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Last active July 5, 2017 05:44
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  • Save AngryAnt/3dc77286282c775ec4c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AngryAnt/3dc77286282c775ec4c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds "Move to Top" and "Move to Bottom" items to the inspector context menu of components.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class MoveComponentContext
enum Destination
const string kComponentArrayName = "m_Component";
const int kFirstComponentIndex = 1;
[MenuItem ("CONTEXT/Component/Move to Top")]
static void Top (MenuCommand command)
Move ((Component)command.context, Destination.Top);
[MenuItem ("CONTEXT/Component/Move to Bottom")]
static void Bottom (MenuCommand command)
Move ((Component)command.context, Destination.Bottom);
static void Move (Component target, Destination destination)
SerializedObject gameObject = new SerializedObject (target.gameObject);
SerializedProperty componentArray = gameObject.FindProperty (kComponentArrayName);
int lastComponentIndex = componentArray.arraySize - 1;
int targetIndex = destination == Destination.Top ? kFirstComponentIndex : lastComponentIndex;
for (int index = kFirstComponentIndex; index <= lastComponentIndex; ++index)
SerializedProperty iterator = componentArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex (index);
iterator.Next (true);
iterator.Next (true);
if (iterator.objectReferenceValue == target)
componentArray.MoveArrayElement (index, targetIndex);
gameObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
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