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Created February 6, 2020 18:51
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What is one command that you'll incorporate into your daily workflow and why?

  • Definitely the rebase and blame commands. Rebase from what I just learned seems interesting to use and is a lot more cleaner, blame command because I would like to see who has made changes to see who may have broken something.

How does rebasing work compared to a merge workflow?

  • Rebasing adds your commits on top of the master and only adds those specific commits.

Why would we ever use git stash?

  • To stash information that we don't longer want or may want to access later.

What is the primary difference between git reset —soft and git reset —hard?

  • The difference between git reset —soft and git reset —hard are is that git reset —soft undos a commit to an extent and git reset —hard commits to a previous commit we want to commit to.
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