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Created October 20, 2011 03:52
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Save Aramgutang/1300374 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The Virtuoso Bulk Loader procedures, with modifications to make them execute successfully.
drop table load_list;
create table load_list (
ll_file varchar,
ll_graph varchar,
ll_state int default 0, -- 0 not started, 1 going, 2 done
ll_started datetime,
ll_done datetime,
ll_host int,
ll_work_time integer,
ll_error varchar,
primary key (ll_file))
alter index load_list on load_list partition (ll_file varchar)
create index ll_state on load_list (ll_state, ll_file, ll_graph) partition (ll_state int)
drop table ldlock;
create table ldlock (id int primary key)
alter index ldlock on ldlock partition (id int)
insert into ldlock values (0);
create procedure
ld_dir (in path varchar, in mask varchar, in graph varchar)
declare ls any;
declare inx int;
ls := sys_dirlist (path, 1);
for (inx := 0; inx < length (ls); inx := inx + 1)
if (ls[inx] like mask)
set isolation = 'serializable';
if (not (exists (select 1 from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST where LL_FILE = path || '/' || ls[inx] for update)))
declare gfile, cgfile, ngraph varchar;
gfile := path || '/' || replace (ls[inx], '.gz', '') || '.graph';
cgfile := path || '/' || regexp_replace (replace (ls[inx], '.gz', ''), '\\-[0-9]+\\.n', '.n') || '.graph';
if (file_stat (gfile) <> 0)
ngraph := trim (file_to_string (gfile), ' \r\n');
else if (file_stat (cgfile) <> 0)
ngraph := trim (file_to_string (cgfile), ' \r\n');
else if (file_stat (path || '/' || 'global.graph') <> 0)
ngraph := trim (file_to_string (path || '/' || 'global.graph'), ' \r\n');
ngraph := graph;
if (ngraph is not null)
insert into DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST (ll_file, ll_graph) values (path || '/' || ls[inx], ngraph);
commit work;
create procedure
rdf_read_dir (in path varchar, in mask varchar, in graph varchar)
ld_dirr (path, mask, graph);
create procedure
ld_dir_all (in path varchar, in mask varchar, in graph varchar)
declare ls any;
declare inx int;
ls := sys_dirlist (path, 0);
ld_dir (path, mask, graph);
for (inx := 0; inx < length (ls); inx := inx + 1)
if (ls[inx] <> '.' and ls[inx] <> '..')
ld_dir_all (path||'/'||ls[inx], mask, graph);
create procedure
ld_add (in _fname varchar, in _graph varchar)
--log_message (sprintf ('ld_add: %s, %s', _fname, _graph));
set isolation = 'serializable';
if (not (exists (select 1 from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST where LL_FILE = _fname for update)))
insert into DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST (LL_FILE, LL_GRAPH) values (_fname, _graph);
commit work;
create procedure ld_ttlp_flags (in fname varchar)
if (fname like '%/btc-2009%' or fname like '%.nq%' or fname like '%.n4')
return 255 + 512;
return 255;
create procedure
ld_file (in f varchar, in graph varchar)
declare gzip_name varchar;
declare exit handler for sqlstate '*' {
rollback work;
set LL_STATE = 2,
LL_DONE = curdatetime (),
LL_ERROR = __sql_state || ' ' || __sql_message
where LL_FILE = f;
commit work;
log_message (sprintf (' File %s error %s %s', f, __sql_state, __sql_message));
if (f like '%.grdf' or f like '%.grdf.gz')
load_grdf (f);
else if (f like '%.gz')
gzip_name := regexp_replace (f, '\.gz\x24', '');
if (gzip_name like '%.xml' or gzip_name like '%.owl' or gzip_name like '%.rdf')
DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (gz_file_open (f), graph, graph);
TTLP (gz_file_open (f), graph, graph, ld_ttlp_flags (gzip_name));
if (f like '%.xml' or f like '%.owl' or f like '%.rdf')
DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (file_open (f), graph, graph);
TTLP (file_open (f), graph, graph, ld_ttlp_flags (f));
--log_message (sprintf ('loaded %s', f));
create procedure
rdf_load_dir (in path varchar,
in mask varchar := '%.nt',
in graph varchar := '')
delete from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST where LL_FILE = '##stop';
commit work;
ld_dir (path, mask, graph);
rdf_loader_run ();
create procedure ld_array ()
declare first, last, arr, len, local any;
declare cr cursor for
select top 100 LL_FILE, LL_GRAPH
from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST table option (index ll_state)
where LL_STATE = 0
for update;
declare fill int;
declare f, g varchar;
declare r any;
whenever not found goto done;
first := 0;
last := 0;
arr := make_array (100, 'any');
fill := 0;
open cr;
len := 0;
for (;;)
fetch cr into f, g;
if (0 = first) first := f;
last := f;
arr[fill] := vector (f, g);
len := len + cast (file_stat (f, 1) as int);
fill := fill + 1;
if (len > 2000000)
goto done;
if (0 = first)
return 0;
if (1 <> sys_stat ('cl_run_local_only'))
local := sys_stat ('cl_this_host');
update load_list set ll_state = 1, ll_started = curdatetime (), LL_HOST = local
where ll_file >= first and ll_file <= last;
return arr;
create procedure
rdf_loader_run (in max_files integer := null, in log_enable int := 2)
declare sec_delay float;
declare _f, _graph varchar;
declare arr any;
declare xx, inx, tx_mode, ld_mode int;
ld_mode := log_enable;
if (0 = sys_stat ('cl_run_local_only'))
if (log_enable = 2 and cl_this_host () = 1)
cl_exec ('checkpoint_interval (0)');
cl_exec ('__dbf_set (''cl_non_logged_write_mode'', 1)');
if (cl_this_host () = 1)
tx_mode := bit_and (1, log_enable);
log_message ('Loader started');
delete from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST where LL_FILE = '##stop';
commit work;
while (1)
set isolation = 'repeatable';
declare exit handler for sqlstate '40001' {
rollback work;
sec_delay := rnd(1000)*0.001;
log_message(sprintf('deadlock in loader, waiting %d milliseconds', cast (sec_delay * 1000 as integer)));
goto again;
if (exists (select 1 from DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST where LL_FILE = '##stop'))
log_message ('File load stopped by rdf_load_stop.');
log_enable (tx_mode, 1);
if (max_files is not null and max_files <= 0)
commit work;
log_message ('Max_files reached. Finishing.');
whenever not found goto looks_empty;
-- log_message ('Getting next file.');
set isolation = 'serializable';
select id into xx from ldlock where id = 0 for update;
arr := ld_array ();
commit work;
if (0 = arr)
goto looks_empty;
log_enable (ld_mode, 1);
for (inx := 0; inx < 100; inx := inx + 1)
if (0 = arr[inx])
goto arr_done;
ld_file (arr[inx][0], arr[inx][1]);
update DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST set LL_STATE = 2, LL_DONE = curdatetime () where LL_FILE = arr[inx][0];
log_enable (tx_mode, 1);
if (max_files is not null) max_files := max_files - 100;
commit work;
commit work;
log_message ('No more files to load. Loader has finished,');
create procedure rdf_load_stop (in force int := 0)
insert into DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST (LL_FILE) values ('##stop');
commit work;
if (force)
cl_exec ('txn_killall (1)');
create procedure RDF_LOADER_RUN_1 (in x int, in y int)
rdf_loader_run (x, y);
create procedure rdf_ld_srv (in log_enable int)
declare aq any;
aq := async_queue (1);
aq_request (aq, 'DB.DBA.RDF_LOADER_RUN_1', vector (null, log_enable));
aq_wait_all (aq);
create procedure load_grdf (in f varchar)
declare line any;
declare inx int;
declare ses any;
declare gr any;
if (f like '%.gz')
ses := gz_file_open (f);
ses := file_open (f);
inx := 0;
line := '';
while (line <> 0)
gr := ses_read_line (ses, 0, 0, 1);
if (gr = 0) return;
line := ses_read_line (ses, 0, 0, 1);
if (line = 0) return;
DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (line, gr, gr);
inx := inx + 1;
-- cl_exec ('set lock_escalation_pct = 110');
-- cl_exec ('DB.DBA.RDF_LD_SRV (1)') &
-- cl_exec ('DB.DBA.RDF_LD_SRV (2)') &
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I've now realised that the fixes I've made were necessary to make the script compatible with Virtuoso => 6.1.3, but those versions already include the bulk loading procedures, so you wouldn't need to run the script in the first place. Oh well.

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