this->header;
aux->previous = this->header.previous;
this->header.previous->next = aux;
this->header.previous = aux;
template<class T>
bool Queue<T>::dequeue(T& element) {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
element = this->>value;
Node<T>* aux = this->;
this-> = aux->next;
aux->next->previous = &this->header;
delete aux;
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
void Queue<T>::clear() {
T temp;
while (this->dequeue(temp));
template<class T>
T Queue<T>::operator[](int index) {
Node<T>* temp = this->getFront();
while (index > 0 && temp != this->getBack()){
temp = temp->next;
return temp->value;
================ CONTINUAR REVISANDO DAQUI ================
template<class T>
class LinkedList {
Node<T> header;
Node<T>* current;
int size;
LinkedList():current(&this->header), size(0) {};
~LinkedList() { this->clear(); }
bool toFirst(); // retorna verdadeiro se a lista estiver vazia.
bool toNext(); // retorna verdadeiro se passar para o último elemento da lista.
bool isEmpty() const { return this-> == &this->header; };
void insertItem(T);
void getCurrent(T& element) { element = this->current->value; };
bool find(T);
void removeCurrent();
int getSize() const { return this->size; };
void clear();
T operator[](int);
template<class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::toFirst() {
this->current = this->;
return this->current == &this->header;
template<class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::toNext() {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
this->current = this->current->next;
if (this->current == &this->header)
this->current = this->current->next;
return this->current->next == &this->header;
template<class T>
void LinkedList<T>::insertItem(T element) {
Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>;
newNode->value = element;
newNode->next = this->current->next;
newNode->previous = this->current;
newNode->next->previous = newNode;
this->current->next = newNode;
template<class T>
void LinkedList<T>::removeCurrent() {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
Node<T>* aux = this->current;
aux->previous->next = aux->next;
aux->next->previous = aux->previous;
this->current = aux->previous;
delete aux;
template<class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::find(T element) {
while (this->current->value != element)
if (this->current->value == element)
return true;
return false;
template<class T>
void LinkedList<T>::clear() {
while (!this->toNext())
template<class T>
T LinkedList<T>::operator[](int index) {
while (index > 0 && !this->toNext())
return this->current.value;
template<class T>
class KeyNode {
int key;
T data;
KeyNode* right;
KeyNode* left;
KeyNode() :right(this), left(this) {};
KeyNode(const T val, int keyVal) : data(val), key(keyVal), right(this), left(right) {};
KeyNode(const KeyNode<T>&);
~KeyNode() { right = nullptr; left = nullptr; }
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>::KeyNode(const KeyNode<T>& copyNode) {
this->key = copyNode->key;
this->data = copyNode->data;
this->right = copyNode->right;
this->left = copyNode->left;
template<class T>
class BSTree {
KeyNode<T>* root;
void insert(KeyNode<T>*, int, T, bool&);
KeyNode<T>* find(KeyNode<T>*, int) const;
void remove(KeyNode<T>*, int, bool&);
BSTree() : root(nullptr) {};
~BSTree() { this->purge(root); };
void insert(int, T, bool&);
KeyNode<T>* find(int) const;
void remove(int, bool&);
bool isEmpty() const { return (this->root == nullptr) ? true : false; };
KeyNode<T>* getMax(KeyNode<T>*) const;
KeyNode<T>* getMin(KeyNode<T>*) const;
void purge(KeyNode<T>*);
template<class T>
void BSTree<T>::insert(int key, T data, bool& ok) {
insert(this->root, key, data, ok);
template<class T>
void BSTree<T>::insert(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key, T data, bool& ok) {
if (leaf == nullptr) {
leaf = new KeyNode<T>;
leaf->key = key;
leaf->data = data;
leaf->right = nullptr;
leaf->left = nullptr;
ok = true;
else if (key == leaf->key)
ok = false;
else if (key > leaf->key)
insert(leaf->right, key, data, ok);
else if (key < leaf->key)
insert(leaf->left, key, data, ok);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BSTree<T>::find(int key) const {
return find(this->root, key);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BSTree<T>::find(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key) const {
if (leaf == nullptr)
return nullptr;
else if (key == leaf->key)
return leaf;
else if (key < leaf->key)
return find(leaf->left, key);
else if (key > leaf->key)
return find(leaf->right, key);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BSTree<T>::getMax(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->right == nullptr)
return leaf->right;
return getMax(leaf->right);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* BSTree<T>::getMin(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->left == nullptr)
return leaf->left;
return getMin(leaf->left);
template<class T>
void BSTree<T>::remove(int key, bool& ok) {
ok = false;
this->remove(this->root, key, ok);
template<class T>
void BSTree<T>::remove(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key, bool& ok) {
//Case 0: tree is empty
if (leaf != nullptr) {
//Case 1: found node to be removed
if (key == leaf->key) {
//Case 1.1: leaf node
if (leaf->right == nullptr && leaf->left == nullptr) {
delete leaf;
ok = true;
//Case 1.2: branch node with 1 leaf node
else if (leaf->right == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->left;
delete aux;
ok = true;
else if (leaf->left == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->right;
delete aux;
ok = true;
//Case 1.3: branch node with 2 leaf nodes
else {
KeyNode<T>* aux = getMax(leaf->left);
leaf->key = aux->key;
leaf->data = aux->data;
this->remove(aux, aux->key, ok);
//Case 2: the key value we're looking for is smaller than leaf's key value, go left
else if (key < leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->left, key, ok);
//Case 3: the key value we're looking for is greater than leaf's key value, go right
else if (key > leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->right, key, ok);
template<class T>
void BSTree<T>::purge(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
if (leaf->left != nullptr)
if (leaf->right != nullptr)
delete leaf;
template<class T>
class AVLTree {
KeyNode<T>* root;
void rebalance_ins(KeyNode<T>*);
void rebalance_rem(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateLL(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateRR(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateRL(KeyNode<T>*);
void rotateLR(KeyNode<T>*);
KeyNode<T>* find(KeyNode<T>*, int) const;
void insert(KeyNode<T>*, int, T, bool&);
void remove(KeyNode<T>*, int,bool&);
AVLTree() : root(nullptr) {};
~AVLTree() { this->purge(root); };
int getHeight(KeyNode<T>*) const;
int getBF(KeyNode<T>* subtree) const { return getHeight(subtree->right) - getHeight(subtree->left); }
KeyNode<T>* getParentNode(KeyNode<T>*, int) const;
KeyNode<T>* getMax(KeyNode<T>*) const;
KeyNode<T>* getMin(KeyNode<T>*) const;
bool isBalanced(KeyNode<T>*) const;
bool isEmpty() const { return (this->root == nullptr) ? true : false; };
KeyNode<T>* find(int) const;
void insert(int, T, bool&);
void remove(int, bool&);
void purge(KeyNode<T>*);
void preorder(KeyNode<T>*);
template<class T>
int AVLTree<T>::getHeight(KeyNode<T>* subtree) const {
// Case 1: empty subtree
if (subtree == nullptr)
return 0;
//Case 2: height equals to 1 + greatest value between left and right branches
int maxHeight = (getHeight(subtree->left) >= getHeight(subtree->right)) ? getHeight(subtree->left) : getHeight(subtree->right);
return 1 + maxHeight;
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::getParentNode(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int childkey) const{
//Searches for leaf node's parent, considering the leaf node is already in the tree
if (childkey != this->root->key) {
if (childkey == leaf->left->key || childkey == leaf->right->key)
return leaf;
if (childkey > leaf->key)
return getParentNode(leaf->right, childkey);
else if (childkey < leaf->key)
return getParentNode(leaf->left, childkey);
return nullptr;
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::getMax(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->right == nullptr)
return leaf->right;
return getMax(leaf->right);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::getMin(KeyNode<T>* leaf) const {
if (leaf->left == nullptr)
return leaf->left;
return getMin(leaf->left);
template<class T>
bool AVLTree<T>::isBalanced(KeyNode<T>* subtree) const{
if (subtree == nullptr)
return true;
if (getBF(subtree) < -1 || getBF(subtree) > 1)
return false;
return isBalanced(subtree->right) && isBalanced(subtree->left);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateLL(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child;
child = leaf->left;
leaf->left = child->right;
child->right = leaf;
leaf = child;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateRR(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child;
child = leaf->right;
leaf->right = child->left;
child->left = leaf;
leaf = child;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateLR(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child, grandchild;
child = leaf->left;
grandchild = child->right;
//RotateRR child and grandchild nodes
child->right = grandchild->left;
grandchild->left = child;
//RotateLL root and grandchild nodes
leaf->left = grandchild->right;
grandchild->right = leaf;
//Make grandchild node the new root
leaf = grandchild;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rotateRL(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
KeyNode<T>* child, grandchild;
child = leaf->right;
grandchild = child->left;
//RotateLL child and grandchild nodes
child->left = grandchild->right;
grandchild->right = child;
//RotateRR root and grandchild nodes
leaf->right = grandchild->left;
grandchild->left = leaf;
//Make grandchild node the new root
leaf = grandchild;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rebalance_ins(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
//Proceed to check if the tree has been unbalanced
if (!isBalanced(this->root)) {
//If it is, search for the first unbalanced node from the bottom node "leaf"
KeyNode<T>* BalNode = getParentNode(this->root, leaf->key);
KeyNode<T>* tempX = leaf;
KeyNode<T>* tempY;
//The other 2 temp nodes will be used in the coming rotation cases
while (isBalanced(BalNode) && getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key) != nullptr) {
tempY = tempX;
tempX = BalNode;
BalNode = getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key);
//Check which of the rotation cases will be needed and rotate the nodes
//Case 1: Left-Left Rotation
if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
//Case 2: Right-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 3: Left-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 4: Right-Left Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::rebalance_rem(KeyNode<T>* BalNode){
//Check if the tree is unbalanced
if (!isBalanced(this->root)) {
//If it is, search for the first unbalanced node from the parent of the one that was removed
while (isBalanced(BalNode) && getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key) != nullptr)
BalNode = getParentNode(this->root, BalNode->key);
//Now find another 2 nodes from the tallest subtree
KeyNode<T>* tempX = (getHeight(BalNode->left) > getHeight(BalNode->right)) ? BalNode->left : BalNode->right;
KeyNode<T>* tempY = (getHeight(tempX->left) > getHeight(tempX->right)) ? tempX->left : tempX->right;
//Check which of the rotation cases will be needed and rotate the nodes
//Case 1: Left-Left Rotation
if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
//Case 2: Right-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 3: Left-Right Rotation
else if (BalNode->left == tempX && tempX->right == tempY)
//Case 4: Right-Left Rotation
else if (BalNode->right == tempX && tempX->left == tempY)
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::find(int key) const {
return find(this->root, key);
template<class T>
KeyNode<T>* AVLTree<T>::find(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key) const {
if (leaf == nullptr)
return nullptr;
else if (key == leaf->key)
return leaf;
else if (key < leaf->key)
return find(leaf->left, key);
else if (key > leaf->key)
return find(leaf->right, key);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::insert(int key, T data, bool& ok) {
insert(this->root, key, data, ok);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::insert(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key, T data, bool& ok){
//Same insertion procedure as the unbalanced version
if (leaf == nullptr) {
leaf = new KeyNode<T>;
leaf->key = key;
leaf->data = data;
leaf->right = nullptr;
leaf->left = nullptr;
ok = true;
else if (key == leaf->key)
ok = false;
else if (key > leaf->key)
insert(leaf->right, key, data, ok);
else if (key < leaf->key)
insert(leaf->left, key, data, ok);
//If insertion is successful, check if tree needs balancing
if (ok)
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::remove(int key, bool& ok) {
ok = false;
this->remove(this->root, key, ok);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::remove(KeyNode<T>* leaf, int key,bool& ok) {
KeyNode<T>* pNode;
//Case 0: tree is empty
if (leaf != nullptr) {
//Case 1: found node to be removed
if (key == leaf->key) {
//Case 1.1: leaf node
if (leaf->right == nullptr && leaf->left == nullptr) {
pNode = getParentNode(this->root, leaf->key);
delete leaf;
ok = true;
//Case 1.2: branch node with 1 leaf node
else if (leaf->right == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->left;
pNode = getParentNode(this->root, aux->key);
delete aux;
ok = true;
else if (leaf->left == nullptr) {
KeyNode<T>* aux = leaf;
leaf = leaf->right;
pNode = getParentNode(this->root, aux->key);
delete aux;
ok = true;
//Case 1.3: branch node with 2 leaf nodes
else {
KeyNode<T>* aux = getMax(leaf->left);
leaf->key = aux->key;
leaf->data = aux->data;
this->remove(aux, aux->key, ok);
//Case 2: the key value we're looking for is smaller than leaf's key value, go left
else if (key < leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->left, key, ok);
//Case 3: the key value we're looking for is greater than leaf's key value, go right
else if (key > leaf->key)
this->remove(leaf->right, key, ok);
//After removal, rebalance the tree if needed using the removed node's parent reference
if (ok)
if (!this->isEmpty() && pNode != nullptr){
while (!isBalanced(this->root)){
pNode = getParentNode(pNode);
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::purge(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
if (!this->isEmpty()) {
if (leaf->left != nullptr)
if (leaf->right != nullptr)
delete leaf;
template<class T>
void AVLTree<T>::preorder(KeyNode<T>* leaf) {
if (leaf != nullptr) {
template<class T>
class PriorityQueue {};
template<class T>
class RBTree {};
template<class T>
class BTree{};
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