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AshCoolman /
Last active August 26, 2015 12:33
Tell slack when your AWS instance has restarted
# Tell slack when your AWS instance has restarted
# 1. Replace the slack service hook (or entire script from `curl -X POST...`)
# 2. Put this file in your .ebextensions folder called tell_slack.config
# .ebextensions/
# └── tell_slack.config
# On your deployed server should be AUTOMATICALLY generated in /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/post
AshCoolman / index.html
Created July 30, 2014 15:16
A Pen by Ashley Coleman.
<span>A long sentence must be hidden</span>
<span>that must be inline-block</span>
<span>Cras dignissim cursus nibh. Curabitur.</span>
<span>In hac habitasse platea dictumst.</span>
var d = new Date(2011, 01, 07); // yyyy, mm-1, dd
var d = new Date(2011, 01, 07, 11, 05, 00); // yyyy, mm-1, dd, hh, mm, ss
var d = new Date("02/07/2011"); // "mm/dd/yyyy"
var d = new Date("02/07/2011 11:05:00"); // "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"
var d = new Date(1297076700000); // milliseconds
var d = new Date("Mon Feb 07 2011 11:05:00 GMT"); // ""Day Mon dd yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT/UTC
git clone $1 unique_local_name
cd unique_local_name
for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v master `; \
do git checkout --track $remote ; done
git remote add neworigin $2
git push --all neworigin
git push --tags neworigin
AshCoolman /
Last active September 8, 2015 09:52
Tell (Slack) webhook your last X commits
# Usage:
# ```
# $sh 2
# ```
# Creates slack message:
# ```
# Changes:
AshCoolman / angular 1.x module access from non-angular code.js
Last active October 27, 2015 16:36
Angular 1.x module access from non-angular code (e.g. console, react etc)
var getService = function (serviceName) {
return angular.element(document.body).injector().get(serviceName);
var getRootScope = function () {
return angular.element(document.body).scope().$root;
AshCoolman / babel es6
Last active November 28, 2015 17:48
Babel 6 es6 modules

Babel 6 es6 modules

Babel 6 was just released! This means that it might take some time for all possible integrations to upgrade. Make sure to check the compatibility of your chosen integration.

ES6 modules now need the following:

Added to package.json:

AshCoolman / is angular-new-router
Created January 15, 2016 16:17
is angular-new-router ready

Is angular-new-router ready?

Use in production?

  • Now: no
  • 3 months: probably not
  • 6 months: probably

Will it be in Beta?:

The unnoffical Babel 6 Babel 5 style legacy decorator plugin has a slightly different implementation of that actual Babel 5 decorator implementation.

What decorator support does Babel 5 and Babel 6 have?

...the intention is still for Babel 6 to implement the new proposal once it has been officially presented to TC39.

-source: loganfsmyth on Phabricator

So Babel 5 supported the old decorator spec, Babel 6 will support the new decorator spec - when the new spec is settled.

AshCoolman /
Last active July 12, 2016 13:18
Practical Slack: a 5 minute slack guide (paste in #general)

New to slack?

📣 Slack: The 5 minute guide

This is my quick-enough guide to give you a taste of the slack awesomeness, in a few minutes

Windows users: This is an OSX guide, on Windows replace with Ctrl

Why not just use Skype