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Antonio Feijao UK AntonioFeijaoUK

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erlepereira /
Last active February 22, 2024 07:00
Using DNSMasq as a caching nameserver & add in a malware etc blocking

Assuming a Properly configured DNSMasq

a quickstart for dnsmasq is given at the end if you have not set it up yet.

something like this will add a great regularly updated malware file for it to use. More security and privacy to you! Specifically, this uses Choose one of the Raw Hosts file from there to use.

To setup DNSMasq, follow the below ...

wget -O- | awk '$1 == "" { print "address=/"$2"/"}' > /etc/dnsmasq.d/malware.conf`
AntonioFeijaoUK / .gitignore
Last active October 6, 2017 21:13 — forked from octocat/.gitignore
Some common .gitignore configurations
# For security reasons, to protect the distracted
# Compiled source #
lukeplausin /
Last active July 15, 2024 09:10
AWS, JQ and bash command cheat sheet. How to query, cut and munge things in JSON generally.
# Count total EBS based storage in AWS
aws ec2 describe-volumes | jq "[.Volumes[].Size] | add"
# Count total EBS storage with a tag filter
aws ec2 describe-volumes --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=CloudEndure Volume qjenc" | jq "[.Volumes[].Size] | add"
# Describe instances concisely
aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '[.Reservations | .[] | .Instances | .[] | {InstanceId: .InstanceId, State: .State, SubnetId: .SubnetId, VpcId: .VpcId, Name: (.Tags[]|select(.Key=="Name")|.Value)}]'
# Wait until $instance_id is running and then immediately stop it again
aws ec2 wait instance-running --instance-id $instance_id && aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-id $instance_id
# Get 10th instance in the account
import re
import time
import json
import psutil
from slackclient import SlackClient
slack_client = SlackClient("xoxb-103696790404-jv1XDqw2w5dezNWZy0K5ykdG")
jackcarter /
Last active November 29, 2023 07:03
Delete Slack files older than 30 days. Rewrite of
import requests
import time
import json
token = ''
#Delete files older than this:
ts_to = int(time.time()) - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
def list_files():
benjiao / .vimrc
Last active August 15, 2019 12:26
set nocompatible
" Syntax Highlighting
filetype indent plugin on
set syntax=on
" Use case insesitive search
set ignorecase
set smartcase
atcuno / gist:3425484ac5cce5298932
Last active March 25, 2024 13:55
HowTo: Privacy & Security Conscious Browsing

The purpose of this document is to make recommendations on how to browse in a privacy and security conscious manner. This information is compiled from a number of sources, which are referenced throughout the document, as well as my own experiences with the described technologies.

I welcome contributions and comments on the information contained. Please see the How to Contribute section for information on contributing your own knowledge.

Table of Contents

lenciel / Useful netcat examples on
Last active February 16, 2024 04:12
Useful netcat examples on Linux

Often referred to as the "swiss army of knife" for TCP/IP networking, [Netcat][1] is an extremely versatile Linux utility that allows you to do anything under the sun using TCP/UDP sockets. It is one of the most favorite tools for system admins when they need to do networking related troubleshooting and experimentation.

In this tutorial, I am sharing a few useful netcat examples, although the sky is the limit when it comes to possible netcat use cases. If you are using netcat regularly, feel free to share your use case.

Note that when you are binding to well-known ports (0-1023) with nc, you need root privilege. Otherwise, run nc as a normal user.

1. Test if a particular TCP port of a remote host is open.

$ nc -vn 5000