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Last active January 2, 2016 09:49
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Ragadjust for Python (, untested
PREPOSITION_RE = re.compile(r'(\s|^)(({})\s)+'.format('|'.join(ENGLISH_PREPOSITIONS)))
SMALLWORDS_RE = re.compile(r'(\s|^)(([a-zA-Z-_(]{1,2}(\'|’)*[a-zA-Z-_,;]{0,1}?\s)+)')
DASHES_RE = re.compile(r'([-–—])\s')
EMPHASIS_RE = re.compile(r'(<(strong|em|b|i)>)(([^\s]+\s*){2,3})?(<\/(strong|em|b|i)>)')
def preposition_match(match_obj):
groups = match_obj.groups()
return groups[0] + re.sub('\s', '&nbsp;', groups[1])
def preposition_replacer(text):
return PREPOSITION_RE.sub(preposition_match, text)
def smallwords_match(match_obj):
groups = match_obj.groups()
return groups[0] + re.sub('\s', '&nbsp;', groups[1])
def smallwords_replacer(text):
return SMALLWORDS_RE.sub(smallwords_match, text)
def dashes_match(match_obj):
groups = match_obj.groups()
return re.sub('\s', '&nbsp;', groups[0])
def dashes_replacer(text):
return DASHES_RE.sub(dashes_match, text)
def emphasis_match(match_obj):
groups = match_obj.groups()
return groups[0] + re.sub('\s', '&nbsp;', groups[2]) + groups[4]
def emphasis_replacer(text):
return EMPHASIS_RE.sub(emphasis_match, text)
def func_chain(funcs, data):
return reduce((lambda x, y: y(x)), funcs, data)
def ragadjust(text):
return func_chain((
), text)
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