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Forked from hvolkmer/gist:4020468
Last active April 13, 2019 19:43
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Import tasks from 2do database to OmniFocus 2
-- Import tasks from 2do database to OmniFocus 2
-- Original Script taken from:
-- This script forked from
-- Step 1: Start with an empty Omnifocus database.
-- Step 2: Make a copy of the 2Do database (Preferences -> Backups -> Plus button, Select the new backup -> Save As)
-- Step 3: Update the 'databasePath' property below to the correct db
-- Step 4: Run this script.
-- Notes:
-- Omnifocus doesn't have support for tags, alarms or priorities so those are not migrated
-- Start times are lost (start dates are migrated)
-- The basics are migrated: projects, checklists, tasks, title, notes, due dates/times, basic recurrence
-- Check the logged output for recurrences that were not migrated
-- Tested with Omnifocus v2.02 and 2Do v1.5.2
-- TODO: Update the line below ******
property databasePath : "/Users/anil/Documents/2Do.db"
on StartMigration()
end StartMigration
on MigrateProjects()
set results to GetProjects()
repeat with result in results
end repeat
end MigrateProjects
on MigrateCheckLists()
set results to GetChecklists()
repeat with result in results
end repeat
end MigrateCheckLists
on MigrateTasks()
set results to GetTasks()
repeat with result in results
end repeat
end MigrateTasks
on CleanAllTitles()
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
set lstTasks to folders
repeat with oTask in lstTasks
set n to name of oTask
set name of oTask to (characters 1 thru -7 of n) as string
end repeat
set lstTasks to flattened tasks
repeat with oTask in lstTasks
set n to name of oTask
set name of oTask to (characters 1 thru -7 of n) as string
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end CleanAllTitles
-- 2do database helpers
on GetProjects()
return GetEntity(2)
end GetProjects
on GetChecklists()
return GetEntity(1)
end GetChecklists
on GetTasks()
return GetEntity(0)
end GetTasks
on GetEntity(type)
set sql to "SELECT calendars.title || '_' || substr('00000'|| calendars.primid, -5, 5) as folder, tasks.title || '_' || substr('00000'|| tasks.primid, -5, 5) as title, tasks.notes as notes, tasks.url, t2.title || '_' || substr('00000'|| t2.primid, -5, 5)as parent, tasks.iscompleted, tasks.priority, tasks.startdate, tasks.duedate, tasks.duetime, tasks.primid, tasks.recurrence, tasks.repeattype, tasks.repeatvalue, tasks.starred FROM tasks inner join calendars on calendars.uid = tasks.calendaruid left join tasks as t2 on tasks.parent = t2.uid where tasks.tasktype = " & type & " and tasks.isdeleted = 0 order by tasks.displayorder"
set resultList to SQLExecuteSelect(sql)
return resultList
end GetEntity
on CreateProject(result)
set folderTitle to item 1 in result
set title to item 2 in result
set notes to item 3 in result
set urlStr to item 4 in result
set isCompleted to item 6 in result as integer
set priority to item 7 in result as integer
set startEpoch to item 8 in result
set dueEpoch to item 9 in result
set dueTime to item 10 in result
set starred to item 15 in result as integer
if folderTitle is "" then
set folderTitle to "Unknown"
end if
set startDate to epoch2datetime(startEpoch)
set dueDate to epoch2datetime(dueEpoch)
if dueDate is not missing value and dueTime is not "999999.0" then
set dueHours to text 1 thru 2 of dueTime
set dueMinute to text 3 thru 4 of dueTime
set dueDate to dueDate + (dueHours * hours) + (dueMinute * minutes)
end if
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
if folder folderTitle exists then
set theFolder to folder folderTitle
set theFolder to make new folder with properties {name:folderTitle}
end if
tell theFolder
set rr to my setRepetitionRule(result, theFolder)
if rr is not missing value then
set theEntry to make new project with properties {name:title, repetition rule:rr}
set theEntry to make new project with properties {name:title}
end if
set note of theEntry to notes & " " & urlStr
set defer date of theEntry to startDate
set completed of theEntry to isCompleted
set due date of theEntry to dueDate
if starred is 1 then
set flagged of theEntry to true
end if
end tell
end tell -- document
end tell -- OF application
end CreateProject
on CreateChecklist(result)
set folderTitle to item 1 in result
set title to item 2 in result
set notes to item 3 in result
set urlStr to item 4 in result
set isCompleted to item 6 in result as integer
set priority to item 7 in result as integer
set startEpoch to item 8 in result
set dueEpoch to item 9 in result
set dueTime to item 10 in result
set starred to item 15 in result as integer
if folderTitle is "" then
set folderTitle to "Unknown"
end if
set startDate to epoch2datetime(startEpoch)
set dueDate to epoch2datetime(dueEpoch)
if dueDate is not missing value and dueTime is not "999999.0" then
set dueHours to text 1 thru 2 of dueTime
set dueMinute to text 3 thru 4 of dueTime
set dueDate to dueDate + (dueHours * hours) + (dueMinute * minutes)
end if
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
if folder folderTitle exists then
set theFolder to folder folderTitle
set theFolder to make new folder with properties {name:folderTitle}
end if
tell theFolder
set rr to my setRepetitionRule(result, theFolder)
if rr is not missing value then
set theEntry to make new project with properties {name:title, repetition rule:rr}
set theEntry to make new project with properties {name:title}
end if
set note of theEntry to notes & " " & urlStr
set defer date of theEntry to startDate
set completed of theEntry to isCompleted
set due date of theEntry to dueDate
if starred is 1 then
set flagged of theEntry to true
end if
set singleton action holder of theEntry to true
end tell
end tell -- document
end tell -- OF application
end CreateChecklist
on CreateTask(result)
set folderTitle to item 1 in result
set taskTitle to item 2 in result
set notes to item 3 in result
set urlStr to item 4 in result
set parentTitle to item 5 in result
set isCompleted to item 6 in result as integer
set priority to item 7 in result as integer
set startEpoch to item 8 in result
set dueEpoch to item 9 in result
set dueTime to item 10 in result
set starred to item 15 in result as integer
if folderTitle is "" then
set folderTitle to "Unknown"
end if
set startDate to epoch2datetime(startEpoch)
set dueDate to epoch2datetime(dueEpoch)
if dueDate is not missing value and dueTime is not "999999.0" then
set dueHours to text 1 thru 2 of dueTime
set dueMinute to text 3 thru 4 of dueTime
set dueDate to dueDate + (dueHours * hours) + (dueMinute * minutes)
end if
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
if folder folderTitle exists then
set theFolder to folder folderTitle
set theFolder to make new folder with properties {name:folderTitle}
end if
if parentTitle is "" then
if (first flattened project where its name = "Single Actions_00001") exists then
set parentProject to first flattened project where its name = "Single Actions_00001"
set parentProject to make new project with properties {name:"Single Actions_00001", singleton action holder:true}
end if
set parentProject to first flattened project where its name = parentTitle
end if
tell theFolder
if parentProject is not missing value then
-- set containing project to parentProject
tell parentProject
set rr to my setRepetitionRule(result, theFolder)
if rr is not missing value then
set theEntry to make new task with properties {name:taskTitle, repetition rule:rr}
set theEntry to make new task with properties {name:taskTitle}
end if
set note of theEntry to notes & " " & urlStr
set defer date of theEntry to startDate
set completed of theEntry to isCompleted
set due date of theEntry to dueDate
if starred is 1 then
set flagged of theEntry to true
end if
end tell
set theEntry to make new task with properties {name:taskTitle}
end if
end tell
end tell -- document
end tell -- OF application
end CreateTask
on setRepetitionRule(result, theParent)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell default document
tell theParent
set rec to item 12 in result as integer
set repeatType to item 13 in result as integer
set repeatValue to item 14 in result as integer
if rec = 0 then
return missing value
end if
if repeatType = 259 then
set freq to "YEARLY"
else if repeatType = 258 then
set freq to "MONTHLY"
else if repeatType = 257 then
set freq to "WEEKLY"
else if repeatType = 256 then
set freq to "DAILY"
set taskTitle to item 2 in result
log "WARNING: Repetition type for task '" & taskTitle & "'is not supported. Please update manually."
return missing value
end if
if rec = 1 then
return {recurrence:"FREQ=" & freq, repetition method:fixed repetition}
else if rec = 2 then
return {recurrence:"FREQ=" & freq, repetition method:due after completion}
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
end setRepetitionRule
-- SQLLite access
-- Taken from
property sqlite3Path : "/usr/bin/sqlite3"
property columnSeparator : character id 3
property rowSeparator : character id 2
on SQLExecuteSelect(sqlCommand)
-- set databasePath to
-- 2008 BareFeet
set sqlCommandWithSeparators to "select *, '" & rowSeparator & "' from (" & sqlCommand & ");"
set shellCommand to "echo " & (quoted form of sqlCommandWithSeparators) & " | " & sqlite3Path & space & "-separator " & (quoted form of columnSeparator) & space & quoted form of databasePath
set recordsText to do shell script shellCommand
script speedyObject
property recordList : {}
end script
if recordsText is not "" then
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to (columnSeparator & rowSeparator & return)
set speedyObject's recordList to text items in recordsText
set last item in speedyObject's recordList to text 1 thru -(1 + (length of (columnSeparator & rowSeparator))) in last item in speedyObject's recordList
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to columnSeparator
set recordCount to (count speedyObject's recordList)
repeat with recordN from 1 to recordCount
set item recordN in speedyObject's recordList to text items in item recordN in speedyObject's recordList
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
end if
return speedyObject's recordList
end SQLExecuteSelect
on epoch2datetime(epochseconds)
set myshell1 to "date -r "
set myshell2 to " \"+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M\""
set firstDigit to text 1 thru 2 of epochseconds
set epochseconds to text 1 thru 10 of epochseconds
if firstDigit is "14" then
set theDatetime to do shell script (myshell1 & epochseconds & myshell2)
return date theDatetime
return missing value
end if
end epoch2datetime
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