Save AnneTheAgile/7a26c63b134c3b1214b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
--- | |
cache_dir: ~/Library/Caches/battleschool | |
# Originally, SpencerGibb: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/622216/battleschool/config.yml | |
# 2014-08-15Fri Change to AnneTheAgile | |
sources: | |
# local: | |
# - playbook.yml | |
url: | |
- name: playbook.yml | |
url: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/AnneTheAgile/28db99bd15718d2d1fe7/raw/24c8adff20191cbc27028128a9a3613711add9b1/talk-battle-playbook.yml | |
# https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcqanoxy1cg2o1c/playbook.yml | |
# was; url: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p55do4578af9q8f/playbook.yml | |
# was spencergibb: url: https://db.tt/VcyI9dvr | |
git: | |
- name: 'osx' | |
repo: 'https://github.com/spencergibb/ansible-osx' | |
playbooks: | |
- homebrew.yml #must come before any use of homebrew module | |
#- macports.yml #must come before any use of macports module | |
- vagrant.yml | |
- virtualbox.yml | |
- alfred.yml | |
- chrome-beta.yml | |
- dropbox.yml | |
#- intellij-idea-ultimate13.yml | |
- java7.yml | |
- java6.yml | |
- iterm2.yml | |
- macvim.yml | |
#- better-touch-tool.yml | |
#- adium.yml | |
#- github.yml | |
#- gitx.yml | |
#- libreoffice.yml | |
#- sequel-pro.yml | |
#- skype.yml | |
#- truecrypt.yml | |
#- usb-overdrive.yml | |
#- xtra-finder.yml | |
~/.battleschool files.
$ cat config.yml
cache_dir: ~/Library/Caches/battleschool
- playbook.yml
# url:
# - name: playbook.yml
# url: https://db.tt/VcyI9dvr
- name: 'osx'
repo: 'https://github.com/spencergibb/ansible-osx'
- homebrew.yml #must come before any use of homebrew module
#- macports.yml #must come before any use of macports module
- vagrant.yml
- virtualbox.yml
#- alfred.yml
#- chrome-beta.yml
- dropbox.yml
#- intellij-idea-ultimate13.yml
#- java7.yml
#- java6.yml
- iterm2.yml
#- macvim.yml
- better-touch-tool.yml
- adium.yml
#- github.yml
#- gitx.yml
#- libreoffice.yml
#- sequel-pro.yml
#- skype.yml
#- truecrypt.yml
#- usb-overdrive.yml
#- xtra-finder.yml
$ cat playbook.yml
- hosts: workstation
- name: print from playbook
debug: msg="in playbooks/playbook.yml"
- name: easy install pip
easy_install: name=pip
sudo: yes
- name: install apps from pip
pip: name={{item}}
sudo: yes
- virtualenv
- cliff
- pyyaml
- awscli
- name: install apps from homebrew
homebrew: name={{item}} state=present
- coreutils
- git
- node
- maven
- rbenv
- dos2unix
- ruby
- tomcat
- wget
- ctags
- dnsmasq
# requires node/npm from above
- name: install global apps from npm
npm: name={{item}} global=yes
- grunt-cli
# - name: create homdir symlinks
# file: src={{item.from}} dest={{item.to}} state=link
# sudo: no
# with_items:
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.bash_aliases
# to: ~/.bash_aliases
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.bash_logout
# to: ~/.bash_logout
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.bashrc
# to: ~/.bashrc
# - from: ~/Dropbox/mac/battleschool
# to: ~/.battleschool
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.ctags
# to: ~/.ctags
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.gitconfig
# to: ~/.gitconfig
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.inputrc
# to: ~/.inputrc
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.profile
# to: ~/.profile
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.todo
# to: ~/.todo
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.vimrc
# to: ~/.vimrc
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.zsh
# to: ~/.zsh
# - from: ~/Dropbox/ubuntu/.zshrc
# to: ~/.zshrc
# - from: ~/Dropbox/mac/bin
# to: ~/bin
# - from: ~/Google\ Drive
# to: ~/drive
# - name: install gems
# gem: name={{item}} state=latest
# with_items:
# - brewbygems
# - bundler
# - compass
# Bash Heredoc put into a file (not a variable)
$ cat <<EOF > myfile
> [workstation]
> localhost
$ ls m*
# Ansible inventory file must exist and if use local, no ssh required
$ ansible all -m ping -i ansinv
localhost | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
$ cat ansinv
localhost ansible_connection=local
# no ssh needed with local ansi connection, aka -c local, but couldn't get cli to work.
In this bootstrap, it uses ssh-copy-id which is not installed on mac, and then makes a user 'ansible' which perhaps defeats the value of having individual uids.
Erase disk partition, make mac os extended journaled.
From USB, run an osx 10.9.4 fresh install, taking 1.5hours.
No internet.
Login, turn on internet but no apple login.
Easy_install pip, with sudo.
Git exists but will not work due to no Xcode tools.
Run pip install battle school; get error about compile. Click OK to install Xcode dev tools.
Xcode itself remains uninstalled. No pkg found / seen. Clang is ok?
Do not need SSH for self, if follow above, must have inventory file.
Git clone works ok now on a public item.
[]get template config
Inventory file for localhost without SSH;
Empty config that calls no play books for startup via bootstrapped;
Bootstrapper part 1, gets the environment var (not used yet, for SSH) and get the basic config.
$ ansible-playbook -i ansinv ansiboot.yml
PLAY [workstation] ************************************************************
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK: [BattleSchool Hidden Folder is created.] ********************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK: [BattleSchool Configuration Initialization.] ****************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK: [Ensure git clone file gist worked.] ************************************
ok: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
localhost : ok=4 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
[]Some SSH creation code is embedded in here;
[]Make an ad-hoc command line of this all ?
[]Run one each of real items?
[]Run get info on Dock etc.
At this point, after strategic deletion,
Normal Prep
Battleschool installs!
Normal see need a config.
Now with configs.
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Main repo;
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