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Created April 10, 2024 08:59
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Drag modifier
fun Modifier.drag(
state: TimePickerState,
onItemPicked: (TimeItem) -> Unit,
magnitudeFactor: Float = 0.25f
) = pointerInput(Unit) {
val center = Offset(x = this.size.width / 2f, this.size.height / 2f)
val decay = splineBasedDecay<Float>(this)
coroutineScope {
while (true) {
var startedAngle = 0f
val pointerInput = awaitPointerEventScope {
// Catch the down event
val pointer = awaitFirstDown()
// Calculate the angle where user started dragging and convert to degrees
startedAngle = -atan2(
center.x - pointer.position.x,
center.y - pointer.position.y,
) * (180f / PI.toFloat()).mod(360f)
// Stop previous animation
val tracker = VelocityTracker()
var changeAngle = 0f
awaitPointerEventScope {
// Catch drag event
drag( { change ->
// Calculate the angle after user drag event and convert to degrees
changeAngle = -atan2(
center.x - change.position.x,
center.y - change.position.y,
) * (180f / PI.toFloat()).mod(360f)
launch {
// Change the current angle (later will be added to each item angle)
state.snapTo((state.oldAngle + (startedAngle - changeAngle).mod(360f)))
// Pass the info about changes to the VelocityTracker for later calculations
tracker.addPosition(change.uptimeMillis, change.position)
if (change.positionChange() != Offset.Zero) change.consume()
// Get magnitude of velocity and multiply by factor (to decrease the speed)
var velocity = tracker.calculateVelocity().getMagnitudeOfLinearVelocity() * magnitudeFactor
// Calculate the fling side (left or right)
val difference = startedAngle - changeAngle
velocity = if (difference > 0)
velocity else -velocity
// Calculate new angle according to the velocity
val targetAngle = decay.calculateTargetValue(
launch {
// Animate items to the new angle with velocity
angle = targetAngle,
velocity = velocity,
// In the end save the old angle for further calculations
state.oldAngle = state.angle.mod(360f)
// This is used to determine the speed of the user's drag gesture
private fun Velocity.getMagnitudeOfLinearVelocity(): Float {
return sqrt(this.x.pow(2) + this.y.pow(2))
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