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Forked from coordt/
Created April 28, 2011 06:46
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Save Aramgutang/945924 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Check locally installed packages against one or more package indexes for updates and list them.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Use pip to get a list of local packages to check against one or more package
indexes for updated versions.
import pip
import sys, xmlrpclib
from cStringIO import StringIO
from distutils.version import StrictVersion, LooseVersion
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def get_local_packages():
Call pip's freeze -l
returns a list of package_name, version tuples
pipfreeze = Popen(['pip', 'freeze', '-l'], stdout=PIPE)
mystdout, _ = pipfreeze.communicate()
pkgs = mystdout.split('\n')
return [p.split('==') for p in pkgs]
def find_current_version(package, index_urls=None):
Using the XMLRPC method available for PyPI, get the most recent version
of <package> from each of the index_urls and figure out which one (if any)
is higher
Returns a tuple of the index with the higher version and the version it has
if index_urls is None:
index_urls = ['',]
cur_version = '0'
cur_index = ''
for index_url in index_urls:
pypi = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(index_url, xmlrpclib.Transport())
pypi_hits = pypi.package_releases(package)
if len(pypi_hits) > 0:
if compare_versions(pypi_hits[0], cur_version) == 1:
cur_version = pypi_hits[0]
cur_index = index_url
return cur_index, cur_version
def compare_versions(version1, version2):
Compare 2 versions, starting with StrictVersion, and falling back on
return cmp(StrictVersion(version1), StrictVersion(version2))
# in case of abnormal version number, fall back to LooseVersion
except ValueError:
return cmp(LooseVersion(version1), LooseVersion(version2))
def output_line(pkg_name, new_version, old_version, index_url):
Output the line showing the formatted information
msg = "%(bd)s%(pkg_name)s%(nm)s (%(new)s) via %(index)s. Currently %(old)s."
params = {
'bd': BOLD,
'nm': NORMAL,
'pkg_name': pkg_name,
'new': new_version,
'old': old_version,
'index': index_url,
print msg % params
NEWER = lambda x,y: compare_versions(str(x), y) == 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
import curses
CLEAR_SCREEN = curses.tigetstr('clear')
BOLD = curses.tigetstr("bold")
NORMAL = curses.tigetstr('sgr0')
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
indexes = sys.argv[1:]
indexes = ['',]
print CLEAR_SCREEN + BOLD + "Packages with newer versions:" + NORMAL
print ""
for pkg in get_local_packages():
# pip outputs a single 0 at the end of the list. Ignore it.
if len(pkg) < 2:
index, current_version = find_current_version(pkg[0], index_urls=indexes)
if current_version and NEWER(str(current_version), pkg[1]):
output_line(pkg[0], current_version, pkg[1], index)
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Adjusted to call pip via a subprocess, since pip.main() doesn't appear to work on my machine (the system exit character returned by the call quits the script).

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