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Created December 13, 2019 01:38
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In a few sentences, explain what the project was and the scope of your work. Imagine explaining your answer to a technical recruiter or a developer who you’d potentially be interviewing with who knows nothing about Turing.

  • Tantive is an application that allows a user to look for and favourite chracters from each specific movie of the Star Wars series. My partner and I made sure to use a project management tool, or an online organiser, to be able to equally split work so that we both had the chance to work on different parts of the page. I chose to make the form for the application, and in that form make sure that every thing was filled to be able to go to the movie page. I also wrote code that gets the data or information needed for each movie and character, and built the favouriting of characters so that when a user wants to save a favourite character to view later they can and if they want to delete it from the characters they can as well.

What is your approach to working on a team?

  • My approach of working on a team, at least at Turing, to split work as equally as possible because we want to make sure to be able to learn from each part of the project. I also enjoy concentrating at one part of the project at a time, finishing it, then moving forward.

You can’t work out how to solve a coding problem. What do you do to find the answer?

  • This morning I had a technical screening where I had some challenges in solving some of the problems. What I did to find the answer was to firstly create a repl so I could work on it more thoroughly and also used a lot of MDN docs and googled to try to find ways in which I could solve the problem. Each problem had a 30 min limit so I had to be fast to figure out the answer, and I did. Thanks, Google.

What is one personal/professional takeaway from this project?

  • We worked seperately during the whole project, there were no times where we had to pair, and even it was my partners second time building a React app she did really great. And We worked really well working on separate components and goals. It was very refreshing to be able to work together but apart on the same project and have great communication and at the end a pretty well functioning project.
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