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Created January 31, 2019 07:43
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// main.swift
// Jerboa
// Created by Emil Johansen on 19/01/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 AngryAnt. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class Jerboa
static let supportedDisplayCount: UInt32 = 64;
private static let displayKey = "DisplayID";
private static let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard;
private static var workingDisplays = [CGDirectDisplayID] (repeating: 0, count: Int (supportedDisplayCount));
private static var current: CGDirectDisplayID = 0;
private static var displayCount = 0;
private class func readDisplays ()
current = CGDirectDisplayID (userDefaults.integer (forKey: displayKey));
var result: UInt32 = 0;
CGGetActiveDisplayList (Jerboa.supportedDisplayCount, &Jerboa.workingDisplays, &result);
displayCount = Int (result);
private class func jumpBy (delta: Int)
readDisplays ();
var currentIndex = Jerboa.workingDisplays.firstIndex (of: current) ?? 0;
currentIndex += delta;
if (currentIndex < 0)
currentIndex = displayCount - 1;
else if (currentIndex >= displayCount)
currentIndex = 0;
jumpTo (targetIndex: currentIndex);
private class func jumpTo (targetIndex : Int)
current = Jerboa.workingDisplays[targetIndex];
CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint (
CGPoint.init (x: CGDisplayPixelsWide (current) / 2,
y: CGDisplayPixelsHigh (current) / 2)
CGDisplayShowCursor (current);
CGDisplayShowCursor (current);
CGDisplayShowCursor (current);
userDefaults.set (current, forKey: displayKey);
class func startup ()
userDefaults.synchronize ();
userDefaults.integer (forKey: displayKey);
class func teardown ()
userDefaults.synchronize ();
class func forward ()
jumpBy (delta: 1);
class func backward ()
jumpBy (delta: -1);
class func first ()
readDisplays ();
jumpTo (targetIndex: 0);
class func last ()
readDisplays ();
jumpTo (targetIndex: displayCount - 1);
Jerboa.startup ();
for argument in CommandLine.arguments
switch (argument)
case "forward":
Jerboa.forward ();
case "backward":
Jerboa.backward ();
case "first":
Jerboa.first ();
case "last":
Jerboa.last ();
Jerboa.forward ();
Jerboa.teardown ();
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