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Consuelo Sierra Asilo5

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Technical Section

  • What do we want to work on together for technical practice? Suggestions: group code challenges/project work/code reviews

    • Down to work on anything
    • Two code challenges a week and talk about it
  • How we will hold each other accountable to this technical work:

    • Reaching out over slack
  • Talk about it during stand ups

What is one command that you'll incorporate into your daily workflow and why?

  • Definitely the rebase and blame commands. Rebase from what I just learned seems interesting to use and is a lot more cleaner, blame command because I would like to see who has made changes to see who may have broken something.

How does rebasing work compared to a merge workflow?

  • Rebasing adds your commits on top of the master and only adds those specific commits.

Why would we ever use git stash?

In a few sentences, explain what the project was and the scope of your work. Imagine explaining your answer to a technical recruiter or a developer who you’d potentially be interviewing with who knows nothing about Turing.

  • Tantive is an application that allows a user to look for and favourite chracters from each specific movie of the Star Wars series. My partner and I made sure to use a project management tool, or an online organiser, to be able to equally split work so that we both had the chance to work on different parts of the page. I chose to make the form for the application, and in that form make sure that every thing was filled to be able to go to the movie page. I also wrote code that gets the data or information needed for each movie and character, and built the favouriting of characters so that when a user wants to save a favourite character to view later they can and if they want to delete it from the characters they can as well.

What is your approach to working on a team?

  • My approach of w

What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

  • Concentrate more on functionality than styling the page.
  • We both want to be able to understand and implement OOP. Understanding the connection between classes.
  • As well as implementing more ES6 What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
  • We both agreed on dividing-and-conquering with an agile workflow. How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?
  • We agreed on keeping communication for in-person and slack. How would you describe your work style?
  • Kayla and Amanda, prefers agile work style.

I practiced telling my story to Julian my cohort mate. I still feel like I need a lot of practice because I stutter a bit and I go too fast.

I would like to accomplish being a better story teller, since it will be something i would be doing in meetups and interviews.

I think checking in with people that have already heard my story before and telling them again will be helpful in letting me know if I progressed.

I believe it is achievable, it is just more practice and growth in self confidence.

Why you want to connect with this person and what you want to talk about
I plan to connect with my cousins wife, Kathy, who also recently went through a coding bootcamp in Spain and is now working as a front-end dev.
When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet
I have contacted her already
What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them
I hope to visit soon, both her and I are inspiring the rest of the family to apply to coding bootcamps and get into tech.
What other steps will you take to start building a stronger network in the tech community?

I am Amanda Sierra Lopez. I am an adventurous, determined, open-minded woman. I was born in Venezuela, when I was 7 my mom and I moved to California for a better life. When I was 20, I moved to Europe and lived in London, UK, Berlin, Germany, and Deventer, Netherlands. During my time in Europe I travelled often around Europe, but also around Asia and South America. During my time in Europe I found my interest in coding and self taught myself html and css.

Coming to Turing was something unexpected. Before Turing I was starting off a bachelors degree in Software Engineering in the Netherlands but quickly realised that I was not happy with the schools structured and felt that I had not learned nothing at all. At the time i had been speaking to a friend that was a Turing alumni, Amanda Tjan. Talking to her convinced me to apply to Turing.

Asilo5 /
Last active June 5, 2019 20:38
Agile & Feedback Reflection

Agile & Feedback Reflection

  1. What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects?
  • Waterfall can be time consuming and expensive when using it for projects. Agile is better in the way that you can find out early enough through the process when to stop and rethink where the project stands and how to better it.
  1. How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?
  • We worked together and apart and used the project folder in our github to check off what needed to be done first and chose together who would take over what part of the project;

Looking Front-End Developer

Hello there! Are you a creative, adventurous, hard-working Front-End Dev?

We are a fun diverse company in southern California that concentrates in not only creating great website, but making sure our developers have a secure, financially stable, full of travel life. We pride ourselves in our diversity and on how we help our employees grow in their career fields by investing in them by paying for their training and education in a field related to tech along should they want to expand their expertise.

What we look for in our employees are:

  • Enthusiasam for learning and growth.
  • Risk takers willing to try new ideas.


Functional Expectations

  • Novice: Application meets all of the expectations of phase one.
  • Advanced Beginner: Application meets all of the expectations of phase two.
  • Proficient: Application meets all of the expectations of phase three.
  • Exceptional: Application adds three or more of the extensions from phase four.