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Created June 7, 2011 19:29
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Example perl script for building .net assemblies for use in Unity.
use strict;
use File::Basename;
chdir (File::Spec->rel2abs (dirname($0)."/..")); # Modify for location of perl script
my $monoPath = "External/Mono/builds/monodistribution";
my @sourceDirs = (
my $targetAssemblyPath = "Path/To/AssetStoreTools.dll";
my $unityEnginePath = "Path/To/UnityEngine.dll";
my $unityEditorPath = "Path/To/UnityEditor.dll";
my $command = "$monoPath/bin/gmcs -d:DEBUG -debug+ -r:$unityEnginePath,$unityEditorPath -target:library -out:$targetAssemblyPath";
while (<@sourceDirs>)
$command .= " $_";
system ($command) or die ("Unable to run gmcs");
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